2024-2025 / VEGE0036-1

Tropical agroecology


Depth notions: part 1

Depth notions: part 2


Introduction : 20h FT
Depth notions: part 1 : 8h Th, 11h Pr
Depth notions: part 2 : 8h Th, 10h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in agroecology, professional focus (Double diplôme avec Paris Saclay et AgroParisTech)6 crédits 


Introduction :
Depth notions: part 1 :
Depth notions: part 2 :


Ludivine Lassois

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents


I. Introduction: presentation of the organization of the coruse and of the concept of agroecology
II. Illustration of the different facets of the concept of Agroecology and of agroecological practices (excursions)

Depth notions: part 1

I. Illustration of the scientific basis of agroecology and their application to concrete cases related to soil fertility management
II. Personal work on the characteristics and mode of application of agroecological practices in particular contexts in tropical areas: oral presentation and delivery of a written report.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit


Give students a good understanding of the different facets of the concept of agroecology and make them acquire knowledges and skills in agro-ecology to enable them to develop sustainably tropical agro-ecosystems.
At the end of the course, the student must be able to:
- Define the principles of agro-ecology and discuss how they are related to the development of sustainable agricultural systems.
- Describe and present the interest of agroecological practices seen during the excursions and discuss their applicability in a tropical context.

Depth notions: part 1

Make students acquire knowledges and skills in agro-ecology to enable them to develop sustainably tropical agro-ecosystems.
At the end of the course, the student must be able to:
- Propose suitable agroecological solutions regarding soil fertility management for improving agricultural systems in tropical regions

Prerequisite knowledge and skills



Depth notions: part 1

GEOP0002-1 - Edaphology
AGRO0001-1 - Agricutlure basis
ENVT2044-1 - General ecology

Planned learning activities and teaching methods


Learning activities consist of:
(i) 2 hours of face to face learning to present basic concepts;
(ii) 18 hours of excursions.

Depth notions: part 1

Learning activities consist of: (i) 16 hours of face-to-face and distance learning to introduce basic concepts and case studies, (ii) 9 hours of seminars, (iii) a personal work in which each student will identify and propose the methods of applying an agroecological practice adapted to a main tropical agroecosystem. This work will be presented to all students of the class.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)


Face-to-face and student work on excursions and seminars contents

Depth notions: part 1

Face-to-face, webinars, seminars, and student work on a concrete practice.


PDF copy of the slides presented during lectures and seminars

Depth notions: part 1

PDF copy of the slides presented during lectures and seminars
 Ecosystemic services and soil ecological processes: http://www.supagro.fr/ress-pepites/uved/html/index.html
AgriSud (2010). Guide. L'agroécologie en pratique. http://www.agrisud.org/fr/type-publications/guides/
Manuel pratique du semis direct à Madagascar : http://agroecologie.cirad.fr/librairie_virtuelle
Debray V., DerkimbaA. & Roesch. K., 2015. Des innovations agroécologiques dans un contexte climatique changeant en Afrique. Coordination Sud, AVSF, CARI & ISARA Lyon, 107 p. téléchargeable sur https://www.coordinationsud.org/document-ressource/etude-des-innovations-agroecologiques-dans-un-contexte-climatique-changeant-en-afrique/.
ScholleJ. (sous la direction de), 2015. Pratiques agroécologiques et agroforestières en zone tropicale humide. Éditions du GRET, 305 p. téléchargeable sur http://www.gret.org/publication/pratiques-agroecologiques-agroforestieres-zone-tropicale-humide/


Any session :

- In-person

written exam

- Remote

written work

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred remote

Additional information:

Personnal work : 50% oral presentation, 50% written report

Depth notions: part 1

Any session :

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

- Remote

written exam ( open-ended questions ) AND written work

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred remote

Additional information:

Oral presentations of personal work: 20 %
Written presentations of personal work: 20 %
Written exam : 60 %

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Participation in excursions is mandatory



Barbara Haurez, Assistant Tropical Agroecologye 081 62 26 83 barbara.haurez@uliege.be
Ludivine Lassois, First Assistant Plant Genetics and Rhizosphere Processes Lab 081 62 23 21 ludivine.lassois@uliege.be

Depth notions: part 1

Barbara Haurez, Assistant Tropical Agroecology 081 62 26 83 barbara.haurez@uliege.be
Ludivine Lassois, First Assistant Plant Genetics and Rhizosphere Processes Lab 081 62 23 21 ludivine.lassois@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs