2024-2025 / PSTG1004-1

On site training : teaching French as a foreign language (part I)


30h Internship

Number of credits

 Master in French and Romance languages and literatures : French as a foreign language, professional focus5 crédits 
 Master in French and Romance languages and literatures : general, professional focus in French as a foreign language5 crédits 


Deborah Meunier

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The pedagogical internship will involve various activities having to do with practices of observation applied to a class studying French as a foreign language (or as a second language, alpha language, etc.), paying attention to teaching in various contexts (non-profit organisations, secondary teaching, foreign universities, etc.), to different sorts of work done in cooperation with supervisors and fellow students, and to writing thoughtful and critical reports for the various internship programmes.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Students will learn to :

  • Develop an accurate critical view of teaching practices associated with French as a foreign language
  • Produce adequate lesson plans that are appropriate for a given teaching situation
  • Adapt themselves to differing teaching conditions (public, in different kinds of spaces, institutional constraints, etc.)

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Non-native French speakers must have achieved at least the C1 level in the French language in order to be admitted to internship programmes.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Initially interns must observe classes in French as a foreign language at the ILSV and will be invited to discuss their observations at a meeting with other interns and the directors of the Didactic Service for French as a foreign language.

The practical training period of 15h minimum will include more or less 1/3 having to do with observation by the internship supervisor, and the remaining 2/3 of the work will consist of teaching the class initially observed.

Lessons will be prepared with the assistance of the internship supervisor, who will have the task of helping with the lessons that are presented by the intern, and also of evaluating them.

Supervision sessions are organized to assist trainees in the preparation of their first sequence plans. A calendar will be available on eCampus at the beginning of October for the first quadrimester.

Each placement will be the subject of a written report (see assessment procedures).

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

The intern may choose the locations where the work is to be performed, but at least one part of it must be performed in Belgium, and it is recommended that the types of public institutions be varied, in order for the work experience to be both rich and diverse.

In addition, the organisation of a work placement abroad is conditional on the successful completion of a first work placement in Belgium.

If the intern is already teaching, his/ her current workplace can be acceptable as a location for internship work, provided that the student is being supervised by an internship director (fellow teacher, pedagogical director) and a member of the Didactics Service for French as a foreign language is able to visit the intern and observe him / her at that workplace.


Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

The trainee will have to write a single critical and reflective report (observations + lessons) for his/her placement, in which he/she will detail the lessons observed and taught (class management, skills worked on, learners' reactions, etc.) and in which he/she will evaluate the practices observed as his/her own.

The observation and reflexive sessions are mandatory. These sessions are not the subject of a quantified evaluation but of a "YES / NO" in the final evaluation grid. The "NO" leading to the adjournment.

Each training course is evaluated by the supervisor and by a self-assessment by the trainee.

The final mark obtained for each internship is an average of the marks awarded by the supervisor and the members of the didactic department resulting from the evaluation of the reports.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Information meeting on October 4th at 9am, room Philo 2 (XX aout).

All documents related to the internships will be downloaded or deposited on eCampus.

The trainee will have to encode all the information about his place of internship (dates, trainee, schedules, contact details etc.) via the online form (eCampus).

Participation in reflective practice sessions is mandatory.

No 2nd session organized.


Prof. Jean-Marc DEFAYS jmdefays@uliege.be

Prof. Deborah MEUNIER dmeunier@uliege.be

Université de Liège
Place du 20-Août, 7, Bat. A2, 4/47
B-4000 Liège

Secrétariat : Ariane Nüsgens Ariane.Nusgens@uliege.be 


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