2024-2025 / VCER2098-1

Controls in the food chain

Methods for controlling for biological risks

Methods for controlling for chemical risks

Theoretical and practical approaches to controls in the food chain


Methods for controlling for biological risks : 16h Th, 16h Pr
Methods for controlling for chemical risks : 16h Th, 20h Pr
Theoretical and practical approaches to controls in the food chain : 24h Th, 8h Pr

Number of credits

 University Certificate in Food Safety 1. Part 1 Risk Management 2. Part 2 Controlling the Food Chain (organised in odd years)4 crédits 


Methods for controlling for biological risks : Georges Daube, Elisa Martinez
Methods for controlling for chemical risks : Caroline Douny, Frédéric Farnir, Marie-Louise Scippo
Theoretical and practical approaches to controls in the food chain : Georges Daube, Nicolas Korsak Koulagenko


Nicolas Korsak Koulagenko

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Methods for controlling for biological risks

* Principles of microbiological analysis of foods: sampling plans, sampling, sample management, laboratory sampling, counting, detection, identification, typing.
* Alternative methods in food microbiology, including genetic methods.
* Applications for the microbiological analysis of food and interpretation of flora detected or counted.
* Approval of laboratories and recognized methods.
* Definitions, Development and use of microbiological criteria.
* Practical works consisting in the enumeration and detection of key microorganisms contaminating food by traditional culture, immunodiagnostic and genetic methods, control of water, air and surfaces.

Methods for controlling for chemical risks

  • Introduction to statistics about sampling methods (4h theory) and exercices (4h)
  • Introduction to the validation of analytical methods (4h theory)
  • Practical training about main biochimical and physico-chemical methods of analysis of residus and contaminants in the food chain: ELISA, thin layer chormatography (TLC), high performance liquid chromatography, with UV, PDA or fluorescence detection (HPLC-UV/PDA/FLD), liquid or gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS or LC-MS), screening tests for antibiotics, etc.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Methods for controlling for biological risks

* At the end of this teaching and practical exercises that are related, the student should be able to understand the techniques used in food microbiology laboratories and to choose the methods best suited to each situation.
* He will be able to choose the optimal flora to count or to detect according to objectives and to interpret the results in terms of microbiological criteria.

Methods for controlling for chemical risks

The aims of this course are :

  • to inform the trainee about the available analytcial methods to evidence chemcial hazards in the food chain
  • to inform the training about the importance of the validation step of an analytical method, and about the the difficulties of the sampling

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Methods for controlling for biological risks

This certificate is available on the record holders of the degree in veterinary medicine or an equivalent degree. For admission requirements, see: http://www.ulg.ac.be/cms/a_15711/admissions

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Methods for controlling for biological risks

* Practical work in the laboratory to manipulate the main pathogenic microorganisms counted or detected in foods

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Methods for controlling for biological risks

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

16 hours of lectures and 16 hours of mandatory practical work

Methods for controlling for chemical risks

  • theory
  • practical training in laboratory
  • exercices

Course materials and recommended or required readings

Methods for controlling for biological risks

Via eCampus

Methods for controlling for chemical risks

see e-campus

Methods for controlling for biological risks

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Additional information:

Oral examination after short preparation

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Methods for controlling for biological risks

  • Pr. Georges Daube, professor
  • Dr Bernard Taminiau, assistant
  • Elisa Martinez, assistant
  • Mme Christine Bal, secretary

Université de Liège, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Département des sciences des denrées alimentaires, Quartier Vallée 2, Avenue de Cureghem 10, B43bis, Liège, Belgique

tel : +32-4-366 40 15 (40 40)

Mails : Georges.Daube@uliege.be ; emartinez@uliege.be; dda@uliege.be ; bernard.taminiau@uliege.be

Website : http://www.dda.ulg.ac.be/

Methods for controlling for chemical risks

· Pr. Marie-Louise Scippo, en charge de l'enseignement
· Pr Frédéric Farnir, en charge de l'enseignement
· Dr Caroline Douny, assistante
· Christine Bal, secrétaire

Université de Liège, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Département des sciences des denrées alimentaires, Bld de Colonster, 20. Sart-Tilman, B43bis, Liège, Belgique
tél : +32-4-366 40 40 40
fax : +32-4-366 40 44
E-mail : mlscippo@ulg.ac.be, f.farnir@ulg.ac.be, cdouny@ulg.ac.be, christine.bal@ulg.ac.be - Website : http://www.dda.ulg.ac.be/

Association of one or more MOOCs