2024-2025 / SSTG0032-1



1mois Internship

Number of credits

 Master in oceanography, research focus6 crédits 



Gilles Lepoint

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Organized by the student, the Professional Internship allows her/him to meet professionals linked to the world of marine sciences or to her/his Master's course in Oceanography. It consists of the completion of a one-month internship (continuous period, face-to-face) in a research institution, a company or an association. This internship can be carried out in Belgium or abroad. It will be carried out under the guidance of a tutor designated in the host infrastructure. This internship is unpaid. A list of companies or research units is available from the coordinators. This list is not exhaustive.

coordinators: Dr G. Lepoint (G.Lepoint@ulg.ac.be); (Bât B6c, 2nd floor, room 2/16). et Dr. Aida Alvera-Azcárate (a.alvera@ulg.ac.be), (Bat B5a, 2nd floor, 2/56)


Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The objective of this internship is to provide the student with a professional experience, either in the private, academic or other.

The internship is not aimed at developing original research material but rather at obtaining practical knowledge in a specific topic. The topic must be distinct from the one chosen for the master thesis, although it can be complementary.


Prerequisite knowledge and skills

These will be determined by the host institution and the topic of the internship.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The activities must be determined by the supervisor at the host institution. An agenda can be established.


Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

face-to-face. If other modalities are planned, it is mandatory to obtain an agreement from coordinators before the start of the internship.


The student must perform the tasks predefined by the host, during 4 weeks.




These will be determined by the host institution and the topic of the internship.

Written work / report

Additional information:

At the end of the internship, the student writes a report of maximum 10 pages (Times 12, spacing 1.5).

Given the wide variety of internships, the structure of the report is free. However, it will always contain an introduction, a description of the host organization, the objective of the internship, a detailed report of the activities followed and a brief summary of the experience acquired (scientific, social, professional, etc.). If necessary it can be organized in the classic form Intro, objective, material and method, discussion, conclusion. A list of bibliographic references will be included if necessary, in accordance with the requirements of the documentation course.

In all cases, the report will include a self-evaluation of the internship (1 page max) by the student in terms of lived experience and professional perspective. The student must send a PDF copy of his report (at the latest 2 weeks before the deliberation) to the coordinators. The report is evaluated by the internship director and two ULiège moderators (Dr G. Lepoint and Dr. Aida Alvera Azcarate). The evaluation grid is sent by the coordinators. An evaluation grid, provided to the student on request, has been established by the Studies Council. For the evaluation, the tutor completes the evaluation grid (50% of the mark)(progress of the internship, inclusion, motivation, written report). The moderators complete the last lines of the evaluation grid (25% of the mark each).

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

The subject of the professional internship cannot be that of the dissertation (i.e. professional internship and end-of-study dissertation are two different courses). However, it is permitted to carry out both internships in the same research group, as long as the subjects are distinct.

IMPORTANT: This internship is organized by the student. Prior to carrying out the internship, the student will contact the co-ordinator so that he/she, in consultation with the study council, agrees to carry out the internship.

A "Professional Internship" form must be returned, with the objectives of the internship. This sheet is provided by the coordinators, as well as a non-exhaustive list of internship locations at the start of the academic year.

IMPERATIVELY, the internship must be organized before the end of February, even if, in agreement with the dissertation promoter and coordinators, it takes place after this date.

In the event of an internship abroad, the student must request authorization from the Authorities.

In the event of an internship outside ULiège, an agreement between the location of the internship and Uliège must be completed in advance and sent to the coordinators for signature then to Ms. Kristel Karremans.

In all cases, a safety sheet must be completed and sent to Mrs Karremans.

All of these formalities must be completed via the site: https://www.student.uliege.be/cms/c_11156513/fr/myetudiant-demande-d-auteuration-du-recteur Under no circumstances is this internship paid.



Dr Gilles Lepoint, Laboratoire d'Ecologie trophique et isotopique (LETIS)

Building B6c, 2nd floor, room 2/16 g.lepoint@uliege.be


Dr Aida Alvera-Azcarate, GHER, Building B5a, 2nd floor, room2/56 



Association of one or more MOOCs