2024-2025 / VCER2074-1

Part 1: Principles of apicultural management


84h Th, 74h Mon. WS, 24h AUTR

Number of credits

 Inter-university certificate in apiculture17 crédits 



Claude Saegerman

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The honeybee Apis mellifera is known for the production of honey and its important role as pollinators in agriculture.
In response to the societal problem of increased bee mortality worldwide, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE, 2014) consider bee mortality as a priority major problem.
Based on these observations, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the Faculty of Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, University of Liège (ULg), on the one hand and the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of bioengineers from the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL), on the other hand, have joined forces to propose the creation of a new "inter-university certificate in beekeeping." This new certificate is designed to develop skills shared among both veterinarians than for bio-engineers and biologists, according to their respective interests in order to improve the health of bee colonies in the Wallonia-Brussels.
This training is divided into six modules:
Module 1: The honey bee and its conduction * Welcome, introduction of teachers, students and platform eCampus * Mortality, collapse and weakening bee colonies: definitions, context and challenges * Bee pollination and biodiversity: definitions, context and challenges * Biology, physiology and development cycle of the bee * Bee Behavior * Bee Nutrition * Bee Genetics * Bee Immunity * Good beekeeping practices
Module 2: the hive products * Quality management and food safety apiculture
Module 3: Honeybee Diseases * virology and pathology of viral bee diseases * Parasitology and Pathology of parasitic and fungal diseases of bees * Bacteriology and pathology of bacterial diseases of bees * Anatomy of bees and levies (theoretical)
Module 4: Methodological Tools * Epidemiology of bee diseases * Risk analysis related to bees and bee products (case studies) * The taking of biological samples
Module 5: Regulation, monitoring and health management * Legal provisions with regard to reportable diseases * Legal requirements for quality honey * Legal provisions for veterinary medicines * The feedback from veterinary practitioners working in beekeeping * Interactive seminars on topical subjects Bee
Module 6: Case Study * Preparation of a case study practice on the ground by each student

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

After the training, students will have acquired:
- knowledge for understanding the role of bees in pollination and biodiversity;
- basic, theoretical and practical, knowledge of the honeybee and its conduction as well as the management of the quality and  thesafety of bee products, including regulatory aspects;
- methodological know-how to calculate the mortality of bee colonies and to assess risks in beekeeping;
- practical skills to handle bee colonies and for  the purpose of the diagnostic research, sampling or experimentation;
- knowledge of health and bee pathology;
- skils to implement sanitary measures to prevent and control mortality and honeybees
- ability to carry a health audit in an apiary.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Doctors of veterinary medicine, bio-engineers and biologists interested in beekeeping or owner of any equivalent degree.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

This training combines theoretical courses, practical activities to illustrate the concepts taught (tutorials, visit of apiaries, product processing farms visits of the hive, study a practical case).

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face, tutorieals and visits in apiaries.

Course materials and recommended or required readings

* The evaluation of student achievements by teachers consist of:
- A written examination covered all subjects
- An assessment of a personal work of each student having followed all modules (beekeeping case study). This case study necessarily requires the completion of practical activities

* A jury will be formed, including teachers and professors of faculties / universities involved. It will deliberate after taking into account all the results of evaluations of students.
* For effective follow up of courses and practical activities (tutorials, visits to farms), a certificate of participation will be issued. In case of follow up the entire training (20 credits), achievement of examinations including the presentation and the defense of a case study and after deliberation of a jury, an inter-university certificate in beekeeping will be issued.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Courses are given if at least 8 students are registered.


Promotor-coordinator and teacher: claude.saegerman@uliege.be
Promotors and teacher: frederic.francis@uliege.be et claude.bragard@uclouvain.be
Other teachers:

Association of one or more MOOCs