2024-2025 / VETE2086-1

Clinic for pets, 6 weeks

Practical work and Skill Lab on domestic animals

Consultations and practical work on domestic animals

Anaesthesia and surgery on domestic animals

Intensive care, on-call duty and emergency treatment of domestic animals

Hospitalisation and out-patient treatment of domestic animals (Fondation Prince Laurent)


Practical work and Skill Lab on domestic animals : 17,5h Clin.
Consultations and practical work on domestic animals : 35h Clin.
Anaesthesia and surgery on domestic animals : 17,5h Clin.
Intensive care, on-call duty and emergency treatment of domestic animals : 35h Clin.
Hospitalisation and out-patient treatment of domestic animals (Fondation Prince Laurent) : 17,5h Clin.

Number of credits

 Veterinary surgeon4 crédits 


Practical work and Skill Lab on domestic animals : Frédéric Billen, Stefan Deleuze, Annick Hamaide, Anne-Christine Merveille, N..., Stéphanie Noël, Charlotte Sandersen
Consultations and practical work on domestic animals : Frédéric Billen, Stefan Deleuze, Annick Hamaide, Anne-Christine Merveille, N..., Stéphanie Noël, Dominique Peeters, Elodie Roels
Anaesthesia and surgery on domestic animals : Stefan Deleuze, Annick Hamaide, N..., Stéphanie Noël, Charlotte Sandersen, Alexandru-Cosmin Tutunaru
Intensive care, on-call duty and emergency treatment of domestic animals : Kris Gommeren
Hospitalisation and out-patient treatment of domestic animals (Fondation Prince Laurent) : Frédéric Billen, Stefan Deleuze, Annick Hamaide, Anne-Christine Merveille, N..., Stéphanie Noël, Dominique Peeters, Elodie Roels


Practical work and Skill Lab on domestic animals : Gaëtan Doppagne
Consultations and practical work on domestic animals : Stéphanie Noël, Aurélie Sauvage, Caroline Léonard, Pascale Dufour, Frédéric Billen, Bernard Bouvy
Anaesthesia and surgery on domestic animals : Bernard Bouvy, Stéphanie Noël, Aurélie Sauvage
Hospitalisation and out-patient treatment of domestic animals (Fondation Prince Laurent) : Frédéric Billen, Aurélie Sauvage, Elodie Roels, Bernard Bouvy, Stéphanie Noël


Stéphanie Noël

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The aim of this clinical training is to reinforce the basics and knowledge of companion animal medicine and to initiate students to the management of clinical cases within the CVU Companion Animals. This reinforcement is made possible on the one hand by more frequent practical and technical application of the theoretical content, and on the other hand by stimulating a more reflective approach to the student's activity, through frequent contact with the supervisors during the practical work and Skill Lab activities and during clinical activities within the CVU.

The clinical activities take place in a 6-week carousel: AC TP/Skill Lab, AC Consultations/TP, AC Consultations, AC Anaesthesia/Surgery, AC Hospitalization/Prince Laurent Foundation, AC ICU/Guard/Urgences.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Practical work and Skill Lab on domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Consultations and practical work on domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Anaesthesia and surgery on domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Intensive care, on-call duty and emergency treatment of domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1


Hospitalisation and out-patient treatment of domestic animals (Fondation Prince Laurent)


See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The organisation of the Pet Clinic aims to :
- to put into practice the theory seen during the teaching units relating to the different disciplines of companion animal medicine through different practical work activities and Skill Labs which will cover the fields of internal medicine, surgery, zoological medicine, reproduction and anaesthesiology.
- to develop the student's autonomy in the management of consultations in both companion animals and zoological medicine, to develop a critical mind with regard to the cases encountered and to learn to communicate in a professional manner.
- to teach the student to understand the management of an anaesthetised patient, to prepare a patient for surgery, to participate in the operation and in the cleaning and sterilisation of surgical equipment.
- To develop the student's autonomy in the management of primary medical and surgical cases seen at the Prince Laurent Foundation or hospitalized at the CVU AC.
- To enable students to participate in the reflection on the management and care of complex cases encountered in intensive care and to learn to work in an on-call situation and in an emergency department.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Practical work and Skill Lab on domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Consultations and practical work on domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1


Anaesthesia and surgery on domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Intensive care, on-call duty and emergency treatment of domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Hospitalisation and out-patient treatment of domestic animals (Fondation Prince Laurent)

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

All theoretical and practical courses in clinical and paraclinical disciplines related to the species concerned by the option are essential prerequisites.

