2024-2025 / YMEM0005-1

Final thesis, part 2


Number of credits

 Master in psychology, professional focus in cognitive and behavioural neuroscience20 crédits 
 Master in psychology, professional focus in clinical psychology20 crédits 
 Master in psychology, professional focus in social, occupational and organizational psychology20 crédits 
 Master in psychology, professional focus20 crédits 




Steve Majerus

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

A master thesis is a work of research conducted under the terms that apply to scientific research and/or a critical and in-depth summary of the literature. It is backed up by the production of a written document.

A research-type dissertation includes at least an introduction, a review of the relevant literature related to the chosen subject, the formulation of one or several theories and/or questions, the description of the methodology used and, the description of the data obtained, an interpretation of the data (or a combination of data/interpretations where case analyses are concerned), discussion of these, a conclusion shedding light on the main facts established, possibilities, a table of contents as well as the list of references quoted and appendices. The dissertation also makes a significant contribution to the resolution of a theoretical question or a practical problem.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The objective in completing a dissertation is to inform the author about the principles of scientific research and verify his or her capacity to study a relevant question relating to the Psychology Sciences, Education Sciences or Logopedics. A dissertation is a personal and original work (See Point 5 of Règlement facultaire pour le mémoire des masters en Sciences psychologiques, en Logopédie et en Sciences de l'éducation et and additionnal institutional information  available from the faculty website) by the student enabling him or her to demonstrate his or her capacity to study a question with tools whose validity are recognized by the scientific community and to make a presentation on this question in written and oral form.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

  • Choice of subject
It is up to the student to inform his or her self for the completion of the dissertation. In order to do this, the different units of the faculty organize information sessions and/or publish the topics that can form the basis of a dissertation on the faculty website or their own site.
Some units suggest very structured subjects with objectives and methodologies that are already partly determined; other units suggest to students that they define the topic of the thesis together. If a student wishes to have the possibility of suggesting a subject that is of particular interest to him or her, this subject must be in-keeping with the competence and resources of the supervising faculty unit. Finally therefore, the choice of subject involves a negotiation between the student and the chosen instigator.
  • Supervision of the dissertation
In order to complete a dissertation, the student is supervised by a sponsor who advises him or her and supervises his or her work for the duration of the dissertation and helps him or her to find the Common thread from the resource persons. The help given by the sponsor and the resource people may not go so far as to serve as a partial or entire substitute for the student's work. It is up to the student to regularly inform the sponsor of the state of progress of his or her research or reflections. The sponsor will suggest an agreement relative to the completion of a dissertation defining the use of the data that may be contained in the dissertation.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Rules for the master thesis in Psychology Sciences, Logopedics and Education Sciences are available on the faculty website.
Rules relating to the completion of a dissertation: available on the faculty intranet after completion of the online form.
Plagiarism : see Point 5 of Règlement facultaire pour le mémoire des masters en Sciences psychologiques, en Logopédie et en Sciences de l'éducation et and additionnal institutional information  available from the faculty website.

Any session :

- In-person

oral exam

- Remote

oral exam

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred in-person

Additional information:

The dissertation work includes:
- The production of a written personal and original document;
- An oral defense lasting a maximum of one hour (including the deliberation of the panel), during which the student will have to orally present his or her work in 15 to 20 minutes and then answer questions from the members of the panel.
A scale representing the elements for the assessment of the written work is specified in the rules on master's dissertations for Psychology Sciences, Logopedics and Education Sciences.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Confirmation for the choice of topic for the master thesis must be made by the 15th of December of the academic year of its realization through the online form available from the intranet faculty website (Enseignement / Remplir la fiche de mon mémoire de master) (See Point 2 of Règlement facultaire pour le mémoire des masters en sciences psychologiques, en Logopédie et en sciences de l'éducation).
Submission of the dissertation must be made in accordance with the Règlement facultaire pour le mémoire des masters en sciences psychologiques, en Logopédie et en sciences de l'éducation. The precise dates will be mentioned in the faculty schedule available on the faculty intranet.
When the master thesis implies data collection in human subjects, approval must be introduced to the Ethics committee according to the calendar and modalities settled in the Règlement facultaire pour le mémoire des masters en sciences psychologiques, en Logopédie et en sciences de l'éducation.


Administrative supervision: Master's supervisors: Magda Thunus (04/366.20.26 or Magda.Thunus@ulg.ac.be).
Scientific supervision: all lecturers in the masters' courses of Psychology Sciences, Education Sciences and Logopedics.

Association of one or more MOOCs