2024-2025 / VETE2090-1

Controlling the food chain


40h Clin.

Number of credits

 Veterinary surgeon2 crédits 


Antoine Clinquart, Georges Daube, Véronique Delcenserie, Caroline Douny, Nicolas Korsak Koulagenko, Marie-Louise Scippo


Nicolas Korsak Koulagenko

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

This clinic will allow students to use techniques for controlling food safety and quality management systems. These procedures are those used in the field by inspection and certification professionals in the food industry.

After a few reminders of the theoretical and legal principles of inspection and certification, the student will be put in a situation, and this, by a sector approach. He will have to prepare his own inspection tools (checklists, guidelines, etc.) and be critical in relation to his observations in the field and in relation to the standards applicable and applied by the competent authorities during official controls.

All sectors of the food chain will be targeted by this clinic: primary production, processing and distribution.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

By the end of this course, the student will have learned the essential difference between official federal inspection and certification by an OCI (Inspection and Certification Body). He will understand that the inspection is not limited only to the expertise of slaughter animals at the slaughterhouse but is part of a much larger context. It will integrate the food safety chain approach, being convinced that quality and safety must already be implemented at the stage of primary production. It will include the concept of the food chain and that of official controls and controls delegated to third parties.

The student will develop his sense of observation and his critical mind. He will understand the importance of veterinarians in the management of food quality and safety.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Prerequisite : VETE2089-1 - Paracliniques en sciences des denrées alimentaires, 2 sem. VETE2083-1 - Gestion de la santé des animaux de production monogastriques VETE2078-1 - Gestion de la santé et des productions des ruminants VETE2072-1 - Gestion de la qualité et de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments Corequisite : VETE2092-1 - Imagerie médicale des animaux domestiques VETE2091-1 - Autopsie des animaux domestiques

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Monday: Theoretical reminder for the entire group, preparation for visits and inspection of a ULiège cafeteria or restaurant

Tuesday: company visits to the primary production sector. Some students will conduct an audit at FEPEX.

Wednesday: activities in the processing sector at ULg (inspection of the experimental pilot unit or a virtual processing company based on video and documentary supports)

Thursday: Visits to companies or operators in the distribution sector.

Friday: preparation of the debriefing by the students in the morning; presentation of inspection and audit reports by students to the teaching staff (from the Food Science Department) in the afternoon.

The organization of the week may change depending on public holidays. The practical arrangements are detailed on e-campus and will also be explained on Monday of each week.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

40h of face-to-face practicals (with 16h on the field, in food companies)

cf. e-campus

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

Individual assessment during the Friday afternoon debriefing (presentation structure, critical thinking, integration, ability to summarize, spelling, scientific knowledge, ability to popularize science ...)

Individual assessments during the week (interpersonal skills, motivation, respect for controllers, ethics, politeness as well as compliance with instructions and biosecurity)

Group evaluation during the week on the basis of work submitted and questionnaires.

No plagiarism will be tolerated during the week. If a finding of plagiarism is observed, a grade of 0/20 will be awarded to the offending student.

For students having a 2nd session, the possibility exists to ask them for a written assignment (to be presented during a debriefing session) in addition to the inspections to be carried out in primary production and distribution.



In the event of absence from one or more days of the clinic, the student must necessarily recover the missed day (s). He must notify the assistant BEFORE the planned activities.

For students whose absence is justified (eg: medical certificate), it is possible for them to follow certain activities of the clinic via Teams. It must be manifested in advance to the responsible assistants.

The student must, before the end of the clinic week, provide a copy of the certificate or any other proof of his absence to the food science secretariat. No catch-up will be allowed without a supporting document presented on time.

In the event of an unjustified absence of at least one day, the student will receive a grade of 0/20 for the clinical week. He will therefore have to present the clinic in the second session.

For any delay, the student must apologize and justify it to the supervisors and the final grade for the week will be adjusted as follows:

For any delay: reduction of -2 points (/20) on the final grade of the week
If an unjustified delay of more than 15 minutes is observed, the student will not be able to access the activity.
For 2 late arrivals (or more): late arrivals will be considered as an unjustified absence, the final mark for the inspection week will be reduced to 0/20 and activities will be postponed to the second session.


