2024-2025 / VETE0460-1

Clinic for ruminants and emergency shifts including anaesthesia and imaging


24w Clin.

Number of credits

 Advanced Master in Veterinary Sciences: Clinical Internship15 crédits 


Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

24 weeks in the ruminant clinic(individual cases).
Surgery, internal medecine and theriogenology of ruminants.
The student registered for this program must insert themselves within the clinics functionning under surveillance of the clinicians in service and the coordinaton.
Amongst these obligations:
-Clinic: participation in the daily clinical activities one out of every two weeks.
Be present in the clinic from 8h00 until 17h00 for both interns
* Consultations: reception of new cases
Registration of the new cases in the SAP program when the secretaries are unavailable to do so.
Collect the anamnesis from the owners
Supervise the clinical exams conducted by the students.
Establish a differential diagnosis
Define and discuss the management of the case with an assistant.
*Hospitalisation: Prepare treatments
Supervise students while nursing hospitalized animals and administring treatments.
Ensuring that files are well kept.
Registering in the SAP program the medications admistered.
- Compulsory participation to the morning (9h)and afternoon (16h45) rounds and debreifing unless their presence is indispensable in the clinic.
- On-call duty: the intern must assume on-call duties. One out of every three weeks the intern will be first on call and the other week the intern will be second on call the three first months in the year and first on call the rest of the year every four weeks. Whilst on first call duty the intern must remain present on the faculty site. The on call duty will be assumed by one of the interns from Monday 8h00 until the following Monday 8h00.
The intern will be responsible for the recetion of the case and the onset of the required clinical exams.
He will register the case in the SAP program.
He will supervise that proper nursing cares for the hospitalized aniamls are done during night shifts and weekends.
He will take charge of the nursing cares during the weekends.
- Seminars: the intern will assist, with the coordinator's permission, a minimum of 30 hours of seminars, clinical lessons or conferences realted to various scientific fields.
- Must keep a case log/Portfolio of all individual cases that were personnally taken in charge

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of his training, the student must be able to :

  • make the reception of diseased bovines
  • make a diagnosis and a differential diagnosis
  • apply an adequate treatment
  • manage urgencies and to differentiate a medical from a surgical urgency
  • achieve urgent surgical operations : tracheotomy, wounds suture, C-section, laparotomy etc.
  • achieve urgent medical acts : fluidotherapy, respiratory distress, treatment of shock.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Veterinary Medicine Diploma

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Supervised workshops will be achieved on living and dead ruminants.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

The intern takes part in the clinic for ruminants every two weeks and will be on duty every two weeks as first on three mons and after, every four weeks .

Without sense.

All the year.

Work placement(s)

Training c section for ons week if it possible

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course



Hugues Guyot : Hugues.guyot@uliege.be

Secrétariat : Marie Delacroix, Tél. : 04/366 40 20

Association of one or more MOOCs