2024-2025 / VETE2114-1

Histology of domestic animals III & IV

part III

part IV


part III : 26h Th, 24h Pr
part IV : 16h Th, 24h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in veterinary medicine9 crédits 


part III : Nadine Antoine, Vinciane Toppets
part IV : Nadine Antoine, Vinciane Toppets


Nadine Antoine

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

part III

The course of special histology of domestic animals aims at describing the various healthy organs of the animal organism. Functions of any organs depend on the properties of constitutive tissues. The organs are integrated in systems ensuring the good functions of the organism.
Lymphoid, digestive, liver and pancreas and reproductive systems will be studied during this partim

part IV

The course of special histology of domestic animals aims at describing the various healthy organs of the animal organism. Functions of any organs depend on the properties of constitutive tissues. The organs are integrated in systems ensuring the good functions of the organism.
 Respiratory, urinary, endocrine, nervous and cutaneous systems, sense organs and the ossification processes will be studied during this partim.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

part III

The objective of the theoretic course is to teach the students the morphological and functional features of the different organs according to the studied species.
Starting from a pure descriptive approach the student will have to be able to establish a relationship between the examined morphology and the function of the cell, the tissue and mainly the organ being studied.
Soft skills
The opportunity of observing virtual histological preparations on eCampus offer the possibility to the students to work in groups, exchange different point of view, acquire critical spirit, and stimulate mutual aid.

part IV

The objective of the theoretic course is to teach the students the morphological and functional features of the different organs according to the studied species.
Starting from a pure descriptive approach the student will have to be able to establish a relationship between the examined morphology and the function of the cell, the tissue and mainly the organ being studied.
Soft skills
The opportunity of observing virtual histological preparations on eCampus offer the possibility to the students to work in groups, exchange different point of view, acquire critical spirit, and stimulate mutual aid.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

part III

Prerequisite knowledge
General histology notions (Bloc2)

part IV

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Bloc2 General Histology notions

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

part III

At the end of the practical work sessions, the student will be able to identify and describe, on histological preparations of the various healthy organs studied during the theory classes, the cellular morphology, tissue organisation, location of these various tissues and their interrelationships within the organs, whatever the histological stain used. He/she will also be able to establish the relationships between the histological/cytological structures observed and their functions.

These sessions are designed to prepare the student for the practical work in Systemic Pathology in Master 2.


Students must pass a pre-requisite test with a mark of 70/100 in order to be admitted to the first practical session. This test is available online on eCampus (formative tests compulsory).

The practical sessions are divided into 3 thematic weeks in Q1 and 3 weeks in Q2:

Q1 - Week 1: Lymphoid system
Q1- Week 2: Digestive system
Q1- Week 3: Adjacent glands of the digestive system, male and female genital systems.

Each week comprises 4 sessions in Q1

The first two sessions of the week in Q1 are online: A learning path including digitised histological slides, as well as videos explaining the subject and practical work aids are accessible in the EU eCampus space. A formative test must be passed at the end of each online session with a minimum mark of 14/20. This mark is a prerequisite for access to the next session, including the face-to-face sessions. The 2 online sessions must be validated no later than 11am on the day of session 3. Failure to validate one of these sessions by the deadline will result in the student being deemed absent from that session and denied access to the face-to-face sessions.

Sessions 3 and 4 take place face-to-face in the microscopy room. Session 3 consists of a question-and-answer session on the material covered in the distance learning session, followed by an exercise in identifying histological and cellular structures under the light microscope, supervised by assistants and student monitors. Session 4 is an active review of the material covered during the week in the form of an oral examination situation (identification, description, structure-function relationships, link with theoretical material), supervised by Professor Antoine and his assistants. Students will be given a general assessment and feedback.

Completion of the online sessions, validated by a formative test (minimum 14/20), and attendance at the face-to-face sessions are compulsory for all students, including students repeating the UE.

Any absence or lateness for face-to-face sessions must be justified before the start of the practical session by telephone/email sent to the assistants (Contact: 04/366.40.81-82-85); marine .levoz@uliege.be, vtoppets@uliege.be)

Students who fail to validate online sessions within the allotted time (considered as an absence), as well as any unjustified absence or lateness for face-to-face sessions, will be penalised. A student who has two absences that are not justified by a valid medical certificate will be refused access to the Histology examination in June.

part IV

At the end of the practical work sessions (TP), the student will be able to identify and describe, on histological preparations of the various healthy organs discussed during the theoretical courses, cell morphology, tissue organization, the location of these different tissues and their interrelationships within the organs, regardless of the histological staining used. He/she will also be able to discuss the relationships between the observed histological/cytological structures and their functions.

These practical work sessions are intended to prepare the student for the practical work sessions in Systemic Pathology given during the second year of master.


Passing a pre-requisite test with a score of 70/100 gives access to the first session of practical work. This test is available online on eCampus (compulsory formative tests).

The practical work sessions are divided into 3 thematic weeks in Q2

  • Q2 - Week 1: Skin, respiratory and urinary systems
  • Q2 - Week 2: Prerequisite bone tissue, osteo-articular, nervous, endocrine systems and sensory organs.
  • Q2 - week 3: Preparatory exercises for the oral exam (only 2 sessions).
Each week has 4 sessions in Q1 and 5 sessions in Q2 (except week 3 of Q2):

The first three sessions of the week during Q2 are organized remotely (online):

Digitized histological slides, as well as explanatory videos of the subject and practical work supports are accessible in eCampus. A formative test must be validated at the end of each online session with a minimum score of 14/20. This result conditions access to the next session, including face-to-face (on-site) sessions. Both online sessions must be validated no later than 11 a.m. on the day of the third session. In the event of non-validation of one of these sessions within the imposed deadlines, the student will be considered absent and will be refused access to face-to-face (on-site) sessions.

