2024-2025 / PSYC5912-1

Psychopathology - clinical cases [D]

Psychopathology of ageing

Psychopathological traumas

Relational psychopathology

Integrative psychopathology


Psychopathology of ageing : 7h Pr
Psychopathological traumas : 7h Pr
Relational psychopathology : 7h Pr
Integrative psychopathology : 7h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in psychology, professional focus in cognitive and behavioural neuroscience4 crédits 
 Master in psychology, professional focus in clinical psychology4 crédits 
 Master in psychology, professional focus in social, occupational and organizational psychology4 crédits 
 Master in psychology, professional focus4 crédits 


Psychopathology of ageing : Stéphane Adam
Psychopathological traumas : Adelaïde Blavier
Relational psychopathology : Maria Elena Brianda
Integrative psychopathology : Frank Laroi


Adelaïde Blavier

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The course is intended to be a continuation of the psychopathology - theoritecal approaches (PSYC5911) course offered in master 1.

It aims to train students to integrate different theoretical approaches in undestanding clinical cases.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of this course, the student must be able to:

  • Understand a clinical situation according to different theoretical frameworks (seen in psychopathology - theoretical approaches)
  • Identify the main problem(s) for the person
  • Adjust his understanding to the specifics of the situation (request, patient values ??and consultation context)
  • Communicate your clinical reasoning orally and in writing

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Validation of the course psychopathology - theoretical approaches (PSYC5911) provided in master 1.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

A variety of learning methods are offered:

- presentation of clinical cases in ex-cathedra sessions by clinicians ;

- individual and group written work;

- training in clinical reasoning under the supervision of clinical tutors;

- exchanges based on the expert eye of the teachers;

- oral presentation of a clinical case analysis by groups of students

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Recommended or required readings

Course materials and readings proposed within the course psychopathology - theoritecal approaches (PSYC5911) in master 1.

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

Attendance at large-group lectures and small-group practical sessions is compulsory. Unjustified absence from a practical session automatically results in failure of that part (20%).

The final grade is based on three parts. The first part of the grade (20% of the grade) is based on the student's attendance and commitment (handing in work and meeting deadlines). The second part (50% of the grade) relates to the presentation of a clinical case by each group of students at the end of the term. The third part (30% of the grade) is based on an in-session written examination.

In the event of failure in the first session, the marks obtained in the first and second parts will be retained to the second session. The student may register for a second session to re-take the third part.

Work placement(s)

Organizational remarks

This course is given during the second semester. 


About course organization : Chloé Jeanne (assistant); Chloe.Jeanne@uliege.be

About evaluation: Fanny Kreush (assistant); fkreusch@uliege.be and copy Adélaïde Blavier (coordinator); Adelaide.Blavier@uliege.be 

Association of one or more MOOCs

There is no MOOC associated with this course.