2024-2025 / RADL0230-3



15h Th, 20h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in dentistry1 crédit 


Audrey Gueders

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The theoretical course of Radiodiagnosis begins with a general description of the various radiographic images which can be carried out within the framework of a current dental practice and the basic rules to be respected as practitioner of the dental art. The theoretical notions discussed next are the X-ray generators, the properties of X-rays and the properties of the various films/sensors that are used in the practice of dentistry. A large part of the theory is then devoted to the techniques of taking intra-oral X-rays, to the analysis of the defects that certain negatives may present as well as to the means of optimizing the taking of intra-oral radiographic X-rays. Then are discussed the different 2D and 3D extra-oral images that can be taken in dental practice. And finally to finish, several radiodiagnostic exercises will be offered via the ecampus platform. The teaching and learning of the elements of radiodiagnosis begin in parallel with the course of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, and follows the course of Pathology and Semiology of dentistry. Course Description Fundamental bases of dental radiography, including the elements of radio-diagnosis Contents 1. X-rays: general 2. Image formation 3. Films and their treatments 4. The different types of dental x-rays 5. Shooting techniques and radiographic anatomy 6. Digital X-ray 7. Radio-diagnostic elements The theoretical concepts taught in the Radiodiagnosis course will be followed by several sessions devoted to learning to read dental X-ray images: exercise sessions (ARC) of image readings will be organized face-to-face or online.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The dentist is, for most of the radiological examinations he uses, his own radiologist. At the end of this course, the student will have learned how to correctly perform dental X-rays but also how to interpret them with a view to establishing a clinical diagnosis. Thus, at the end of the Dental Radiodiagnosis course: The student knows the basic principles of radiology covered in the course. The student knows the different types of X-ray images used in dentistry and their indications. The student knows all the equipment needed to take 2D X-ray images in a patient and is able to use it in pre-clinical settings. The student knows the techniques for taking 2D shots and is able to take them on a phantom. He is able to identify on X-ray images (intra- and extra-oral) the different anatomical structures, dental tissues and restorative materials or prosthetic materials used in dentistry. He is able to identify technical faults on X-ray images that complicate the establishment of a diagnosis. He acquired the basic notions to make a clinical diagnosis based on the reading of an X-ray image.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

- Physical bases of medical imaging - Anatomy of the head and neck, including the central nervous system - Anatomy of the masticatory apparatus - Radiobiology and radiation protection in dentistry

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Face-to-face course based on a theoretical and clinical approach (x-rays from simple clinical cases). Online course (ecampus) on training in reading and analyzing X-ray images. CRA/APP Putting the learning into practice when carrying out a MANDATORY radiology assignment (x-ray status and bite-wing) to be carried out in the preclinical room, on a phantom patient.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:

Blended learning


In-person or online transmissive teaching based on a theoretical and clinical approach (x-rays from simple clinical cases). Online courses (ecampus) in particular on training in reading and analyzing X-ray images. ARC sessions Putting pre-clinical learning into practice with the completion of a MANDATORY radiology assignment as part of the practical work of this Radiodiagnosis in dentistry course. 10% of the final mark of the first session certification evaluation will be generated by the mark obtained for the radiodiagnostic assignment. This assignment must be returned at the end of the last practical session.

The slideshows of the presentations seen during the various courses constitute the course notes. This data is available as PDF files on the ecampus student portal. Course slides available on ecampus. Syllabus available on ecampus and MyULG NB: A small supplementary syllabus serving as an introduction to the Radiodiagnostics course is distributed during the first lesson and is available on myULiège and ecampus. It constitutes a clinical checklist which will be useful to you at the beginning of the year of Master 1 (during the internship periods) and it does not in any case cover all the material to be known within the framework of the Radiodiagnosis course. Suggested reference books: - Manual of dental and maxillofacial radiology. pasler. Editions Flammarion. - Radiology. pasler. Editions Flammarion. - Radiology for dental auxiliaries. H. Frommer. Mosby editions.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam AND oral exam

- Remote

written exam

Other : Theoretical exam is a written exam. The practical work exam is oral.

Additional information:

Other : To translate

Additional information:

The certification evaluation is organized at the end of the teaching unit. Partim theory (written exam) A written exam containing questions of the MCQ/QRM/or/or type, matching tests make it possible to verify knowledge and understanding of the concepts taught. Open questions (with short answers (QROC)), texts to be completed and matching tests assess understanding and the ability to apply the concepts taught (diagnosis, differential diagnosis). The mark of the theoretical part will count for 40% of the final mark of the first session certification evaluation. Practical part (oral exam) It will take place in pre-clinical: examination on computer and practical examination on phantom. Matching tests verify knowledge and understanding of the notions of image-taking techniques taught as well as the ability to read and interpret X-ray images. Open questions (with short answers (QROC)) make it possible to assess the student's ability to read, understand and interpret an intra-oral or panoramic X-ray image (reading, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, artefacts). For the simulation part, the student must take several X-ray images on a phantom patient, under conditions similar to those proposed during his apprenticeship (pre-clinical). The mark of the practical part will count for 50% of the final mark of the first session certification evaluation. The remaining 10% of the final mark of the first session certification evaluation will be generated by the mark obtained for the duty of radiodiagnosis, carried out in pre-clinical on a phantom patient according to the rules and criteria taught in the course of Radiodiagnosis in medicine dentistry and the safety rules taught in the course of Radiobiology and radiation protection. If the student has to retake this exam in the second session, the mark obtained for the assignment will not be counted: the score for the theoretical exam will be equivalent to 50%, as will the score for the practical exam.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

To translate


Pr Audrey Guéders

Institut de Dentisterie, Policlinique Lucien Brull

Quai G. Kurth, 45

4020  Liège

Tél : 04 323 31 00   Courriel :  audrey.gueders@uliege.be


Secrétariat de direction : Madame Caroline Abeels

Institut de Dentisterie, Policlinique Lucien Brull

Quai G. Kurth, 45

4020  Liège

Tél : 04 323 31 02   


Bureau pédagogique : Madame Anne COLLARD

Institut de Dentisterie, Policlinique Lucien Brull

Quai G. Kurth, 45

4020  Liège

Tél : 04 323 31 01  Courriel : acollard@uliege.be    

Association of one or more MOOCs