2024-2025 / VETE2058-1

Embryology and histology of domestic animals

Embryology of domestical animals

Histology of domestical animals I


Embryology of domestical animals : 26h Th, 6h Pr
Histology of domestical animals I : 8h Th, 16h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in veterinary medicine5 crédits 


Embryology of domestical animals : Luc Grobet
Histology of domestical animals I : Nadine Antoine, Luc Grobet, Vinciane Toppets


Luc Grobet

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Embryology of domestical animals

The course gives access to the essentials for understanding the development of the most common domestic animals, from the zygote stage to birth. Beyond a purely descriptive part, principles of developmental biology and associated technologies are evoked and illustrated by concrete examples.

Histology of domestical animals I

The course of Histology I aims at describing the various healthy tissues of the animal organism. These tissues are integrated in organs ensuring the great functions of the organism.
The Histology part I is integrated in the course of Embryology and describes simple, pseudostratified, stratified and glandular epithelia evoked during organogenesis. The structural, ultrastructural and functionnal characteristics of these tissues will be approached.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Embryology of domestical animals

The lectures proposed here aim at allowing students to learn about embryonic development, and to get insight into some aspects of modern developmental biology, and associated technologies.
1) Descriptive embryology
The embryonic development from fertilization on until birth is described. The most common species of domestic mammals and birds are considered, and interspecies differences are also pointed out. Relevant connections with anatomical, histological and physiological data are shown.
A) Gametogenesis
Or gametes formation (ova and spermatozoa) from the primordial germ cell stage.
B) Gametes and fertilization
Or the different stages ending up with the zygote formation, which is the first embryonic stage.
C) Cleavage stages
Or the different division steps leading from the zygote (one cell) to the blastocyst stage. D) Gastrulation
The embryo proper will undergo a clear cell differentiation in three primordial cell layers, from which all body tissues originate.
E) Extraembryonic membranes and placentation
The development of these extra-embryonic tissues allow mechanical protection, feeding, oxygen supply and toxin elimination of the foetus. In mammals, the feto-maternal placental connections are examined in respect with species particularities.
F) Organogenesis
Or development of the organs: we examine:
- Heart and blood vessels
- Nervous system
- Urinary system
- Reproductive organs
- Digestive system and annexes
- Respiratory system
- Body cavities
- Skeleton and joints formation
- Muscles development
- Skin and annexes
2) Modern biology of development, associated techniques and the stem and primordial germ cells revolution
Here are given the essentials of (i) present status of knowledge on stem cells, induced pluripotent cells and primordial germ cells biology and their potential use, and (ii) the most common techniques in use for developmental biology studies. Their potential use as new biotechnological tool in applications such as farm animal improvement, disease resistance, therapeutic proteins production and xenograft supply are discussed based on concrete examples.
A) Transgenesis
Or integration by biotechnological means of (trans)genes in live organisms.
B) Gene targeting
Or precisely directed genome alterations in an organism. The most commonly reported use of gene targeting is gene inactivation by its partial or total elimination (Knock out). This technique can also generate minute insertion or deletions or site-directed integration of transgenes.
C) Cloning
Or genesis of a new organism without sexual reproduction, starting from a more or less differentiated somatic cell.
D) Biology and potential applications of stem and primordial germ cells.
Or description of the origin, particular properties and potential applications of these cells. Somatic cells reprogramming towards pluripotency will be described here.

Histology of domestical animals I

To know
The objective of the theoric course is to teach the students the morphological and functional features of the different epithelial tissues.
To make
Starting from a pure descriptive approach , the student will have to be able to establish a relationship between the examined morphology and the function of epithelial cells, and epithelia being studied.
To be
The opportunity of observing virtual histological preparations on e-Campus offer the possibility to the students to work in groups, exchange different point of view, acquire critical spirit, and stimulate mutual aid.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Embryology of domestical animals

The co- and prerequisite teaching units are detailed in the courses program

Histology of domestical animals I

The co-and prerequisite teaching units are detailed in the courses program.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Embryology of domestical animals

A theorical course is given in a face-to-face mode. Concerning the practicals, after successful completion of a prerequisite test, every student will assist to three successive practical sessions. They take place in the room of practicals of histology and embryology from october on, which can vary depending on organisation constraints. These lectures aim at deepening and illustrating data which are taught during the theoretical course with help of multimedia supports, examination of microscopic slides of embryos, micro-seminaries and directed analyses of scientific papers. One booklet will be provided to every student within which personal observations will be recorded, and questions relating to the lectures will be answered.

