2024-2025 / VETE2094-1

Equine clinic module

Surgery, orthopaedics, anesthesia and ophtalmology of equines

Internal medicine, sports medicine and reproduction of equines

Personal work and practical works

On-call duties


Surgery, orthopaedics, anesthesia and ophtalmology of equines : 175h Clin.
Internal medicine, sports medicine and reproduction of equines : 145h Clin.
Personal work and practical works : 20h Clin.
On-call duties : 180h Clin.

Number of credits

 Veterinary surgeon22 crédits 


Surgery, orthopaedics, anesthesia and ophtalmology of equines : Geoffroy de la Rebière de Pouyade, Sigrid Grulke, N..., Alexandra Salciccia, Charlotte Sandersen
Internal medicine, sports medicine and reproduction of equines : Hélène Amory, Carlota Cesarini Latorre, Stefan Deleuze, Jérôme Ponthier, Irène Tosi
Personal work and practical works : Jean-François Cabaraux, Audrey Fraipont, Jérôme Ponthier, Irène Tosi
On-call duties : Hélène Amory, Carlota Cesarini Latorre, Geoffroy de la Rebière de Pouyade, Stefan Deleuze, Audrey Fraipont, Sigrid Grulke, N..., Jérôme Ponthier, Alexandra Salciccia, Charlotte Sandersen


Surgery, orthopaedics, anesthesia and ophtalmology of equines : Aurélie Sauvage


Sigrid Grulke

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

See french version

Surgery, orthopaedics, anesthesia and ophtalmology of equines

cf complete course

Internal medicine, sports medicine and reproduction of equines

cf complete course

Personal work and practical works

cf complete course

On-call duties

cf complete course

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

See french version

Surgery, orthopaedics, anesthesia and ophtalmology of equines

cf complete course

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

See french version

Surgery, orthopaedics, anesthesia and ophtalmology of equines

Knowledge of anatomy, clinical anatomy, physiology, propedeutic's, pharmacoloty, anaesthesiology, general medicine and surgery as well as equine medicine.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods


During the clinical rotation of this teaching unit, various learning activities are organized to permit students to obtain clinical skills listed in the section "Master 2: equine clinic" of the Log book of clinical skills. This list is available on e-campus, course VETE2094-4 "Log book of Master". The student has to validate (signature by a professor, assistant, intern) each of the skills in the electronic version of the log book when performed.

Furthermore, during the clinical rotation the student has to ask the electronic validation of  clinical cases (2nd part of the log book of master: file with all the clinical cases followed during the clinical rotations under the supervision of a membre of the faculty). This file will be compiled during the masters in the course VETE2099 Intégration des compétences.

A "clinical skill" can only be validated if performed correctly and actively under the direct supervision of a qualified member of the staff (professor, assistant, resident, intern or technician according to the skill). Only assisting to a seminar or practical exercice is not sufficient.

A "clinical case" can only be validated if the student has participated actively to the exam (case history, clinical and special exam, necropsy, complimentary exam and discussed with a staff member about the differential diagnosis and/or the treatment. Only doeing a general exam or giving a medication is not sufficient.

Surgery, orthopaedics, anesthesia and ophtalmology of equines

Clinical activity.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to face

Surgery, orthopaedics, anesthesia and ophtalmology of equines


Surgery, orthopaedics, anesthesia and ophtalmology of equines

cf complete course

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Additional information:

See french version

Surgery, orthopaedics, anesthesia and ophtalmology of equines

cf complete course

Work placement(s)

Surgery, orthopaedics, anesthesia and ophtalmology of equines

Not applicable

Organizational remarks

All information about the organization of the clinical activities can be found on e-campus on the course VETE2094-A-a, section "Informations pratiques clinique équine".


In case of absence to a mandatory clinical activity, please inform via e-mail the office of equine department (aurelie.englebert@uliege.be) or via phone (04/366.41.03).  

Surgery, orthopaedics, anesthesia and ophtalmology of equines

cf e-campus info pratiques Module clinique des équidés, Gardes, 160h Clin. VETE2094-D-a


See french version

Surgery, orthopaedics, anesthesia and ophtalmology of equines

Sigrid Grulke (sgrulke@uliege.be)

Association of one or more MOOCs