2024-2025 / SOCI2233-1



24h Th

Number of credits

 Bachelor in bioengineering2 crédits 


Julie Gérard

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The sociology course aims to :

  • to initiate students to sociological reasoning, through an analytical approach of the emergence context of sociology as a scientific discipline.
  • to allow students to build a minimal sociological knowledge base that can be transposed to any societal problem in the bio-food field, in order to understand the constraints - both technical and social - of a society in perpetual evolution,
  • equip students with the scientific approach in sociology based on the basic techniques and principles of scientific research in these field.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

In this perspective, students will be led to :

  • discover the contribution of sociology to describe the social from different applications and scientific texts,
  • understand the scientific approach in sociology on the basis of practical exercises and a theoretical presentation,
  • analyze and deepen, in groups of four, a societal theme in which their scientific training fits, with the help of theoretical and methodological tools specific to sociology. 

Prerequisite knowledge and skills


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course is resolutely participative and is nourished by the students' opinions, reflections and observations.

It is organized around theoretical and practical sessions.

Each session is built around methodological and theoretical frameworks as well as moments of discussion and exchange in order to help students carry out their group work.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:

The teaching mode is:

  • hybrid (face-to-face and distance learning depending on the conditions related to the health crisis) via the tools of the Ultra platform (https://www.ecampus.uliege.be/),
  • resolutely participative and dynamic, based on group work.

  • Course content (PowerPoint, videos, texts, etc.) available on Ultra (anciennement eCampus).
  • The "Manuel de recherche en sciences sociales" by Luc Van Campenhoudt, Jacques Marquet and Raymond Quivy (Paris, Dunod, 2017, 5th ed.)

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- Remote

written exam

Written work / report

Additional information:

The sociology course - and the introduction to the sociological approach that underlies it - will be evaluated by a summary note written in groups analyzing - empirically and theoretically - with the help of tools specific to sociology, a societal issue in which their training is involved.

Assessment methods:

  • Research report of a maximum of 8-10 pages (excluding cover page, table of contents, introduction/conclusion, appendices)
  • Written work to be carried out by group of 5 students on a sociological research object related to the theme addressed in the course of Current environmental issues by C. COLAUX (BAC1)
  • Filing via Ultra's (formerly eCampus) homework tool for the 1st day of the exam session, before 11:59 p.m.
  • Identical evaluation and submission methods in the first and second sessions.
Evaluation criteria :

  • Presentation of the research object, its scope and its initial question,
  • Contextualized presentation of the research object based on a documentary analysis of the gray and scientific literature,
  • Empirical exploration of the research object based on at least two interviews and/or two observations,
  • Formulation of findings related to the research field carried out and answering the initial question posed,
  • Use of sociological tools and references (referencing standards: APA),
  • Contrasting presentation of the analysis framework used and justification of the choice made,
  • Sociological analysis of data, literary and empirical, collected,
  • Reflexivity and prospective dimension (how could this work of reflection be extended?).

Work placement(s)

No training

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

First class on Friday, September 22, 2022 at 1:15 pm.




Faculté des Sciences sociales - ULiège




Association of one or more MOOCs