1,5mois Internship
Number of credits
Advanced Master in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus | 15 crédits |
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the second semester
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
1.5-month internship in a professional development structure, in Belgium or abroad, in the North or in the South: NGOs, development agencies, consultancies, international organizations, ministries, public services, administrations, universities, etc.
The internships take place between May 15 and August 15. This is made possible by the fact that all the evaluations of the teaching units of the second quadrimester are done outside the session, in the form of continuous evaluation, reports, etc.
Putting into practice the knowledge and skills acquired during the training year in a professional development structure.
Internship activities can take several forms depending on the level of appropriation of the WEF Nexus concept by the host structure:
Within a structure that already works with this approach of WEF Nexus, involvement of the trainee within the framework of a WEF Nexus project already in progress,
Within a structure that does not yet work with this WEF Nexus approach, development of a WEF Nexus vision within the host structure, in one or more ongoing projects, and analysis of the relevance and added value of the integration of this concept in the activities of the structure.
Potential internship locations:
See the list of NGOs and other institutions above as part of the course "Water-Energy-Food Nexus Seminars: Interconnection Case Studies"
The network of former students of the Specialized Masters in Environmental Sciences and Management in Developing Countries and Specialized Masters in Risk and Disaster Management can be mobilized to find internship places for students wishing to do an internship in the South in a structure different from their original structure.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
Discovery and immersion in a professional development structure in Belgium or abroad in the North or South: NGOs, development agencies, consultancies, international organizations, ministries, public services, administrations, universities, etc.
Ability to integrate into a new professional environment, development of relational and organizational skills.
Developing your professional network.
Experience in the implementation of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus through one or more concrete projects.
Development of a reflective approach on one's own experience and of one's critical sense on development projects.
Improved writing and speaking skills.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
No prerequesite
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Blended learning
Additional information:
Support for students in identifying an internship location and in the administrative formalities that accompany the internship (internship agreement, scholarship, etc.).
1.5 month internship to be organized between May 15 and August 15.
Course materials and recommended or required readings
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
oral exam
Written work / report
Additional information:
Writing of an internship report and its oral presentation.
The report contains 3 main parts:
- A daily or weekly activity report.
- A presentation of the theme/project studied and its institutional and physical context, the specific objectives pursued during the internship, the methods implemented, the results obtained, a discussion and a conclusion.
- A reflection of the student on his/her experience during the internship and the lessons he/she learned from it.
Work placement(s)
A trainee's guide presenting the possible internship locations, the steps to be taken and the timing to be respected, the objectives of the internship and the expected results (outline of the internship report and presentation, etc.) will be communicated to the students.
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Antoine Denis (Antoine.Denis@uliege.be)
Bernard Tychon (Bernard.Tychon@uliege.be)
Charles Bielders (Charles.Bielders@uclouvain.be)
Gilles Colinet (Gilles.Colinet@uliege.be)