2024-2025 / VETE2072-1

Quality and food sanitary safety management


64h Th, 12h Pcl Pr.

Number of credits

 Veterinary surgeon6 crédits 


Antoine Clinquart, Georges Daube, Véronique Delcenserie, Caroline Douny, Nicolas Korsak Koulagenko, Marie-Louise Scippo


Antoine Clinquart

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

0. General introduction of the teaching unit (1h, Antoine CLINQUART, coordinator)
I. Introduction to FOOD TECHNOLOGY (15h, Antoine CLINQUART) - Physical, chemical and biological modifications of food during storage; - Factors influencing food conservability + "Hurdle technology"; - Introduction to food preservation and stabilization techniques (cold hurdle, thermal treatments, salting, drying, fermentation, smoking, modified atmosphere packaging, irradiation, ...); - Introduction to fresh meat, meat preparations and meat products technology; - Introduction to milk and milk products technology; - Introduction to egg and egg products technology.
II. Introduction to FOOD SAFETY AND FOOD QUALITY MANAGEMENT (12h, Véronique DELCENSERIE) - Introduction to food hygiene and basis of its legislation; - Good hygiene and manufacturing practices in production, processing and distribution of food products; - HACCP principles (hazard analysis critical control points) needed for imlementing food safety autocontrol in agro-food industry. European and national regulations ; - Overview of different food safety management systems (BRC, IFS, SQF, ISO22000). Introduction to the principles of quality management applied to food industry (ISO9001). Signs of quality in the agro-food sector.
III. Introduction to FOOD QUALITY and SAFETY: CHEMICAL ASPECTS (10h, Marie-Louise SCIPPO) - General overview of principal chemical risks associated to food; - Analysis of the major constituents of meat; - Food additives; - Residues of antibiotics, anabolic hormones and other prohibited growth promoters; - Environmental contaminants (PCBs and dioxins); - Official control of residues and contaminants in EU; - Neoformed products; - Important parameters for analytical methods validation.
IV. Introduction to FOOD QUALITY and SAFETY: MICROBIOLOGICAL ASPECTS (10h, Georges DAUBE) - Main pathogenic agents transmitted by food: helminthes, protozoa, bacteria, viruses, mycotoxins, marine biotoxins, biogenic amines, non conventional transmissible agents; - Characteristics of the main bacteria responsible for toxi-infections of food origin; - Main microorganisms responsible for spoilage or used for food transformation or preservation; - Methods for microbiological quality control of food; - Notions of microbiological criteria applicable to foods and quantitative evaluation of microbiological risks.
V. MEAT INSPECTION and introduction to INSPECTION SYSTEMS IN THE FOOD CHAIN (12h, Nicolas KORSAK) - General Introduction; - The slaughtering process of domestic ungulates (beef and pork) and poultry slaughtering techniques; - Inspection of domestic ungulates: definitions, short repetition of some anatomy notions, macroscopic differentiations, techniques for inspection of domestic ungulates (general principles, ante-mortem inspection, post-mortem inspection, complementary examination, health marks, condemnation reasons); - Inspection of other species (poultry, rabbit, wild game, fish).

PRACTICAL part  See Planned learning activities and teaching methods section here under.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The main objectives of the course are: - to make you aware of the key role that you can play in the field of public health, more particularly through food safety management; - to give you the basic tools to be able to play this role.   By the end of the course, you will be able to: - understand the main technological processes used in the food industry: role, risks and management; - understand the basic principles of food quality and safety  control; - understand the legal requirements enjoined to the operators in the agrifood sector; - understand the existing control measures (Good Hygiene and Good Manufacturing Practices, HACCP plan, food safety and food quality management) to minimize or prevent contamination and deterioration of food, in order to protect consumer health; - master the main biological, chemical and physical hazards to manage in the food chain and the analytical methods allowing their assessment; - be able to analyze and complete an existing HACCP plan.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Be high on curiosity. You will discover a less known facet of the veterinary profession.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The activities are separated into 64h theoretical course and 12h practical works (= "TPPC")

The theoretical courses are organized in amphitheatre (face to face). For more information, see the section "Course Content" here above. The course schedule is available on CELCAT.

The practical works are organized through 3 sessions of 3h intra muros TPPC (demos and exercices in the laboratory and in an experimental unit of food processing) and one 3h extra muros TPPC session (visit of an agro-food industrial site: bovine slaughterhouse, meat cutting plant, meat preparations and meat products plants).

The practical works cover the whole theoretical part of the course, except meat inspection and HACCP implementation which will be specifically realized in the bloc 2 of the 2nd cycle of the curriculum (course VETE2089-1).

Before to be admitted to the visit of the agro-food industrial site, the student has, one week before the activity at the latest, to watch a video on pig slaughtering and validated the test related to this video (video and questionnaire are available on e-Campus platform).

The student must have signed the contract « Engagement de l'étudiant, contrat, obligations, règlement d'ordre intérieur » of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Otherwise, the student will be not admitted to the practical works. Furthermore, the student may not directly contact the agri-food companies in which the visits are organised, nor the competent authorities (at federal, regional and/or local level). Any deviation from these rules will be considered an offence and penalised.

The practical information concerning the practical works (including the schedule and access to the industrial agro-food site and to the labs) is available on the Faculty Intranet Website (Intranet : section Course schedule).

The attendance at the practical works is mandatory, except for students who validated this practical works during a previous academic year. Justification of any absence has to be sent to the secretary of the Department of Food Science (DDA) before the end of the week. A new date has to be fixed for regularisation. The regularisation can't be hold until the justification has been received by the DDA. If the absence is not regularized, an "A" (for Absent) score is attributed for the examination at the end of the quadrimester.


Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

See section "Learning activities and teaching methods".
Theoretical course and practical works are given in French.

Reference documents: The course slideshows (+ podcasts when available), the reference texts and the videos (test to be validated before the extra muros practical activity) are available on the e-Campus plateform.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

- Remote

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

Additional information:

The students are submitted to evaluation during the practical works (TPPC). The result of this evaluation is not included in the final score but, if it is insufficient, the student has to attend practical works again during the 2nd session (or the next academic year); in this case, the practical organisation of these works could be different. It has to be noted that the content of the practical works can be the subject of questions in the final examination.

The final examination (written test) contains MCQ. The final score is a global score given collegially by the co-teachers of the present learning unit, after concertation. This score is not issued from the mean of partial scores and is indivisible. When this final score is not validated during the 1st session, the student has to represent during the 2nd session all the tests of the present learning unit, except the practical works if the score previously obtained for this activity during the current academic year was satisfactory.

As far as possible, the written examination will be organized face-to-face in the form of a MCQ with certainty coefficients, containing 60 MCQ questions covering all 5 parts of the course, to be completed in 2h30 maximum. A feedback will be transmitted individually to each student via the SMART, after the proclamation.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Teachers: Antoine CLINQUART (teaching unit coordinator), Georges DAUBE, Véronique DELCENSERIE, Caroline DOUNY (practical works coordination), Nicolas KORSAK, Marie-Louise SCIPPO

Assistants and collaborators (Practical works): Irma GONZA, Coralie LAGAMME, Sarah LEBRUN, Elisa MARTINEZ, Raphaëlle MINUTILLO

Administrative Secretary Office: Christine BAL

E-mail: dda@uliege.be

Phone: +32 (0)4 366 40 40

Association of one or more MOOCs