Any breach of established instructions, in educational commitments, in the confidentiality contract or in terms of biosecurity OBSERVED DURING AN ACTIVITY OR A VISIT (e.g.: during visits with the AFSCA) will result in a CATEGORICAL REFUSAL to participate to the activity concerned for the student(s) concerned. The activity will then be automatically postponed to the second session.
Any breach of established instructions, in educational commitments, in the confidentiality contract or in terms of biosecurity, OBSERVED DURING AN ACTIVITY OR A VISIT will involve immediate dismissal of the activity AND will result in a rating of 0/20 on the final grade of the week. The activity will then be automatically postponed to the second session and may be accompanied by additional work to be completed.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

THE PRESENCE OF STUDENTS AT THE CLINICAL MODULE IS MANDATORY AND ATTENDANCE IS SYSTEMATIC. Information relating to the organization of the clinic is available on the FMV website and on e-campus.

Access to the clinic will only be possible after having signed the confidentiality contract as well as the internal regulations.

Students must bring their PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) which will be provided on Monday of the week. Boots and overalls must be impeccably clean.

In the event of absence from one or more paraclinic days, the student must make up the missed day(s). He must notify the assistant BEFORE the planned activities. Any justified absence (and considered as such by supervisors) must be made up during the same academic year.

The student must, before the end of the clinical week, provide a copy of the certificate or any other attestation justifying their absence to the food sciences secretariat. No make-up will be permitted without a supporting document presented on time. For certificates (medical, death of a family member, incapacity, etc.), the original is provided to the FMV general student secretariat, with a copy sent to the Science Department secretariat. foodstuffs.

In the event of an unexcused absence of at least one day, the student will receive a grade of 0/20 for the clinical week. He will therefore have to present the clinic in the second session.

For any delay, the student must apologize and justify it to the supervisors and the final grade for the week will be adjusted as follows:

For any unjustified delay: reduction of -2 points (/20) on the final grade for the week.
If an unjustified delay of more than 15 minutes is observed, the student will not be able to access the activity.
For 2 unjustified late arrivals (or more): the late arrivals will be considered as an unjustified absence, the final grade for the week will be reduced to 0/20 and the activities will be postponed to the second session.
The department declines all responsibility in the event of theft, loss or damage caused to student objects during practical work. A response time of 24 to 48 hours should be taken into consideration for any email sent to assistants or professors (only emails sent by the ULiège institutional address will be taken into account). In addition, emails are not collected during weekends.

Students are asked to be proactive and only use their institutional email addresses. They should regularly check their emails for any information related to the clinic. Supervisors will only communicate information via official channels.

Please bring your laptop if you have one.

For any further information, please contact:

- Christine BAL, department secretary, christine.bal@uliege.be

- Gabrielle DERMUL, assistant, gabrielle.dermul@uliege.be

- Nicolas Korsak, Associated Professor, nkorsak@uliege.be




. Dr Nicolas Korsak, in charge of teaching Université de Liège, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Département des sciences des denrées alimentaires, Bld de Colonster, 20. Sart-Tilman B43bis, Liège, Belgique tel : +32-4-366 45 19 (40 40) fax : +32-4-366 40 44 E-mail : nkorsak@uliege.be website : https://www.dda.uliege.be

* Dr Gabrielle Dermul, assistent Université de Liège, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Département des sciences des denrées alimentaires, Bld de Colonster, 20. Sart-Tilman B43bis, Liège, Belgique tel : +32-4-366 40 40  E-mail : pauline.bondue@uliege.be website : https://www.dda.uliege.be

* Mrs Christine Bal, secretary Université de Liège, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Département des sciences des denrées alimentaires, Bld de Colonster, 20. Sart-Tilman B43bis, Liège, Belgique tel : +32-4-366 40 40 fax : +32-4-366 40 44 E-mail : Christine.bal@uliege.be website : https://www.dda.uliege.be

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