2024-2025 / URGC1103-1

Supervised exercises, B3

Interuniversity certificate in multidisciplinary management of emergency situations

Exercices dirigés de Médecine d'urgence


Interuniversity certificate in multidisciplinary management of emergency situations : 63h Th, 18h Pr
Exercices dirigés de Médecine d'urgence : 30h Pr

Number of credits

 Advanced Master in Emergency Medicine (360 ECTS)4 crédits 


Interuniversity certificate in multidisciplinary management of emergency situations :
Exercices dirigés de Médecine d'urgence :

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Interuniversity certificate in multidisciplinary management of emergency situations

This is a training provided during the inter-university certificate in multidisciplinary management of exceptional situations.

You will find the pedagogical commitments relating to it at the level of this course code MCER2134-1

This training is organized in 6 theoretical days, 2 days of exercises, 1 day of multimodal simulations at the ULiège simulation center and 1 day of large-scale simulation (disaster)

This training is also part of the inter-university certificate in anticipatory and interdisciplinary management of risks and crises or PlaniCirse (www.planicrise.be)  (code HULG9779-1), in the form of a training module, and this certificate is essential for the function of coordinator of the hospital emergency plan. This certificate is the French-speaking correspondent of https://rampenmanagement.be/  for the Dutch-speaking part.

Exercices dirigés de Médecine d'urgence

Guided exercises are a form of teaching in which students perform exercises in the presence of a trainer (teacher); we can include directed and semi-directed workshops in which students carry out tasks in order to gradually acquire their autonomy (semi-directed then directed)

In BLOCK 3, these exercises include:

- life-size multidisciplinary training (training space in Seraing)

- SMUR training in the field, during a 6-month hospital internship in a department with a SMUR (this training ends with the validation of learning by a referring doctor and can sometimes be offered in block 4 in depending on the availability of internship services)

- a 1-day seminar in a fire department (Discipline 1)

- a 1-day seminar in a unified call center 112

- semi-directed workshops for learning how to work in a shock room where the student is associated and guided in his clinical approach, his diagnostic and therapeutic approach in the management of critical patients. These workshops take place at the shock room with real patients and under the supervision of a tutor.

- specific training for the management of exceptional situations (see specific course code URGC1103-B-a  and MCER2134-1)

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Interuniversity certificate in multidisciplinary management of emergency situations

cf MCER2134-1

Exercices dirigés de Médecine d'urgence

At the end of each directed exercise (or workshop), the student will be able to:

- gradually acquire a personal reflection on the methods of care

- project themselves into their role as an emergency doctor for the management of situations experienced during the apprenticeship

- apply the principles of prehospital management

- understand multidisciplinary working methods, in particular with the emergency and fire services (discipline 1) and law enforcement (discipline 3)

- understand the concept of civil security

- understand the importance of leadership, assertiveness, team assertiveness and task management

- be able to share situational awareness

- deepen their reflection on their autonomy in the tasks learned

- have a reflective approach to learning

- integrate the notion of risk and exceptional situation in extra-hospital practice

- understand the concepts of PIM, PUH, CU 112 and the principles of the DIR-MED function

- understand the concept of ALS vector and know how to apply care protocols, including the notion of TIH (inter-hospital transfer)

- know and apply the principles of caring for a child in a critical situation

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Interuniversity certificate in multidisciplinary management of emergency situations

cf MCER2134-1

Exercices dirigés de Médecine d'urgence

The learning methods during exercises and (semi)directed workshops are:

- the demonstration

- exercise

- support and guidance by tutor

- group discussion

- feedback and debriefing

- experience sharing 

- the transmission


During these exercises and workshops, each student becomes active in their learning

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Interuniversity certificate in multidisciplinary management of emergency situations

Face-to-face course

Exercices dirigés de Médecine d'urgence

Face-to-face course

Interuniversity certificate in multidisciplinary management of emergency situations

medical references for emergency situations, including official texts

Exercices dirigés de Médecine d'urgence

All textbooks, articles and manuals related to the topics covered

Interuniversity certificate in multidisciplinary management of emergency situations

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

cf MCER2134-1

Exercices dirigés de Médecine d'urgence

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Exercices dirigés de Médecine d'urgence

Learning at seminars organized by a third party may be subject to conditions beyond the control of ULiège


Interuniversity certificate in multidisciplinary management of emergency situations

Dr Romain Betz : R.Betz@chuliege.be

Dr Benoit Cardos : benoit.cardos@uliege.be 

Exercices dirigés de Médecine d'urgence

Dr Romain Betz: R.Betz@chuliege.be 

Dr Benoit Cardos: benoit.cardos@uliège.be 

Dr Julien Szecel : jszecel@chuliege.be 

Association of one or more MOOCs