Practical work and Skill Lab on domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Consultations and practical work on domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Anaesthesia and surgery on domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Intensive care, on-call duty and emergency treatment of domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Hospitalisation and out-patient treatment of domestic animals (Fondation Prince Laurent)

  • See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The learning activities of the clinical training take place over 6 weeks: AC TP/Skill Lab, AC Consultations/TP, AC Consultations, AC Anaesthesia/Surgery, AC Hospitalization/Prince Laurent Foundation, AC ICU/Guard/Urgences.

Specific information for each clinic week can be found in the ROI (Rules of Procedure) available on e-campus.

During the clinical rotations, various learning activities are organised to enable students to acquire the clinical skills* listed in the VETE2086 section of the Clinical Skills Log Book. Each student must have each of these competences validated (signed by an authorised teacher) in the electronic version of the log book as they are achieved.

In addition, as the student completes his/her clinical rotations, he/she will have the clinical cases** that he/she has followed validated electronically in his/her faculty clinical case book (part 2 of the master's log book: book listing the clinical cases followed by the student during his/her master's degree under the supervision of a faculty member). These clinical cases will be counted at the end of the Master 3 in the framework of the UE VETE-2099 Integration of competences (M3).

* By validated clinical competence, we mean a competence of the Log Book that will have been correctly and autonomously performed under the direct supervision of a member of the clinical team (intern, assistant, resident, scientific collaborator, professor or technician). The simple fact of attending a clinical procedure does not therefore allow the validation of the skills taught therein.

*A validated clinical case is one in which the student has actively participated, i.e. a case in which the student has taken or inquired about the history, performed a clinical examination (general and/or special examination) or an autopsy, and about which he/she has discussed with a teacher (professor, assistant, scientific collaborator or intern), for example by proposing a differential diagnosis, complementary examinations or a therapeutic plan. Participating in a clinical round, performing a technical procedure or applying a treatment to a clinical case does not make the case valid.

Practical work and Skill Lab on domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Consultations and practical work on domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Anaesthesia and surgery on domestic animals


Intensive care, on-call duty and emergency treatment of domestic animals


See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1


Hospitalisation and out-patient treatment of domestic animals (Fondation Prince Laurent)

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Practical work and Skill Lab on domestic animals

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Consultations and practical work on domestic animals

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Anaesthesia and surgery on domestic animals


Intensive care, on-call duty and emergency treatment of domestic animals

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Hospitalisation and out-patient treatment of domestic animals (Fondation Prince Laurent)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Practical work and Skill Lab on domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Consultations and practical work on domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Anaesthesia and surgery on domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Intensive care, on-call duty and emergency treatment of domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Hospitalisation and out-patient treatment of domestic animals (Fondation Prince Laurent)

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Assessment methods and criteria

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

Failure to validate 89% of the competences in section VETE2086-1 (28 competences out of 32) of the clinical skills booklet will automatically result in a mark of absence for this UE.
Any unjustified absence from the clinic will result in a mark of absence for this unit. The student will be required to take a further week of clinic in the second session in the area(s) in which the absence occurred.

The students will be evaluated in a semi-quantitative and continuous way during the 6 weeks of the clinic, both in terms of their knowledge and their behaviour.

Practical work and Skill Lab on domestic animals

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Consultations and practical work on domestic animals

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Anaesthesia and surgery on domestic animals

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Intensive care, on-call duty and emergency treatment of domestic animals

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

See global VETE2086-1


Hospitalisation and out-patient treatment of domestic animals (Fondation Prince Laurent)

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Work placement(s)

Organizational remarks

Attendance to the companion animal internal medicine clinic is compulsory.
Any absence should be justified and communicated on the same day.

Medical certifications are required to justify an absence for medical reason and have to be transmitted to Lorena Macas (lmacas@uliege.be) within a week of the absence.

Practical work and Skill Lab on domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Consultations and practical work on domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Anaesthesia and surgery on domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Intensive care, on-call duty and emergency treatment of domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Hospitalisation and out-patient treatment of domestic animals (Fondation Prince Laurent)

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1


Secretariat: Lorena Macas

Coordinator: Dr Stéphanie Noël

Practical work and Skill Lab on domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Consultations and practical work on domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Anaesthesia and surgery on domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Intensive care, on-call duty and emergency treatment of domestic animals

See the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Hospitalisation and out-patient treatment of domestic animals (Fondation Prince Laurent)

the full educational commitment of VETE2086-1

Association of one or more MOOCs