2024-2025 / VETE2061-1

Sémiologie des animaux de production


18h Th, 10,5h Clin. Pr.

Number of credits

 Veterinary surgeon3 crédits 


Martine Laitat, N..., Frédéric Rollin


Frédéric Rollin

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The course on semiology of production animals consists of the following chapters:

  • Immobilisation of ruminants
  • General examination of ruminants
  • Propaedeutics of the respiratory system of ruminants
  • Propaedeutics of the digestive system of ruminants
  • Propaedeutics of the musculoskeletal system of ruminants
  • Propaedeutics of the urinary system of ruminants
  • Clinical examinations of calves
  • Semiology of the reproductive organs of female ruminants
  • Analysis of oestrus and gestation in ruminants
  • Semiology of the reproductive organs of ruminants and examination of sperm
  • Semiology of the mammary gland. Individual approach.
  • Semiology of the obstetrics of ruminants
  • Basic ultrasound
  • Semiology of the porcine species including the expertise protocol for boars

The course on semiology of production animals consists of the following chapters:

  • Immobilisation of ruminants
  • General examination of ruminants
  • Propaedeutics of the respiratory system of ruminants
  • Propaedeutics of the digestive system of ruminants
  • Propaedeutics of the musculoskeletal system of ruminants
  • Propaedeutics of the urinary system of ruminants
  • Clinical examinations of calves
  • Semiology of the reproductive organs of female ruminants
  • Analysis of oestrus and gestation in ruminants
  • Semiology of the reproductive organs of ruminants and examination of sperm
  • Semiology of the mammary gland. Individual approach.
  • Semiology of the obstetrics of ruminants
  • Basic ultrasound
  • Semiology of the porcine species including the expertise protocol for boars

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The general objective of the course is to introduce students to methods of collecting abnormal clinical symptoms displayed by ruminants and pigs presenting any kind of illness in order to be able to determine the prognosis and clinical diagnosis.

The general objective of the course is to introduce students to methods of collecting abnormal clinical symptoms displayed by ruminants and pigs presenting any kind of illness in order to be able to determine the prognosis and clinical diagnosis.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Students are expected to have general knowledge of the content of classes taught in the 1st cycle.
More specifically, the classes taught as part of the course presupposing a good analytical knowledge of the structure and operation of a normal animal (physiology, embryology, anatomy (general and topographic), ethology and appreciation of ruminants and pigs).
It is with this aim that students are asked to revise the documents on anatomy, histology and physiology uploaded to the eCampus platform and to complete one of the formative knowledge tests related to them. These tests are available on the eCampus platform.

Students are expected to have general knowledge of the content of classes taught in the 1st cycle.

More specifically, the classes taught as part of the course presupposing a good analytical knowledge of the structure and operation of a normal animal (physiology, embryology, anatomy (general and topographic), ethology and appreciation of ruminants).

It is with this aim that students are asked to revise the documents on anatomy, histology and physiology uploaded to the eCampus platform and to complete one of the formative knowledge tests related to them. These tests are available on the eCampus platform.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Organisation and objectives:
8 practical work clinics (known as TPCs) are organised as part of this course, 7 relating to cattle (numbered BV1 to BV7) and 1 relating to pigs.
Other than the TPC BV2 which is carried out in Anatomy, they will take place at the experimental station of CareFepex for the cattle TPC. The meeting place is in front of the entrance to the courtyard to the CareFepex. The boar TPC will start in a meeting room adjacent to the porcine clinic (Rupo 2 room) situated in the courtyard of B42.
To take part in these TPCs, students must bring the following equipment and materials: clean overalls and boots, a name badge, a pen, a watch with a second hand, a thermometer, a stethoscope, a medical torch, a reflex hammer, and a plessimetric plate. Safety boots are highly recommended.
"Cattle" TPC:
One TPC is devoted to immobilising cattle and to the musculoskeletal system (BV1), one to the general examination of cattle (BV3), one to the examination of the respiratory system of cattle (BV4), one to the digestive system of cattle (BV6), one to the reproductive system of cattle in vitro (BV2), one to examination of the mammary gland and the reproductive system in vivo (BV5) and one to the lifecycle of a cow (BV7).
The specific objectives of each TPC are accessible on eCampus (Course in cattle medicine/Master 1). A graded assessment in the subject is organised before each TPC.
"Porcine" TPC: Equipment: clean overalls + pen + student card.
- A rollcall is systematic in the TPCs. Reasons for absence from a TPC must be communicated by email before the TPC takes place, and the time at which the email is sent will be noted. Any other absences will be considered to be unjustified unless there is a serious reason. Certificates (medical or other) justifying these absences must then be brought to the General Student Secretariat of the FMV. One copy must also be sent to the secretariat of the clinical department of production animals (Cattle TPC: marie.Delacroix@uliege.be. Boars TPC: porcine.fmv@uliege.be).
- In the event of late arrival (more than 15 minutes late) or if the student arrives without the necessary equipment, the student will be considered to be absent without justification from the TPC.
In the event of a justified absence, students can catch up the TPC they missed, with the secretariat of the DCP's agreement, as long is it is still organised.
An unjustified absence from a TPC will prevent the student from sitting the theory exam in the 1st session.
In the case of the Boar TPC, whether or not the absence is justified, any student who is absent must catch up the missing TPC.
Students must send an email to porcine.fmv@uliege.be in order to set a date for a catch-up session.
Unjustified absences will be taken into account during the assessment and discussions around it.
Warning: all TPCs are organised in the first term.
During the practical work for this learning unit, various learning activities will be organised to enable students to acquire certain clinical competences listed in the "Master 1: practical work on semiology of AC/production animals and general medicine (AC)" in the clinical competences logbook. This list is available on eCampus, course VETE000-4 "Master Logbook". Each student must attend the practical work with a paper version of this list and have each of the competences listed validated (signed by a professor, assistant, scientific collaborator or intern). At the end of the practical work sessions, when all the competences listed have been validated, students must submit their duly completed forms to the secretariat of the production animal clinic.

