2024-2025 / SSTG0043-1



140h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in space sciences, research focus10 crédits 


Marc Georges, Yaël Nazé, Grégor Rauw


Yaël Nazé

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Training (internship) 140 h
This lecture is foreseen for students of the Master in Space Science (research focus ONLY) but also in Aerospace Engineering.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

In the framework of the space science master (only research focus), we propose to students to participate to a project linked to a space mission or to the design of an instrument or application.

This course is a practical complement to master courses (e.g. SPAT0035-1, AERO0018-3, ...).

The student will be part of a team and will encounter the unavoidable technical challenges of a space mission, at the preparation stage or during the exploitation phase. He/She will actively participate to the building, testing, or calibrating tasks necessary to solve these problems.

The training can take place in Belgium or outside the country, in a space agency or a private company or in the technical department of a research center. It can be linked to missions or instruments dedicated to Earth observation, Solar system exploration, stellar or extragalactic studies. A few examples in Belgium are AMOS, Spacebel, KeyObs, (3 cases near Liège), Royal Observatory Belgium (Bruxelles), Royal Military School (Bruxelles), Musée d'Afrique Centrale (Bruxelles), Walphot (Namur), VITO (Mol) Eurosense (Wemmel), IMEC (Leuven), OIP (Audenarde), Verhaert (Anvers), ... Possibilities abroad include Observatoire de Haute-Provence (France), ISDC (Switzerland), SRON (Netherlands), as well as prestigious institutions such as ESO (Chili, Germany) or ESA (ESTEC in Netherlands, ESAC in Spain, ESOC in Germany, ESRIN in Italy).

A weekly contact will be made with the student and the host partner during the training.

In case of a long stay (3 to 6 months), the thesis can be done at the same place with a local co-promoter.

In all cases, the training subject and the master thesis subject must clearly differ.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

A one-month training will be organized within a team developing a space project. This training will take place in Belgium or in other countries.

It is recommended to register as soon as possible (contacting the teachers preferentially the year before) in order to select a subject with the professor and to establish contacts with the hosting institute.

The student must write a detailed report (min 25p) which will constitute 25% of the grade and orally present his/her work during an oral presentation (20min, 25% of the points). The final grade will also take into account the evaluation of the hosting team (1/2 of the points).

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

We recommend to contact the teachers as soon as possible to ensure a good organization (choice of the subject, contact with the host, grants for long stays). Spring of the academic year before that during which training will take place is best.

Note that only the students in space science with research focus can choose this course, not those with professional focus.


Professor: Y. Nazé (coordinator), M. Georges, G. Rauw.

Département AGO
Bât. B5C

allée du 6 Août 19c
4000 Liège 1

Tél: 04/3669720
email: ynaze@uliege.be

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