2024-2025 / VETE2065-1

Veterinary pharmacology

Part 1

Part 2


Part 1 : 54h Th
Part 2 : 10h Th, 21h Pcl Pr.

Number of credits

 Veterinary surgeon8 crédits 


Part 1 : N...
Part 2 : N...


Part 1 : Yassine Mallem, Vanessa Louzier, Mathieu Magnin, Fanny Storck, Alain Bousquet-Mélou
Part 2 : Antoine Rostang


Thomas Marichal

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

VETE 2065-A-a et VETE 2065-B-a

Pharmacokinetics, sometimes abbreviated as PK  is a branch of pharmacology dedicated to determining the fate of substances administered externally to a living organism. The substances of interest include pharmaceutical agents and toxins (xenobiotics). It attempts to discover the fate of a drug from the moment that it is administered up to the point at which it is completely eliminated from the body. Pharmacokinetics describes how the body affects a specific drug after administration through the mechanisms of absorption and distribution, as well as the chemical changes of the substance in the body and the effects and routes of excretion of the metabolites of the drug.  Pharmacokinetics is studied in conjunction with pharmacodynamics i.e. the study of a drug's pharmacological effect on the body.  The properties of the main pharmacological groups are studied before integration into the pharmacotherapeutic approach. The  properties of drugs are related to their potential therapeutical use taking into account the safety for target species, consumers and environnement. The concept of the quality of the drugs is considered in the context of the current legal framework. Public health and environmental problems are also discussed. The therapeutic approach is integrated into a context of socio-professional skills developed through an extensive survey of veterinarians (Vandeweerd et al, 2014). The most diverse professional situations are grouped into 13 families. Knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to make optimal decision are identified and listed in a chronological order corresponding to the sequence of decision-making (Vandeweerd et al., 2012). This reference to the most common professionnal situations allows a progressive construction of the therapeutic decision as practiced by veterinarians, since the beginning of the management of the case until its monitoring.
Competency framework: which format for which target. Vandeweerd JM., Cambier C., Romainville M., Perrenoud P., Desbrosse F., Dugdale A., Gustin P. J. Vet. Med. Education. 41(1): 27-36, 2014.
Understanding veterinary practitioners' decision-making process: implications for veterinary medical education. Vandeweerd JM., Vandeweerd S., Gustin C., Keesemaecker G., Cambier C., Clegg P., Saegerman C., Reda A., Perrenoud P., Gustin P. J Vet Med Education. 39, 142-151, 2012.

Part 1

See VETE2065-1

Part 2

See VETE2065-1

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The student will be able to use drugs rationally in a scientific, clinical and legal context, taking into account animal health, public health and the environment.

For more details:

Acquis d'apprentissage,
Moyens pédagogiques,
Modalités d'évaluation."


Part 1

At the end of this first part, the student will know the basic concepts of fundamental pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics as well as the pharmacological properties of active compounds.
Given the scope of the theoretical training and the need for co-requirements programmed throughout the first master to understand and integrate the theoretical notions, the theoretical courses (CT) will be scheduled during the first two semesters (Q1-Q2) with  maximum  10h CT during Q2. This distribution, indicated in the courses timetable, takes into account organizational aspects, which change each year.
This knowledge (knowledge) is essential prerequisite for therapeutic decision-making (know-how). Many examples of rational use of drugs as they may arise in the most emblematic professional situations that a general veterinarian may encounter are discussed on the forum and in debriefing sessions.

Part 2

Knowledge: basic knowledge in pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, pharmacological properties of active compounds classified in main pharmacological groups.

The student will be able to use drugs rationally in a scientific, clinical and legal context, taking into account animal health, public health and the environment.
For more details:
"FORMATION EN PHARMACOTHERAPIE VETERINAIRE:  Acquis d'apprentissage, Moyens pédagogiques, Modalités d'évaluation."

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Prerequisites: basic scientific matters especially biochemistry, physiology, immunology, bacteriology, virology, biology...

Co-requisites:  general pathology

Part 1

see VETE2065-1

Part 2

see VETE2065-1

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Theoretical courses - Q1 and Q2

Theoretical courses, given in auditoriums during Q1 and Q2, aim to put in place the essential knowledge to be mastered in order to approach pharmacotherapy, the basics of which are covered from the first master's degree. Videos are put online to allow a review of the theoretical parts of the course.

Each volume ends with a MCQ of knowledge and simple situations, proposed to test the level of mastery of the subject. The number of attempts is unlimited.

Hours scheduled in the course program are devoted to the writing of an optional written work, individual or group, in order to provide students with the opportunity to approach pharmacotherapy subjects in relation to their centers of interest.

Paraclinical practical work (TPPC) - Q2

Conditions of access: to have validated the multiple choice questions associated with the theoretical courses. An absence resulting from non-validation of these MCQs will automatically be unjustified with no possibility of making up for it.

The methods used are based on a PBL approach. Students are trained to make pharmacotherapeutical decisions  based on background and foreground.

With the exception of repeating students, attendance at the first four TPPC sessions is compulsory and essential to be admitted to the exams. It is up to the students to inquire about their schedules, to justify their possible absence (s) and to search, with the trainers, alternative solutions. No seminar will be organized between the two sessions. A refusal of admission in the first session therefore automatically implies a refusal in the second session.

Practical information relating to theoretical and practical lessons (part 1 and part 2: VETE2065Aa-Bb) is available via E.Campus (VETE2065Aa)

Part 1


Part 2


Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:


Theoretical lessons (64h):

- courses in amphitheater, supplemented by videos. For some parts of the course, the flipped classroom principle will be applied.

- optional written work

TPPC (21h) . Face-to-face and remotely (the practical details will be communicated in due time on E.Campus)

Part 1


Part 2


Recommended or required readings

Syllabi (in french): office des cours; on line version (e.campus)

Videos: E.Campus
Reference books :
Veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics, 8th edition, Adams. ISBN: 0-8138-1743-9

Lecture(s) obligatoire(s) : 

  • notes de cours  + vidéos (Ecampus)
  • Commentaires pharmacothérapeutiques (CBIP-vet)
  • Antibiothérapie: cf liste des lectures obligatoires et liens internet vers le site WEB du CBIP-vet dans le Tome 3):
  • AMM ou EBM? La place de l'AMM et de l'EBM dans la prise de décision pharmacothérapeutique. Folia Veterinaria . 15 Novembre 2011 
  • Frapper tôt, fort et longtemps : un vieux dogme de l'antibiothérapie revisité par les avancées scientifiques les plus récentes. Folia Veterinaria.  01 août 2012.
  • Les conséquences de la mise à jour des médicaments génériques sur la consommation des antibiotiques et l'émergence des résistances. Folia Veterinaria. 01 juin 2014.
  • Les codes de bonne pratique en antibiothérapie : des recettes à suivre ou une base de réflexion ? Folia Veterinaria. 15 mars 2015.
  • Les informations contenues dans les « Résumés des Caractéristiques des Produits » sont-elles toujours suffisantes pour le bon usage des antibiotiques?Folia Veterinaria. 15 décembre 2016.
  • Antibiotiques des 1er, 2ème et 3ème groupes. Antibiothérapie de 1ère , 2ème et de 3ème ligne. De quoi parlons-nous ? Comment prendre une décision pharmaco-thérapeutique ?Folia Veterinaria. 01 août 2016

Recommended readings

Antimicrobial therapy, Prescott and Baggot (ISBN: 0-8138-0779-4)
Principles of veterinary therapeutics, Jones and Starmer (ISBN: 978-0-8128-0656-3)







Part 1

See VETE2065-1

Part 2

See VETE2065-1

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

To validate this UE (June or September), minimum skills (Level 1) including:

- a basic knowledge base (background) (Part A)

- the ability to justify the use of drugs in a simple clinical situation on the basis of background or bibliographic information provided at the time of the examination (Part B)

must be reached.

Higher skill levels (Levels 2-3; see introduction to the course and document entitled "Training in veterinary pharmacotherapy" "(e.campus)) can be validated, on an optional basis. These skills constitute a major advantage for developing those expected at the end of master 2 (VETE 3004-1).

Skill level 1

Written exam in Master 1 (QCM) (June sessions and second session). 

Subject: theoretical courses and TPPC 1-2-4-5

With regard to the minimum level of skills required, the mark obtained in the MCQ (sessions 1 (May-June (S1)) and 2 (August-September (S2)) will be reported in the final mark but capped at 12/20. grade attests to a sufficient level of mastery of this basic skill. This grade is therefore an essential prerequisite for the validation of the teaching unit. To increase the final grade, higher skill levels must be achieved.

Exemption exam optional


- organized during the last TPPC session (7)

- modalities: identical to those of the S1 and S2 sessions except for the number of questions

- exemption mark: =10/20

Skill levels 2 and 3 (Optional written work, individual or group)

Written, optional, individual or group work (maximum 2 students/group from the same clinical team; at the choice of the students) to be returned within 6 days of the TPPC 6 session. No lateness will be accepted. Specifications, an evaluation grid and a timetable will be provided in due course.

Information and supervision sessions are planned in the theoretical course timetable. TPPC 3 and 6 are devoted to periods of work supervision.

Weighting: Subject to the validation of competency 1, the mark will be integrated into the final mark (S1-S2) with a weighting of 40% (maximum: 8/20). If a student decides not to hand in their written work, a grade of 0 will be awarded.

The marks obtained for these optional works are taken into account for both sessions. They are automatically postponed to the following year for repeating students unless they decide to present new work for the new current year.




Part 1

see VETE2065-1

Part 2

see VETE2065-1

Work placement(s)

Organizational remarks


With the exception of repeating students, attendance at sessions 1-2-4-5 of the TPPC is compulsory and essential to be admitted to the exams. It is up to the students to find out about their schedules, to justify their absence(s). (s) possible and to seek during the year, with the trainers, solutions to remedy them. Two unjustified absences imply a refusal of admission to the exams. No remedial seminar will be organized between the two sessions. A refusal of admission in the first session therefore automatically implies a refusal in the second session. Refusals of admission will be notified by registered mail as soon as the second absence is observed.

Attendance at the first four TPPC sessions is compulsory to be admitted to the exams. A delay of more than 15 minutes will be considered as an absence. From 2 unjustified absences, access to exams will be refused.

An unjustified absence will be penalized by a penalty of 3 points / 20 on the final mark of the exams (sessions 1 and 2).

It is up to the students to justify their absence (s) as quickly as possible and to seek, with the trainers, subject to the validation of the reason for the absence, solutions to remedy it.

Supporting documents relating to absences must be sent as soon as possible by email (acfrancois@uliege.be or benoit.renaud@uliege depending on the supervisor concerned). They must also be submitted to the secretariat of the pharmacology service from the working day following resumption of activity. Beyond this period, the absence will be considered unjustified.

No remedial TPPC will be organized between the two sessions. A refusal of admission in the first session therefore automatically implies a refusal in the second session.


The answers to the MCQs will be posted on E.Campus.

The periods of consultation of the exam papers are communicated before the proclamations by the faculty administrative services. Practical details (remotely OR face-to-face) will be communicated at this time. Outside of these periods, no information will be transmitted. Any written or oral request sent out of time will not be followed up.

If the consultations are organized online, the exam copies can be sent electronically, on request (benoit.renaud@uliege.be), after signing a document available on E.Campus.

Part 1

see VETE2065-1

Part 2

see VETE2065-1


P. Gustin, E-mail : p.gustin@uliege.be Tél. : 04/ 366 41 75
P. Gustin, E-mail : p.gustin@uliege.be Tél. : 04/ 366 41 75

Part 1

P. Gustin, E-mail : p.gustin@uliege.be Tél. : 04/ 366 41 75

Part 2

P. Gustin, E-mail : p.gustin@uliege.be Tél. : 04/ 366 41 75

Association of one or more MOOCs