2024-2025 / YSTG9028-1

Internship in paediatric speech therapy


Internship support seminar


Internship : 250h Internship
Internship support seminar : 20h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in speech and language therapy, professional focus in communication and disability18 crédits 
 Master en logopédie, à finalité spécialisée18 crédits 
 Master in speech and language therapy, professional focus in neuropsychology of language and verbal learning disorders18 crédits 
 Master in speech and language therapy, professional focus in voice18 crédits 


Internship : Christelle Maillart
Internship support seminar : Christelle Maillart

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

See the commitments of each party (Placement in pediatric speech therapy and placement support seminars)


The developmental speech therapy placement is the first long practical placement for students studying for the Master's Degree in Speech and Language Therapy. Its purpose is to ensure the clinical application, in a professional environment, of the course material taught at the University of Liège in the field of developmental speech therapy. Students must do their placement with a placement supervisor who is external to the teaching team.

Internship support seminar

The placement support seminars (PSS) are based on complex situations students have encountered during their main placement. They focus on the students' reflection on their clinical work, collaboration with their peers to identify areas for further study, as well as the comparison of opinions on aspects concerning relationships and ethics associated with the practice of speech and language therapy.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

See the commitments of each party (Placement in pediatric speech therapy and placement support seminars)


The placement objectives are determined according to ULg's speech and language therapy competency framework. The placement is essentially aimed at the development of three clinical competences in students: assess, treat and assist a patient with a problem that falls under the scope of speech and language therapy. The placement also deals with the horizontal competences of collaboration, communication, professionalism, erudition. Within this scope, the justification of the clinical actions proposed by the student, based on scientific literature, and the development of appropriate professional attitudes, are the essential competences to be achieved by the end of the placement.

The levels expected by the end of the placement are explained in the assessment grid given to students and their placement supervisor at the beginning of the year.

Internship support seminar

The PSS help students to
1) Present relevant elements of a complex situation that they encountered during their professional practice to their peers;
2) Question their practice and take into account the opinions of their peers;
3) Adopt an reflective approach, integrating the different pillars of Evidence-Based Practice, to improve the quality of their professional practice;
4) Collaborate with their peers and contribute to group discussions;
5) Integrate the ethical aspect of the professional practice of speech and language therapy.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

See the commitments of each party (Placement in pediatric speech therapy and placement support seminars)


To be accepted for the placement YSTG9028,  student must be able to demonstrate his command of the entire bachelor "Speech therapy orientation". The internship is therefore not accessible to students with residual bachelor's credits.

Note: for students who access the Master in speech therapy, via additional credits, with a prior diploma in psychology, they must demonstrate the following skills:
- regarding the assessment: identify the stages of an assessment procedure; gather information and results related to speech and language therapy; correct and interpret the results of an assessment; take decisions that are well-argued and justified in relation to the assessment, all within the areas of language (YSTG9026-1; LOGO1151) and numerical development (PSY1120);
- regarding treatment: analyse the stages of a support procedure and the professional attitudes required, including knowledge of the problems and treatments in the areas of oral language (LOGO0008) and written language.



Planned learning activities and teaching methods

See the commitments of each party (Placement in pediatric speech therapy and placement support seminars)


The placement will consist of providing care for children with developmental problems regarding oral language, written language and/or numeracy. This placement will be supported and supervised by a speech and language therapy placement supervisor, suggested by the teaching staff. At the beginning of the placement, the placement supervisor and the student will get in touch with each other regarding the supervision that will take place. The purpose of the supervision is to allow the student to gradually transition from an observer to a semi-autonomous player.

Internship support seminar

Students are organised into subgroups (between 10 and 12 students) for the PSS. During each PSS, the session begins with the presentation of an ethics vignette by a pair of students. Afterwards, each of these two students presents a complex situation encountered during their main placement. The instructions for this presentation are announced during the first session of the PSS. After each presentation, students are given time to discuss and share with the other students. Every session is led by a member of the teaching team (for aspects regarding content).

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

See the commitments of each party (Placement in pediatric speech therapy and placement support seminars)


Face-to-face course

Additional information:


Internship support seminar

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Blended learning

Additional information:

Attendance is compulsory. Organisation of the sessions is planned by the member of the teaching team. They take place during the second semester.

Students will be asked to submit a piece of work in case of absence, even if they have a medical certificate. This piece of work will depend on the contents of the missed session. Furthermore, students who miss a session once without justification will have two points deducted from their PSS grade. Students who are absent more than once without any justification will be given a fail.

Recommended or required readings

Informations about placement and placement support seminars are available on ecampus/blackboard.

Internship support seminar

Informations about placement support seminars are available on ecampus/blackboard.

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

See the commitments of each party (Placement in pediatric speech therapy and placement support seminars)


Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Additional information:

The final mark for the placement is based on (1) the placement supervisor's assessment and (2) the placement notebook completed by the student and evaluated by the teaching team, as well as (3) an oral defense of the student, in front of the teaching team, on the content of his internship notebook. The assessment criteria for the placement and the placement notebook are sent to the student before the placement. Students must pass each of these parts to obtain an overall pass for the placement. If this is the case, the final mark for the placement will be divided as follows: 50% for the placement supervisor's assessment and 50% for the placement notebook/oral defense. If the student fails one of the parts, the final mark for the placement will be the mark of the failed part.

Remark concerning spelling: command of the French language is one of the basic competences in order to work as a speech and language therapist. As such, if the placement notebook contains more than 10 spelling mistakes (usage and/or agreements) during the first exam session, students will receive a fail for the first exam session and they will have to submit it again during the second exam session. If the placement notebook is submitted during the second session and contains more than 10 spelling mistakes, two points will be deducted from the final mark for the placement.

Remark concerning the placement notebook: students must respect the deadline for the regular updating of the placement notebook, namely at least once a week for the duration of the placement. Trainees are expected to submit a minimum number of proofs in the course book at the end of the course. This number is determined by the teaching team and will be communicated to the trainees at the beginning of the course. A significant discrepancy between the number of proofs expected and the number of proofs provided will result in a failing grade.

Internship support seminar

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Additional information:

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

The assessment is based on the quality of
1) The presentation of the ethics vignette;
2) The presentation of the complex situation encountered during the placement (integration of the different pillars of EBP); 3) Participation in the group discussions.

The Placement Support Seminar is linked to the placement. As a result, students who fail their placement and start it again the following year, will also have to attend a new PSS cycle at the same time. In the same way, the student who fails the SAS will get a failing grade on the overall internship grade.

Work placement(s)

The teaching team allocates the location of the placement.


The teaching team allocates the location of the placement.

Organizational remarks

See the commitments of each party (Placement in pediatric speech therapy and placement support seminars)


- The placement regulations for the Faculty of Psychology, Speech and Language Therapy, and Education are applicable.

- Before beginning their placement, students must fill in the placement registration form and hand it in to the beadle's office, and hand in the placement agreement to the teaching team.

- Students must respect the code of ethics for European speech and language therapists in relation to patients, their family circle and the professionals with whom they will work.

- No 2nd session is organized in case of failure in the assessment of the internship supervisor in the 1st session.

Internship support seminar

Students must respect the code of ethics of European speech and language therapists during the presentation of the complex situation they encountered during their placement.


Pr. Christelle MAILLART

Sandrine LEROY, assistante :


Pr. Christelle Maillart

Sandrine LEROY, assistante :

Internship support seminar

Pr. Christelle MAILLART

Sandrine LEROY, assistante :

Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online


Items online