The third and fourth sessions take place face-to-face (on-site) in the microscopy room. Session 3 consists of a "question-and-answer" part on the material seen from a distance, followed by a part "exercises for the identification of histological and cellular structures under an optical microscope" supervised by the assistants and student monitors. Session 4 is an active rehearsal of the subject seen during the week in the form of a formative oral exam scenario (identification, description, structure-function relationships, link with the theoretical material), under the supervision of Professor Antoine and his assistants. A general appreciation as well as feedback will be given to the questioned students.

The completion of online sessions, validated by a formative test (with a minimum score of 14/20), as well as attendance at face-to-face (on-site) sessions are compulsory for all students, including repeating students.

Any absence or delay in the face-to-face (on-site) sessions must be justified before the start of the practical work by telephone/email sent to the assistants (Contact: 04/366.40.81 or 82 or 85; marine.levoz@uliege.be, vtoppets@uliege.be, axel.dubois@uliege.be).

The non-validation of the online sessions within the time limits (considered as an absence) as well as any unjustified absence or delay in the face-to-face (on-site) sessions will be sanctioned. A student with two absences not justified by a valid medical certificate will be refused access to the exam.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

part III

Blended learning

Additional information:

Face to face for lessons.

Hybrid for practicals.

part IV

Face to face

part III

A syllabus of the theoretic course, a textbook for the practical work and an atlas of histology on paper are available at the "Office des cours".Slides exposed during theoritical courses are posted on e-campus.
A histology atlas on CD-Rom realized on the basis of the preparations analyzed throughout the year is also available at the same office. This atlas can be easily installed on the student's personal computer or on the computers of the multimedia room.
Reference books: Applied veterinary histology - William Banks- third edition-1993 Mosby.
Internet sites: http://www.medvet.umontreal.ca/histologie http://www.chups.jussieu.fr/polys/histo http://www.udel.edu/Biology/Wags/histopage/histopage.htm

part IV

A syllabus of the theoretic course, a textbook for the practical work and an atlas of histology on paper are available at the "Office des cours".The slides exposed during the theoritical course are posted on e-campus.
A histology atlas on CD-Rom realized on the basis of the preparations analyzed throughout the year is also available at the same office. This atlas can be easily installed on the student's personal computer or on the computers of the multimedia room.
Reference books: Applied veterinary histology - William Banks- third edition-1993 Mosby.
Internet sites: http://www.medvet.umontreal.ca/histologie http://www.chups.jussieu.fr/polys/histo http://www.udel.edu/Biology/Wags/histopage/histopage.htm

part III

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Additional information:

The assessment will include an exam in January.

Midterm exam (January):

It's a written examination (QROL, QROC, schedules....) concerning the theoretical subject. This exam counts for 35% of the final score (June). In case of failure, the student will not be allowed to pass again this exam in June.

There will not be any exam about practical works in January.

September's exams:

In case of failure in June (score  under 10), the student will be invited to pass an oral exam on the theoretical and practical subjects of the two sessions


The distribution of points is as follows: 2 QROLs to be discussed orally (60%), 2 written QROCs (10%), 3 histological slides to be discussed during the practical course (30%).

part IV

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Additional information:

June's exams:

The theoretical exam is an oral exam including an "open question" and a QROC on the theoretical subject of the Q2 (partim IV). This exam counts for 30 % of the final score.

The practical examination is an oral examination. The student will have to recognise cells, tissues and organs on 3 histological preparations (1 from part III, 1 from part IV and a "mystery" slide) and identify the species concerned where appropriate. However, students must be able to relate their theoretical knowledge to their practical experience. Recognition of organs alone is not synonymous with success. The student must demonstrate a reasoned and structured knowledge of the subject. The mark obtained in the practical examination accounts for 30% of the final mark.

The written examination in January also accounts for 35% of the final mark.

The student must obtain a minimum score of7/20 for the theretical exam and a minimum of 7/20. If not, only the lowest score will be taken into account and become the score of the UE

August' exams:
In the event of failure in June (grade less than 10/20), the student will sit all of the year's theoretical and practical material (Q1+Q2) in the second session. The practical and theory exams are oral exams. The theory exam consists of two general open questions and two QROCs. The practical examination consists of the recoannaissance and analysis of 3 histological slides (1 from part III, 1 from part IV and a "mystery" slide).

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


part III

Professor N.Antoine

Phone number:+32.4.366.40.81

Email: nadine.antoine@uliege.be


Assistant lecturers

Vinciane Toppets : vtoppets@uliege.be

Levoz Marine : Marine.Levoz@uliege.be

Vandenhove Benoit : B.Vandenhove@uliege.be

Phone number:+32/4/366.40.82


part IV

Professor N.Antoine

Phone number:+32/4/366.40.81

Email: nadine.antoine@uliege.be


Assistant lecturers

Vinciane Toppets: vtoppets@uliege.be

Marine Levoz: marine.levoz@uliege.be

Benoit Vandenhove: B.Vandenhove@uliege.be

Phone number:+32/4/366.40.82

Association of one or more MOOCs