2024-2025 / VTFE0005-1

Thesis (8 weeks)


320h Pers. Res.

Number of credits

 Veterinary surgeon15 crédits 


Luc Grobet

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Paragraph 126 of the "décret paysage" of the Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles states: "All University study programmes leading to a graduate degree must comprise a Final Degree Work (FDW) accounting for 15 to 30 credits. This FDW concerns any teaching activity, including training, practical and other professional-learning activities, to emphasize the following qualities of the students: autonomy, criticism, personal qualities and professional competences. The FDW comprises at least a written manuscript which, with ageements of the jury members and academic authorities, can be written in a foreign language".

All information regarding the organization and the realisation of the FDW the presentation and the explanation of the evaluation criteria, the recommandations to the authors,
different email contact addresses and the deadlines to send the documents are present on the website of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (URL: FMV - TFE (uliege.be)).

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The general objectives of the Final Degree Work (FDW) are part of a double context
The preliminary works of the Faculty Commission allowed to identify 6 competencies the students should acquire during their studies. The FDW can contribute to two of them, the first being to develop the expertise allowing an efficient professional practice and adaptation to its constant evolution, the second the ability to establish professional relationships with the various contacts.
The first one aims at training the students to a continuous professional development process and to incite them to scientificaly contribute to the advancement of the veterinary science and practice, and to make them aware of research methodologies and evidence-based medicine, keeping a critical mind.   
The second one aims at appropriately communicating by writing in a complete, clear, exact and synthetic manner, but also orally  with customers, colleagues, authorities and other collaborators. 
As more specific objectives, the FDW should contribute to teach the future practioner to :

  • define a subject or a question related to the veterinary practice or research which should be relevant, original, interesting and prone to be developped ;
  • critically and scientifically analyse, develop and solve the abovementioned question ;
  • Write  synthetically and in a structured way the collected informations ;
  • work autonomously, interact in an adapted manner with the promoter, and request for help if necessary
  • orally present and argue on the work

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The co- and prerequisite teaching units are detailed in the courses program

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The planned learning activities may slightly differ depending on the topics and the teaching environment, but essentially consist in (i) meetings and seminars to define the topic, report on the work progress and improve or reorientate it if useful or necessary, (ii) individual work consisting in collecting, analysing and criticizing information related to the topic and from varying sources, but ultimately from the scientific literature, (iii) experimental research, clinical cases analysis, or other activities in direct connection with the topic, (iv) critical analysis and written presentation of  the results on a synthetic, exact and scientific way, (v) oral presentation and argumentation of the results face-to-face to a jury.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

The FDW is performed over a one-year period. 
The mode of delivery is a combination of face-to-face and individual or distance learning, according to the learning activities as mentioned at the above paragraph.

The guidelines for performing the TFE, as well as the learning objectives are described in the FDW guide hosted on the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine intranet site (URL: FMV - TFE (uliege.be)).

Scientific literature related to the chosen topic. The lecture notes common to all FDW consist of the FDW guide available on the Faculty's web site and some additional informations on e-campus.

The assessment procedure must be continuous and coherent. The assessment procedure must first be formative (i.e. it must guide the student to the level of excellence) and certificative (with a note), to attest the quality of the work. A table aiming at helping the tutors in their evaluation is proposed as an annex in the guide du TFE

Work placement(s)

There is no requirement for a work placement, but the final study stage work placement could be the basis of the FDW, eventually under the form of a portfolio.

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

All organisational informations are indicated in the « guide du TFE » and « Calendrier du TFE » available on the Faculty Web site (URL: FMV - TFE (uliege.be) ).


- Coordinator: Prof. Luc Grobet. Tel: 04/366 4080. email: Lgrobet@uliege.be
- Bibliographic research and interpretation: Dr Sandrina Vandenput. Tel: 04/366 4194. email: S.Vandenput@uliege.be
- Administration contact: Mrs Alison Thibodaux. Tel: 04/366 44 56. email: Alison.Thibodaux@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online
