2024-2025 / TRAD0203-1

English language and English-speaking culture


45h Th

Number of credits

 Bachelor in philosophy5 crédits 
 Bachelor in translation and interpretation5 crédits 
 Master in ancient languages and literatures : classics, research focus5 crédits 
 Master in ancient languages and literatures : classics, teaching focus5 crédits 
 Master en langues et lettres anciennes, orientation classiques, à finalité spécialisée en édition et métiers du livre5 crédits 
 Master in ancient languages and literatures : classics (60 ECTS)5 crédits 


Mélanie Cüpper

Language(s) of instruction

English language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

- This course is based on a variety of readings about the American (counter)-culture from 1950s to today.
-Analysis of : movies, poems, works of art...
-Reading comprehension of a variety of texts (newspaper articles, book chapters, essays, etc.). Students will also be expected to summarize, criticize and dissert on any of the texts or topics viewed in class, with special attention to  cultural elements.

- Listening comprehension exercises based on authentic audiovisual materials (in class presentations)

- Development of writing skills, critical thinking and research

-Creation of scientif posters

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The objectives of this course is to get an overview of the American (counter)culture in its intellectual, social and historical context and to develop various English language skills

-reading comprehension
-analyze a source document and identify potential textual and cognitive difficulties
- apprehend the cultures specific to English, in their historical, geopolitical, economic, legal, social and artistic dimensions
- detect the underlying socio-cultural components of an oral or written text
- analyse the assumptions, implicit, allusions, stereotypes, intertextuality of an oral or written text

to get students to
- identify their information and documentation needs
- develop criteria for assessing the reliability of sources
- use search tools and engines effectively
- develop their critical thinking skills
- develop their general knowledge
- develop their intellectual curiosity
- work in teams


Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Very good knowledge of the English language. Fluency in speech.
Very good listening comprehension skills.
Critical mind and intellectual curiosity, as well as thoroughness in the interpretation of texts.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Reading of various texts and LC exercises.
Taking part in classroom discussions and oral exercises is mandatory. The collective work accomplished in class is as relevant to students' learning process as their personal research and preparation of the textual and audiovisual materials.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Face-to-face, 3 hours/week during 2nd term

The coursepack will me made available at the beginning of class.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Additional information:

Written exam

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Melanie Cüpper: mcupper@uliege.be
Campus Pitteurs, bâtiment L3, 2/20

Association of one or more MOOCs