Histology of domestical animals I

Pratical courses


During the pratical course sessions, histologiacal preparations of the different epithelial tissues are put at the students disposal so that they can examine cellular morphology, and epithelial tissular organization.


Students must attend pratice classes.

Any absence or delay must be justified before the beginning of the practical work session by phone (04/366.40.81-2) or by sending an email to an assistant (marine.levoz@uliege.be;vtoppets@uliege.be,B.Vandenhove@uliege.e).

If a student has two  absences not justified by a medical certificate, access to the exam will be denied.

The student might be unauthorized to present the examination of practical course.

The access to the first pratical work is conditioned by the success (score  70/100) of a prerequisite test available on eCampus.

The sessions start with a PP presentation enabling the students to synthsize the structures they had recognize

Then the students work on their own on the basis of syllabus as wellas the other didactic aids at their disposal. If necessary they can ask assistant lecturers or graduate for help to carry out their processes.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Embryology of domestical animals

The practicals and theoretical courses are taught in the first semester, the examination takes place during the session of January.

Histology of domestical animals I

Face to face

Embryology of domestical animals

The course is available in the ad hoc repertoire of e-campus. The recommended readings and references are also mentioned.

Histology of domestical animals I

Slides and PDF are available in the ad hoc repertoire of e-campus.
Reference books
Applied veterinary histology- William Banks- Third edition-1993 Mosby
Internet sites

Embryology of domestical animals

The evaluation will consist of an integrative interrogation evaluating the subjects taught in Embryology (theoretical course and practical work sessions) and Histology (theoretical course) during the first quadrimester. The proportions of the questions relating to Embryology on the one hand and to Histology on the other hand will approach 3/4 and 1/4, respectively, in order to reflect the relative quantitative importance of these two approaches within the Teaching Unit. In addition, some questions will require reasoning and solutions integrating both disciplines.

The questions will be provided as QCM, QROL and QROC and / or diagrams to annotate.

Histology of domestical animals I

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

Additional information:

Short written online tests, in the form of QCM, QROC...will be organized during the academic year. One test will be dedicated to the epithelia. Written tests (3) is worth 20% of the final Q2 mark.
During school year, an interactive QUIZZ will enablethe students to get familiar with the questions of the practical work exam of the end of the school year. the only purpose is to allow the students to evaluate their method of working and  know the requirement level they will have to reach. These exercises will never be evaluated in any way.
The practical exam will take place in Q2 and the subject of examination will concern the epithelial, connective, muscular, vascular and nervous tissues. 

The evaluation will consist of an integrative examination evaluating the subjects taught in Embryology ( theoritical courses and partice sessions) and Histology ( theoritical courses) during the firs quadrimestre. The proportions of questions relating to Embryology on the one hand and to Histology on the other will approach 3/4 and 1/4 respectively, to reflect the realtive quantitative importance of these two approaches within the teaching unit.
in addition , some questions will require reasoning and solutions integrating the two approaches.
The questions will be written fot both subjects in the form of QCM,QROL,QROC and /or drawing to realize or to legend.
For students under transitional arrangements, the credits earned remain earned.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Embryology of domestical animals

Luc Grobet (embryologie), lgrobet@ulg.ac.be, +32 4 366 40 80.
 Axel Dubois, +32 4 366 40 82.

Téléfax: +32 4 366 40 86.
Nathalie Guillaume, nathalie.guillaume@ulg.ac.be, +32 4 366 40 75

Histology of domestical animals I


Nadine Antoine : nadine.antoine@uliege.be


Assistant Professor:

Vinciane Toppets : vtoppets@uliege.be

Marine Levoz: marine.levoz@uliege.be

 Benoit Vandenhove: B.Vandenhove@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs