4w Pr
Number of credits
University certificate in preparation for the doctoral project | 6 crédits |
Collégialité, Manuel Dupont, Adrien Mathy
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
All year long
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
General and cross-cutting modules
S1 - Research training through research: presenting the doctorate and the doctoral training at ULiege within the Bologna context and the 'Paysage' decree - 1 day
S2 - Managing a research project: notions and project management tools applied to the thesis (including human resource, financial and time management) - 3 days.
S3 - A project as carried out by a young responsible researcher: ethics and scientific integrity, responsible and professional behaviour in research, the European Charter for Researchers - 2 days
S4 - A project supported by experienced researchers: the doctoral candidate's blueprint, relating to the supervisor - 1 day
S5 - Research methodology and protocole: necessary basics of project formalization and development process of the research protocole - 2 days: 1 day of general and cross-cutting information + 1 more 'research area-priented' day (life sciences and techniques, humanities, development cooperation, relevant ethical aspects).
S6 - An original and innovative project: bibliographical research and scientific writing - 3 days
S7 - The project's writing style and presentation: PPT presentation, public oral presentation, defence simulation.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
Seminar taught in French.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Holding a master degree and being interested in research
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Seminars chaired by various participants
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
seminars taught in-person
Course materials and recommended or required readings
Seminar taught in French.
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course