Organisation and objectives :

8 clinical practical exercises (TPC) are organized as part of this course, 7 relating to cattle (numbered BV1 to BV7) and 1 relating to the porcine species.

The specific objectives of each TPC are accessible on eCampus (Course in cattle medicine/Master 1). A graded assessment in the subject is organised before each TPC.

"Cattle" TPC:

A TPC is devoted to the restraint of cattle and the musculoskeletal system (BV1), one to the general examination of cattle (BV3), one to the examination of the respiratory system of cattle (BV4), one to the examination of the system digestive system of the bovine (BV6), one for the examination of the reproductive system of the bovine in vitro (BV2), one for the examination of the mammary gland and the reproductive system in vivo (BV5), and one for the analysis of the cycle of life of the high-producing dairy cow.

Apart from the TPC BV2 which is done in Anatomy, and the TPC BV7 which is done online on eCampus, TPs 1 and 3 to 6 are organized at the Care-Fepex experimental station. The meeting is at the entrance to the Care-Fepex courtyard.

To take part in these TPCs, students must bring the following equipment and materials: clean overalls and boots, a name badge, a pen, a watch with a second hand, a thermometer, a stethoscope, a medical torch, a reflex hammer, and a plessimetric plate. Safety boots are highly recommended.

"Porcine" TPC:

The boar TPC will start in a meeting room adjacent to the porcine clinic (Rupo 1 room) accessible from the courtyard of B42.

Equipment: pen + student card. No overall and no boots: overall and boots will be given in the faculty pig farm.

In case of absence to Boar TPC, whether or not the absence is justified, any student who is absent must catch up the missing TPC. Please send an e-mail to porcine.fmv@uliege.be to provide a copy of your medical certificate and to agree on another date.


- A rollcall is systematic in the TPCs. Reasons for absence from a TPC must be communicated by email before the TPC takes place, and the time at which the email is sent will be noted. Any other absences will be considered to be unjustified unless there is a serious reason. Certificates (medical or other) justifying these absences must then be brought to the General Student Secretariat of the FMV. One copy must also be sent to the secretariat of the clinical department of production animals (Cattle TPC: marie.Delacroix@uliege.be).

- In the event of late arrival (more than 15 minutes late) or if the student arrives without the necessary equipment, the student will be considered to be absent without justification from the TPC.

In the event of a justified absence, students can catch up the TPC they missed, with the secretariat of the DCP's agreement, as long is it is still organised.

An unjustified absence from a TPC will prevent the student from sitting the theory exam in the 1st session.

Unjustified absences will be taken into account during the assessment and discussions around it.

Warning: Please note, all of these TPCs are organized in the first term and certain TPs may only be accessible for a limited period (TPC BV7).

Log Book : see French part

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

The 18 hours of theory are given in the first term.
The course is given face-to-face. Any changes to the timetable will be notified by the teacher via the CelCat calendar.
Important: access to the eCampus platform implies that the student is enrolled at the University of Liège.

The 18 hours of theory are given in the first term.
The course is given face-to-face. Any changes to the timetable will be notified by the teacher via the CelCat calendar.
Important: access to the eCampus platform implies that the student is enrolled at the University of Liège.

Recommended or required readings

Available at the Course Office and on eCampus.
Videos of TPC BV1, 3, 4 and 6 are available on eCampus.
TPC Boars: to prepare for the TPC, consult the website http://www.ammv.ulg.ac.be/TP_verrat/
Notes from the TPC Boars (6 pages) and the pork semiology are available on MyULg and eCampus.

Available at the Course Office and on eCampus.

Videos of TPC BV1, 3, 4 and 6 are available on eCampus.

The website "Protocole d'expertise du verrat" is available via https://www.fmv-porcs.uliege.be/TPverrat/

Notes from the TPC Boar (6 pages) and the notes concerning the lecture Semiology of swine are available on eCampus.

Assessment methods and criteria

Formative assessment
For the TPC Cattle, formative tests are accessible on eCampus.
Assessment of theoretical teaching
The semiology of production animals' course is the subject of a single written exam organised in January 2020 in the form of open questions with short or long answers and multiple-choice questions and general implicit solutions 6 and 7.
Assessment of practical work
An assessment of knowledge will take place at the start of each TPC. An assessment of behaviour is also planned for each TPC. "Behaviour" refers to punctuality, compliance with instructions including biosecurity instructions, active participation during the TPC and respect for the teaching staff. In the event of a late arrival (> ten minutes) to a TPC, the student will not be able to sit the interrogation which will result in a grade of 0/5.
For the TPC Boar, the evaluation will be in the form of five multiple choice questions on the basis of knowledge of documents: TPC Boar (6 pages) and the content of the website.
The final grade for VETE2061 consists of 15 points for the assessment of theoretical knowledge and 5 points for the 8 TPCs. Passing the exam is conditional upon receiving +>10/20. Grades between 9.50 and 9.99 will be rounded down to 9/20.
Students who fail the exam will be assessed in the second session on the theory content only, given the difficulty of organising a second session of TPCs.
Failure to have the competences validated during the TPs will impact upon the final grade.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

Out-of-session test(s)

Additional information:

Formative assessment

For the TPC Cattle, formative tests are accessible on eCampus.

Assessment of theoretical teaching

The semiology of production animals' course is the subject of a single written exam organised in January 2023 in the form of open questions with short or long answers and multiple-choice questions and general implicit solutions 6 and 7.

Assessment of practical work

A knowledge assessment takes place at the start of each TPC in the form of a written question. An assessment of interpersonal skills is also carried out during the practical work for each TPC. By interpersonal skills we mean: punctuality, compliance with instructions including those of biosecurity, active participation during the TPC, respect for supervisory staff and animals. In the event of late arrival (delay greater than 10') at a TPC, the student will not be able to take the test which will therefore result in a grade of 0/5.

For the TPC Boar, the evaluation will be in the form of five multiple choice questions on the basis of knowledge of documents: TPC Boar (6 pages).

The final grade for VETE2061 consists of 15 points for the assessment of theoretical knowledge and 5 points for the 7 TPCs. Passing the exam is conditional upon receiving +>10/20. Grades between 9.50 and 9.99 will be rounded down to 9/20.

Students who fail the exam will be assessed in the second session on the theory content only, given the difficulty of organising a second session of TPCs.

Failure to have the competences validated during the TPs will impact upon the final grade.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Two new teachers this year : Prof. Sylvie Chastant for the 4h of reproduction and prof. Didier Serteyn for the 2h about contention and lameness.


Prof. Frédéric Rollin, coordinator
E-mail: frollin@uliege.be, Tel. 04/366.40.20
Prof. Philippe Bossaert, Tel 04/366.40.20
E-mail: p.bossaert@uliege.be
Dr Kamal Touati: 04/366 40 20
E-mail: kamal.touati@uliege.be
Dr Martine Laitat - Porcine clinic - 04/366 40 63
E-mail: porcine.fmv@uliege.be
Secretariat: Mme Marie Delacroix - E-mail: marie.delacroix@uliege.be, Tel. 04/366.40.20

Prof. Frédéric Rollin, coordinateur, E-mail : frollin@uliege.be

Dre Martine Laitat - Clinique Porcine - 04/366 40 63  E-mail : porcine.fmv@uliege.be

Prof. Didier Serteyn  E-mail : didier.serteyn@uliege.be

Secrétariat : Mme Marie Delacroix  E-mail : marie.delacroix@uliege.be

Tél. 04/366.40.20

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