2024-2025 / VETE0015-1

Histology of domestic animals II

Part II



Part II : 20h Th, 30h Pr
Observation : 4h Mon. WS

Number of credits

 Bachelor in veterinary medicine5 crédits 


Part II : Nadine Antoine, Luc Grobet, Vinciane Toppets
Observation : Nadine Antoine


Nadine Antoine

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Part II

The course of  general histology of domestic animals aims at describing the various healthy tissues of the animal organism. These tisssues are integrated in organs ensuring the great functions of the organism.


General and particular connective tissues, muscular, nervous tissues, blood and lymph vessels and blood cells will be approached during Q2. Their structural, ultrastructural and functional characteristics will be approached.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Part II

Theoretic course:

To know
The objective of the theoretic course is to teach the students the morphological and functional features of the different epithelial tissues.
To make

Starting from a pure descriptive approach the student will have to be able to establish a relationship between the examined morphology and the function of the cell, the tissue and mainly the organ being studied.

To be

The opportunity of observing virtual histological preparations on eCampus offer the possibility to the students to work in groups, exchange different point of view, acquire critical spirit, and stimulate mutual aid.



Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Part II

The co-and prerequisite teaching untis are detailed in the courses program

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Part II

The practical work sessions are organized face-to-face (on site).

Attendance at practical work is compulsory.

Repeating students must be present at all sessions.

Passing a pre-requisite test with a score of 70/100 conditions access to the first session of practical work. This test is available online on eCampus (compulsory formative tests).

The practical work sessions are divided into 3 thematic weeks:

  • Week 1: Connective tissues
  • Week 2: Muscular, vascular, nervous tissues and blood cells.
  • Week 3: Preparatory exercises for the oral exam
Weeks 1 and 2 of practical work take place as follows:

  • Session 1 :
A certification test (on-site) is organized at the start of the first practical session of weeks 1 and 2 (see details in the section: "Assessment methods and criteria"). The objective of these tests is to encourage the student to review and learn the corresponding theory before the practical sessions.

  • Sessions 1 and 2 :
On the online eCampus server, the student have access to digitized histological slides (in Cytomine), to video capsules explaining the subject, and to various practical work supports.

The video clips can be viewed before and/or during the session (Do not forget to bring headphones!).

The student must identify and annotate the tissues, cells and histological structures of interest on the digitized slides and/or create a personal image bank. The annotation layers on the digitized slides are likely to be checked by the assistants for the purpose of feedback.

During the session, the student works independently. Assistants and student instructors are present to guide him/her in his/her approach.

  • Session 3 :
Session 3 consists of exercises to identify histological and cellular structures with0 an optical microscope under the supervision of assistants and/or student monitors.

  • Session 4 :
Session 4 is an active rehearsing of the subject seen during the week in the form of an oral exam scenario (identification, description, structure-function relationships, link with the theory), under the supervision of Professor Antoine and of his assistants. A general appreciation as well as a feedback will be given to the students.

During week 2, a fifth session is devoted to blood smears.


Any absence or delay in practical work must be justified before the start of the session by telephone/email sent to the assistants (See :Contact)

The student who is absent from the practical work without valid justification will have to make up for the face-to-face practical work during a later session and will be questioned orally by an assistant at the end of it. If the student does not master the subject, he will be penalized with one point on his certification exam. The same will apply to students who are late without justification.

The student can be refused the theoretical exam if he has two absences not justified by a valide medical certificate.


Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Part II

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Face to face

Part II

A syllabus of the theoretic course is available at the "Office des cours".

PDF are available in the ad hoc repertoire of e-campus.

A histology atlas on CD-Rom realized on the basis of the preparations analyzed throughout the year is also available at the same office. This atlas can be easily installed on the student's personal computer or on the computers of the multimedia room.

Reference books:
Applied veterinary histology - William Banks- third edition-1993 Mosby.

Internet sites:

Part II

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions ) AND oral exam

Additional information:

During terms 1 and 2:

Three certification tests are organized face-to-face on an online platform (MCQ, 'QROC', matching tests, diagrams to be captioned, etc.) during the first practical work session of the :

  • Week 2 of the first term. It concerns the theory on lining epithelia and glandular epithelia.
  • Week 1 of the second term. It concerns the theory on connective tissues.
  • Week 2 of the second term. It concerns the theory on muscle tissues, nervous tissues and blood and lymphatic vessels.
The cumulative score for these three test accounts for 20% of the overall score.

During the year, the student will be subjected during practical work sessions to interactive QUIZZ. This set of questions and answers have the purpose of allowing the student to evaluate his/her working method and to know the level of requirement that he/she will have to reach at the end of the year. This exercise will not be graded.

Evaluation at the end of the term:

The evaluation of the theoretical part consists of a written exam including QROC (open question with short answer), QROL (open question with long answer) and diagrams to be captioned. The obtained score accounts for 40% of the final grade.

The evaluation of the practical part is an oral examination. The student will have to recognize cells, tissues and vessels on histological preparations observed or not during the first and second terms. The sole recognition of the tissues is not synonymous with success: students must be able to relate their theoretical and practical knowledge. The score obtained for the
 for the practical exam.practical examinations amounts for 40% of the final grade.

The student must obtain a minimum score of7/20 for the theretical exam and a minimum of 7/20. If not, only the lowest score will be taken into account and become the score of the UE


In the second session, the examination methods and scoring remain the same.



Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Part II


Nadine Antoine : nadine.antoine@uliege.be
Contact : 04/366.40.81

Assistant lecturers:

Vinciane Toppets : vtoppets@uliege.be

Marine Levoz: marine.levoz@uliege.be

Benoit Vandenhove: B.Vandenhove@uliege.be


Association of one or more MOOCs