2024-2025 / VETE2103-1

Pets physiology II


30h Th, 12h Pr, 6h Mon. WS

Number of credits

 Bachelor in veterinary medicine5 crédits 


Thomas Marichal, Irène Tosi


Thomas Marichal

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The course of Physiologie II includes the following contents :

  • Respiratory physiology
  • Cardiovascular physiology,
  • Homeostasis (acid-base balance)
  • Exercise physiology.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The objective of these lectures is to describe the functioning of the different systems of the body, taking into account the peculiarities of the different species of domestic animals.
At the end of this teaching unit, the student should be able to:
- understand how the architecture of the lung serves its function (structure-function relationship);
- understand how the gases arrive in the alveoli (ventilation), cross the alveolar-capillary wall (diffusion) and are exchanged with the circulatory system (perfusion);
- understand how the harmonization of ventilation and perfusion determines gas exchange (ventilation / perfusion ratio);
- understand how gases move from the lung to the tissues and vice versa (peripheral gas transport);
- understand how air enters and leaves the lung and how the lung supports and moves (notions of ventilatory mechanics);
- understand how gas exchange meet physiological needs (ventilation control);
- understand the transition from plancental breathing to pulmonary breathing;
- describe the different elements of blood
- define, measure and interpret the hematocrit,
- differentiate between regenerative and non-regenerative anemias,
- understand mechanical and electrical cardiac activities,
- define the concepts of pre- and post-load,
- understand the principles of electrocardiography and describe and interpret an electrocardiogram
- identify physiological and pathological sounds on auscultation
- relate physiological noises to cardiac mechanical events
- understand the concepts of pulsometry and take the pulse
- understand how cardiac activity meets physiological needs,
- understand the concepts of hemodynamics (pressure, flow, resistance, compliance)
- know the characteristics of the different circulations
- understand the local regulation of blood flow and general blood pressure
- address the physiological aspects of vascular shock,
- understand cardio-respiratory adaptations to effort
- describe, interpret, and distinguish between description and interpretation i) of (patho) physiological situations applied to veterinary medicine; ii) graphs illustrating (patho) physiological processes.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The entire curriculum has close interactions with many other teaching units (biochemistry, histology, anatomy, immunology). The prerequisites and co-requisites for physiology can be viewed in the "Course program" section of the FMV website.
On the other hand, physiology constitutes a necessary basis for many Masters courses in Veterinary Medicine, for example pathophysiology, semiology, medical pathology and pharmacotherapy.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Practical and supervised work is organized in the form of seminars, interactive tutorials, as well as practical exercises, demonstrations and functional investigations on domestic animals. As far as possible, they are given after theoretical lessons. These activities require the acquisition of the corresponding theoretical material as well as preparation through online sessions on eCampus (www.ecampus.uliege.be). A preparation check will be carried out (see evaluation methods).

Participation in practical and supervised work is compulsory. A stethoscope, overalls (preferably) or a clean apron and boots are mandatory for attending the practical work. In addition, a name badge must be worn to facilitate interactions with the teaching staff. Biosecurity and safety rules, especially for handling animals, must be strictly observed. Regulations on presence, biosecurity and security are published on eCampus, on the course site VETE-2103 (www.ecampus.uliege.be). The student MUST read this document before their first practical work of the year and will sign a document attesting to this knowledge at their very first physiology work session.

Students who repeat the course for the first time are exempt from practical activities, provided that they have followed all the activities planned within the framework of this UE at ULiège and that they have met all the requirements for TP/TDs. The repeating student can nevertheless attend the practical and supervised sessions on a voluntary basis, provided they make a request by email (tp-physio@uliege.be) at the start of the term. 

ATTENTION : students repeating for the second time or more must follow the practical activities again - it is mandatory.

Whether or not the repeating student has been exempted from practical activities, he is likely to have questions about the subjects of the practical activities during the overall assessment of the EU.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Under the GREEN Covid-19 color code, courses are given on-site. The time schedules of the theoretical and practical teachings are available on the valves and on the website of the faculty. Any change is announced orally and on the university portal.

The manuscripts and notes are available at the "Office des Cours de la Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire" (Bât. B42).
The reference books are the following:
-"Cunningham's Textbook of Veterinary Physiology, 5th Edition" edited in 2013 by J. Cunningham in W.B. Saunders Company. 
- Guyton and Hall, "Textbook of Medical  Physiology"
- Silverthorn, "Human Physiology, an integrated approach"
- Sherwood, "Physiologie humaine". 

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

Additional information:

Practical work:
The students are questioned during the practical sessions. At the start of the sessions, the students are questioned orally to check their level of preparation (for some sessions the list of questions likely to be asked can be found on eCampus, chapter "preparation of practicals"). The final evaluation of the practical and supervised work will consist of a written evaluation confirming the acquisition and understanding of the material of the practical and supervised sessions and which will be organized at the end of the activities. The result obtained will impact the final score. As a reminder, the details of the rules concerning attendance, questions, behavior, safety and biosecurity that prevail during practical work can be viewed on eCampus. Finally, students who have missed one or more practical work sessions and / or tutorials, without justifications and without retaking, are not admitted to the exam. They will be notified by email of their situation.
Overall evaluation of the Physiology II course:
It takes place in June, in the form of a written exam comprising multiple-choice questions as well as open-ended questions to be completed within 150 minutes. The questions are identical for all the students of the same session and concern all the subjects presented during the theoretical course and the practical and supervised work. The main objective of the assessment is to test the student's level of understanding. Answering the questions therefore requires some reflection and the integration of the different parts of the course.
The final mark is a global and indivisible mark. A score <10/20 leads the student to have to represent all the subjects of the EU in the second session.
The evaluation methods for the second session are similar to those for the first session. However, the holder of the EU reserves the right to question the students during an oral exam if the number of students allows it in the second session.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Prof. Thomas Marichal, DVM, PhD E-mail: t.marichal@uliege.be Tel: +32 (0) 4 / 366 4037 ou 9555
Prof. Tatiana Art E-mail : tatiana.art@uliege.be Phone: 04/366.40.55 Fax :    04/366.29.35
Assistant contact for TPs/TDs (schedule, absence, ...):  Carine Gatez E-mail: carine.gatez@uliege.be Phone: 04/366.41.67 Fax :    04/366.29.35

Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online

You will find printable version of the course.