2024-2025 / RTFE2009-1

Thesis in forest and natural areas management


Number of credits

 Master in forests and natural areas engineering, professional focus24 crédits 


Cédric Vermeulen


Cédric Vermeulen

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The second quadrimester of Master 2 is devoted to preparing the end-of-study work. It consists in personal scientific work on a topic defined jointly with the promoter. The work can be a planning or managing assignment as well as research work. It can be carried out in a laboratory, a private or public research center, or a company, and take place in Belgium, Europe, or overseas.
After completing the course the student is expected to:

  • demonstrate that he can work independently;
  • identify and solve a problem, whose complexity matches educational objectives and the amount of time available.
  • handle the engineer sciences and use them. He can analyse mathematically and in a computer way a problem and he modelize it;
  • can use innovative methods to solve problems
  • detect and use the different methods of problems resolution
  • Innovate, conduct research and conceive scientific and technical solutions allowing him to define products, systems and services
  • use conception and modelling methodology and can see their limit;
  • can choose, apply and adapt them;
  • collect and interpret data and scientific relevant information, including in unfamiliar environment;
  • can do scientific reseraches and appropriate experimentations lonely or in group;
  • conceptualize models, systems and process in a real way;
  • Can identify, classify and describe the products performance, systems and services by analyse or modelling methods;
  • can conceive projects corresponding to exigeances or specifications totally define or not, eventually complex, unfamiliar, in uncertain environment or with uncomplete information;
  • cooperate with the world of researcher and engineer of the speciality or not;
  • show critical mind and creativity to developp original and new ideas (technic, methodological or comercial innovation) and new technology;
  • Find scientific and technologic solutions;
  • can use the theory and practice to solve engineering problems and offer trustworthy solutions;
  • differentiate lots of equipment: their characteristics, use and limits;
  • differentiate methods and process;
  • assure a conform achievement;
  • Confirm his works by a well-focused choose of tests;
  • Estimate the cost
  • Organize his work and can work with autonomy
  • integrate an organization, understand the different roles and have a team spirit;
  • communicate effectively, correctly and diversified with the engineering community and a large public (information, works, results).

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

The student must read the "guide du TFE", available on the intranet. This document explains the directions for the realization of the work.

The student has to fill in and validate the "TFE Protocol" on the dedicated online platform, before the deadline. He or she will ensure that the jury is in line with the regulations. After the deadline, modifications will not be allowed. Exceptions will be evaluated by the presisdent of the jury. The president might change the jury composition - in that case the student will be informed.


Any session :

- In-person

written exam AND oral exam

- Remote

written exam AND oral exam

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred in-person

Additional information:

Personal report (100%)

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Association of one or more MOOCs