2024-2025 / PRCO0001-1

Integrated project


90h Pr, 2d FW, 100h Proj.

Number of credits

 Master MSc. in Civil Engineering, professional focus in civil engineering7 crédits 


Laurent Duchene, Frédéric Gens, Boyan Mihaylov

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

This course aims to place the students in the position of a group of engineers from a design office, which have to work within a realistic structure of Civil engineering.
In this respect, as in a real project, the work to be achieved is not completely defined at the beginning. An uncertainty is intentionally introduced so that the orientation of the project can evolve according to the difficulties and the opportunities encountered.
The students are divided into teams and must exchange information and cooperate efficiently to achieve the best project not only in technical terms but also economically, aesthetically and environmentally. They are thus led to consider several versions of the project and to make the best choice. This project incorporates aspects of geotechnical engineering, materials, structures... The problems of implementation, organization of work, quotes, integration into the environment are also covered. This project is, with the master thesis, the culmination of the curriculum in engineering construction.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of this class, the student will be able to behave as a practitioner engineer. In particular, he/she will be able to analyze, within short delays, different technical solutions and their possible completion. From a technical viewpoint, the student should master the knowledge gained during previous courses (individually or integrated) and should be able to apply them. He/she should also be able to apply some design aspects that are too often considered as secondary (physics of the building, functionning, environmental impact, etc.). He/She will be able to use information provided by third parties and to search for additional information (scientific literature, academic and industrial contacts...), such as detailed drawings, geotechnical data of the studied site, specific regulations... in order to base their studies on. He/She will also be able to present the main results of his/her investigations with adequate communication means (technical reports, oral presentations, summary reports, concise drawings and sketches).

An important part of the project is the work in large group (4 to 5 students), as is done in design offices. The constraints linked to the work in group should be mastered: organization, sharing of the work, putting all the results together, ability to do concessions... These aspects of the group work are parts of the learning outcomes deliberately targeted.


See also the matrix available from


This course contributes to the learning outcomes I.1, I.2, II.1, II.2, II.3, III.1, III.2, III.3, III.4, IV.1, IV.3, IV.4, IV.5, V.1, V.2, VI.1, VI.2, VI.3, VI.4, VII.1, VII.2, VII.3, VII.4, VII.5, VII.6 of the MSc in civil engineering.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Globally, all the subjects covered during the studies of Civil engineering will be needed. Particularly, a deep knowledge, validated by 2 to 3 courses (bac or master level), is necessary in the following domains:
- Structure mechanics,
- Geotechnics,
- Reinforced concrete,
- Finite element method,
- Fluid mechanics,
For the students who achieved their master at ULiege, it corresponds to the courses of bloc 0 and bloc 1:
Bloc 1:
GCIV0201-2: Technologie des bétons et matériaux nouveaux
GCIV0643-1: Structures en béton précontraint et maçonnerie
GCIV0644-1: Structures métalliques et mixtes acier-béton
GCIV0646-1: Conception et exécution des bâtiments
GCIV2034-1: Ecoulements à surface libre
GCIV2035-1: Hydrodynamique fluviale
GCIV2036-2: Mécanique des sols et des roches
GCIV2037-1: Analyse des structures II
GCIV0185-7: Méthodes numériques linéaires en génie civil et géologique
GCIV0009-1: Conception et exécution des ouvrages hydrauliques de navigation
GCIV0607-2: Analyse des structures I
GCIV2049-1: Conception et exécution des ouvrages géotechniques
Bloc 0:
MATH0006-3: Introduction to numerical analysis (anglais)
MECA0001-2: Mécanique des matériaux
MECA0011-2: Eléments de mécanique des fluides
LANG0039-2: Anglais 2, English for Engineering (anglais)
MATH0067-1: Introduction aux statistiques et probabilités
GCIV0184-5: Matériaux de construction
MECA0012-6: Mécanique des solides
GCIV0604-3: Hydraulique
GCIV0603-2: Géotechnique et infrastructures
GCIV0608-1: Introduction à l'ingénierie des constructions
GEOL0001-1: Géologie et géologie de l'ingénieur
GCIV2172-1: Calcul d'éléments métalliques
GCIV2173-1: Béton armé (anglais)
Even if the main language of the course is English, some parts of the course could be in French and a minimum knowledge is required.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

This is a class with multiple speakers, which will be present successively. It is expected that the students themselves bring about the changes in their project according to the different aspects that will be successively considered. They will also be responsible to develop the main thread throughout the successive sessions and the different speakers.
However, the teacher will make sure the sequence of sessions will be planned in such a way to make possible the achievement of the project on the planned time frame. After the main stages of the project, a technical report and/or drawings have to be prepared by each group. These reports must be delivered in due time and they will be evaluated. The results of each will also be presented orally to the evaluators and to the other groups. During these presentations, all the students are encouraged to comment the work of the other groups.
For this course, on site visits could be planned. The attendance of the students to these visits is compulsory.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

This integrated project is being conducted over the first quadrimester (the first four months). The classes are face-to-face and the attendance of the students is compulsory.
Work groups:  The groups will be formed during the first meeting. It is therefore necessary that all the students are present during the first class. For the students who have not yet registered, they are requested to contact the teachers before the first class.
During the project, it is for these groups to organize their internal and external collaborations at all levels.
Supervision:  The lecturers of the course, as well as external speakers, will guide the work of the students throughout the project.
Particularly, Technical Discussions will be planned with each group (around each two weeks) to guide the work of the students. The students are asked to prepare these discussions with a graphical support (paper version): drawings, schemes, sketch.
For the management of the work, Organizational Discussions will be planned with each group (around each month) to check the proper functioning of the group. If a problem is detected, adequate measures will be defined and applied.

The data required to achieve the project will be either given to the students, or sought by the students (library, internet, companies...).

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Additional information:

The drawings and the reports from the students will be evaluated. The involvement of the students during the classes will be considered for the cotation.
Examination The exam will consist in an oral presentation of a summary of the project. Each group has a common presentation. Following the presentation, questions will be asked to the team or individually to the members of the team. The jury will be composed of the teachers involved in this project and engineering practitioners.
The final mark will be an indicator of the learning outcomes gained by the student among the targets for this course:
1- Direct application of the technical knowledge from previous courses. The student should master the concepts taught in the prerequisite domains and should be able to apply them adequately.
2- Combined application of these knowledge (integration aspect). An important part of the integrated project is to force the student to make the link between the prerequisite domains in order to be able to solve problems globally.
3- Search for new knowledge to solve a particular problem. The ability of the student to find information, gain new skills, explore new domains... will be evaluated. In this respect, risk taking and innovative ideas from the students will be duly considered.
4- Ability of the student to clearly and accurately present his/her work. The quality of the reports, the drawings and the oral presentations will be evaluated.
5- Contribution to the group work. The active contribution of the student to the work of the group and to its organization will be taken into account in the final mark.
The final mark will be based on the work of the group and the student.
The exam will take place during the January session.
Given the importance of the group work during the semester, a second session will not be organized.
The students who did not achieved all the compulsory activities might not be allowed to take the exam.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

The students will be informed about the practical information (auditorium, planning...) by E-mail or thanks to the platform e-Campus.


Laurent Duchêne - Tel: 04/366 9328 - E-mail: l.duchene@uliege.be - Office: +1/548 (building B52/3).
Boyan Mihaylov - Tel: 04/366 9497 - E-mail: boyan.mihaylov@uliege.be - Office: +1/417 (building B52/3).
Frédéric Gens - E-mail: fgens@uliege.be

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