2024-2025 / VEGE0026-1

Physiology, plant breeding and multiplication of cultivated plants


Plant breeding

Diversity of plant genetic resources

Multiplication of cultivated plants


Physiology : 7h Th, 5h Pr
Plant breeding : 9h Th, 5h Pr
Diversity of plant genetic resources : 7h Th, 1h Pr, 7h FT
Multiplication of cultivated plants : 9h Th, 5h Pr, 2h FT

Number of credits

 Master in agricultural bioengineering, professional focus6 crédits 


Physiology : Pierre Delaplace
Plant breeding :
Diversity of plant genetic resources :
Multiplication of cultivated plants :


Hervé Vanderschuren

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents


The aim of this course is to present the various biostimulation strategies leading to convincing results in terms of yield or nutrient use efficiency. The biostimulant products are presented here as a complementary approach to traditional plant breeding strategies in order to increase yield and plant productions sustainability.

Plant breeding

  • Importance of crop breeding and its contribution to challenges faced by agriculture in the 21st century
  • Historical perspectives on crop breeding
  • Tools available for crop breeding
  • Theoretical concepts of crop breeding
  • Breeding schemes used for breeding of species based on their multiplication and reproduction modes
  • Use of novel molecular tools in crop breeding
External speakers will give presentations on more specific topics such as crop breeding for potato, sugar beet, chicory, apple tree, etc.

Diversity of plant genetic resources

- Basis and organisation of plant genetic resources diversity
- The worldwide network of plant genetic resources
- The plant collections, the structure and activities of a gene bank
- In situ conservation methods
- Ex situ conservation steps
- Technical data on seed conservation
- The characterisation and evaluation of plant genetic resources
- Case studies : in situ conservation (wild and cultivated varieties), ex situ conservation (annual and perennial plants, orthodox and recalcitrant seeds).
At the end of the lecture, the student is able to develop a project in plant genetic ressource management on model plant.

Multiplication of cultivated plants

All operations leading to an increase in the number of similar plants in two ways : sexual reproduction (agronomic value of a seed and seedlings) and asexual (different forms of cuttings, grafting and micropropagation techniques)

Learning outcomes of the learning unit


At the end of this teaching process, the student will be able to :
-    Understand the way of action of a biostimulant product, taking into account the plant (eco)physiology; -    Criticize the various biostimulation strategies presently under development; -    Define an assessment strategy of the expected benefits based on the physiological properties and the claims of the manufacturers of biostimulant products; -    Precise concisely  the experimental results of a research and comment them based on his/her own knowledge; -    Confront/integrate the biostimulation strategies with classical plant breeding approaches, while highlighting their complementarity.

Plant breeding

To develop the basis of varietal improvement in cultivated plants and to develop on the basis of breeding systems selection schemes at the intra- and interspecific levels After completing the course the student is expected to

  • understand the factors that led to the development of crop breeding
  • assess the influence of genetics and reproductive biology on plant breeding
  • become familiar with the techniques of field plant breeding
  • develop schemes of plant breeding for crops representative of the breeding system diversity

Diversity of plant genetic resources

To develop all the steps required for the conservation and exploitation of plant genetic resources diversity  : collecting missions, in situ and ex situ conservation, multiplication, caracterisation and agronomic evaluation, exchanges of material.
After completing the course the student is expected to
-explain the steps requested for the plant genetic resources management
-analyse the influence of plant biology on genetic resources management
-criticize in situ and ex situ techniques for plant genetic resources conservation

Multiplication of cultivated plants

Understand the different ways of plant propagation described in their agronomic context. Make economic and phytotechnic comparisons between the different methods. Being able to determine the specifications of the multiplication of plants for horticultural culture in a given agronomic context.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills


Botany, Plant Physiology

Multiplication of cultivated plants

Botany Plant Physiolgy

Planned learning activities and teaching methods


Lectures, seminars and personal project

Plant breeding

Lectures : 12h Seminars : 6h

Diversity of plant genetic resources

Lectures : 8h Seminars : 2h Field-study trip and visits : 8h

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)


Classroom activities, article reading, Podcasting through Collaborate Ultra

Plant breeding

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

face-to-face (reverse classes + presentations by experts) + excursions

Diversity of plant genetic resources

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

face-to-face (reverse classes + presentations by experts) + excursions

Multiplication of cultivated plants

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Face-to-face (reverse classes + presentations by experts) + excursions


Companion portfolio via the online platform eCampus (slides of lectures, recommended articles and web sites, podcasts if necessary)

Plant breeding

slides and lecture notes

Diversity of plant genetic resources

- slides and lecture notes

Multiplication of cultivated plants

Slides and notes


Evaluation based on an individual oral presentation followed by a scientific discussion

Plant breeding

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Other : reverse classes will be taken into account for the evaluation

Additional information:

Evaluation of the reverse class
Written exam

Diversity of plant genetic resources

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Other : reverse classes will be taken into account for the evaluation

Additional information:

Evaluation of the reverse class
Written exam

Multiplication of cultivated plants

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Other : Reverse classes are taken into account for the evaluation

Additional information:

Evaluation of the reverse classes
Written exam

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Course managed by Pierre Delaplace

Plant breeding

Slides and papers are made available on eCAMPUS and/or myULG. Lecures are given in French but most support material will be provided in English.

Diversity of plant genetic resources

Slides and papers are made available on eCAMPUS and/or myULG. Lecures are given in French but most support material will be provided in English.

Multiplication of cultivated plants

Slides and papers are made available on eCAMPUS and/or myULG. Lecures are given in French but most support material will be provided in English.



Pierre Delaplace : pierre.delaplace@uliege.be

Plant breeding

Hervé Vanderschuren Professor Plant Genetics Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech University of Liège
Tel: +32 81 62 25 71 Fax: +32 81 60 07 27 Bâtiment 48 N-1 // Room 48-01-40 Avenue Maréchal Juin 5030 Gembloux Belgium

Diversity of plant genetic resources

Hervé Vanderschuren Professor Plant Genetics Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech University of Liège
Tel: +32 81 62 25 71 Fax: +32 81 60 07 27 Bâtiment 48 N-1 // Room 48-01-40 Avenue Maréchal Juin 5030 Gembloux Belgium

Multiplication of cultivated plants

Hervé Vanderschuren Professeur Plant Genetics Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech Université de Liège
Tel: +32 81 62 25 71 Fax: +32 81 60 07 27 Bâtiment 48 N-1 // Room 48-01-40 Avenue Maréchal Juin 5030 Gembloux Belgium

Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online


Course contents
All the pedagogical ressources used in this course are downloadable from the corresponding folder on the online teaching platform eCampus.

Plant breeding


Multiplication of cultivated plants

Online notes
intranet GxABT