2024-2025 / VETE2063-1

Veterinary vaccionology, immunopathology


12h Th

Number of credits

 Veterinary surgeon1 crédit 


Alain Vanderplasschen

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The course is divided into three parts: History of vacinology-Reminders of Immunology, Passive Immunization and Vaccinology which constitutes the main part of the course.

This part will be tackled as follows. Firstly, history of vaccination will be exposed. Secondly, we will investigate the different objectives of vaccination. Then, the different families of vaccines will be described as well as their mode of action, the reasons of some failures, etc.. Finally, vaccination guidelines for the different species of domestic animals will be presented.


Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The main objective of this course is to allow future veterinarians to understand the mode of action of the vaccines that they will use and to be able to have their own scientific opinion about them.  

Prerequisite knowledge and skills


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

A paraclinic module on infectious diseases, immunology and vaccinology is organized (two weeks per student). During these weeks, the student will address vaccination protocols, diagnostic methods and the control of infectious diseases.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Lectures in auditorium

Powerpoint presentation available on MyULg and eCampus.    

Written exam with developped answers    

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course



Prof. Alain Vanderplasschen
E-mail: a.vdplasschen@uliege.be

Mobile: 0486/451353



Mme Christina Espert

Email: Christina.Espert@uliege.be

Tel: 04/3664263


Sophie Fourny
E-mail: Sophie.Fourny@uliege.be
Tel: 0478/811135

Association of one or more MOOCs