2024-2025 / PHAR0006-1

Introduction to professional focus in officinal practice, advice and pharmaceutical follow-up

Gestion des médicaments anti-infectieux

Complément de phytothérapie


Gestion officinale

Approche critique de l'homéopathie


Soins lourds à domicile

Médicaments à usage vétérinaire

Approche critique des compléments alimentaires

Médicaments, grossesse et allaitement

Médicaments chez la personne âgée

Méthodologie de rédaction


Gestion des médicaments anti-infectieux : 6h SEM
Complément de phytothérapie : 6h SEM
Dermopharmacie : 6h SEM
Gestion officinale : 6h SEM
Approche critique de l'homéopathie : 3h SEM
Mycologie : 3h SEM
Soins lourds à domicile : 3h SEM
Médicaments à usage vétérinaire : 3h SEM
Approche critique des compléments alimentaires : 3h SEM
Médicaments, grossesse et allaitement : 3h SEM
Médicaments chez la personne âgée : 3h SEM
Méthodologie de rédaction : 3h SEM

Number of credits

 Master in pharmacy, professional focus in officinal practice, advice and pharmaceutical follow-up10 crédits 


Gestion des médicaments anti-infectieux : Geneviève Philippe
Complément de phytothérapie : Michel Frederich, Allison Ledoux
Dermopharmacie : Arjen  Nikkels, Géraldine Piel
Gestion officinale : Alain Chaspierre
Approche critique de l'homéopathie : Allison Ledoux
Mycologie : Gabriel Castillo Cabello
Soins lourds à domicile : Sophie Streel
Médicaments à usage vétérinaire : Brigitte Evrard, Pascal Gustin
Approche critique des compléments alimentaires : Michel Frederich, Nicolas Paquot
Médicaments, grossesse et allaitement : Corinne Charlier, Raphaël Denooz
Médicaments chez la personne âgée : Sophie Gillain
Méthodologie de rédaction : Geneviève Philippe


Geneviève Philippe

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Not available

Gestion des médicaments anti-infectieux

see fr

Complément de phytothérapie

This course is a complement to the Phytotherapy course dispensed in Bachelor in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

This supplement will focus on the different forms of herbal preparations that can be found on the market, on legislative aspects, on registered medicines that can be found in Belgium, and finally on plants of well established use as recognized by The European Medicines Agency (legal status).


The dermopharmacy course for pharmacy students is primarly aimed on the study of medications prescribed by dermatologists and GP's.The information that is provided by the pharmacist to the patient concerning the treatment is of utmost importance for a successfull treatment outcome and for compliance.
This course provides an overview of topical and systemic medications prescribed in dermatology and venereology.

Approche critique de l'homéopathie

This course is a complement to the Phytotherapy course given in the Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

This complement will focus on the definition of homeopathy and the terms used in this field. It will then provide a critical view based on scientific literature. 


Introduction to Mycology

Soins lourds à domicile

Disposable medical devices: general définitions- Medical devices of respiratory tract - Medical devices of digestive tract - Medical devices of urinary tract - Medical devices of digestive and urinary stomies - Medical devices of parenteral administration route - Wound dressing.

Médicaments à usage vétérinaire

Specificities of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics are given

Approche critique des compléments alimentaires

The course will consist of a presentation of the legislation of food supplements and will be followed by a critical presentation of the contribution of supplements used (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, ...).

Médicaments, grossesse et allaitement

Toxicity of medicines and drugs of abuse during pregnancy or breastfeeding

Médicaments chez la personne âgée


Méthodologie de rédaction

This course aims to provide concrete methodological support to students in the context of the realization of their personal research work associated with their internship with option of master's degree, specialized ends. The general instructions concerning the work requested will be detailed during the course. In parallel, practical advice will be provided on each stage of the work: from the definition of the research topic to the oral defense, focusing primarily on the writing of the work (document structure, writing rules, bibliographic referencing, etc.) .

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Complément de phytothérapie

At the end of this course, the students should have developed a critical mind as regards the many natural products they can find in pharmacies: distinction between drugs and many dietary supplements notified or not. They should know not only therapeutic activities but also interactions and side effects to give sound advice and reliable information to the patients.
One objective of the course is to draw students' attention to the difference between many forms (concentration of active ingredients or markers ...) of natural products: importance of standardization and labeling.
Students must be aware that the quality of the product they will deliver is the guarantee of its effectiveness and lack of toxicity.


The objective of the course is to provide the student brief information on the prescribed drugs in order to guide and to assist the patient with his treatment. The course has also for objective to allow the student to acquire more specific knowledge of magistral dermatologic preparations in agreement with the FTM

Soins lourds à domicile

Provide the student with sufficient knowledge of current disposable medical devices delivered in community pharmacy: characteristics, utilisations, patient counselling - knowledge of current disposable medical devices commonly used in hospital

Médicaments à usage vétérinaire

pharmacists must take into account the specificities of veterinairy pharmacology to be able to deliver veterinary products

Approche critique des compléments alimentaires

The aim of this course is for students to gain a critical mind about the very large number of food supplements available on the market.

Médicaments, grossesse et allaitement

At the end of this course, the students are supposed to be able to identify the majority of teratogenic drugs and other problematic drugs used during pregnancy and breast feeding. 
The goal is to present principal sources of information (books, websites, ...) which could be used to appreciate drug toxicity in this special population. 

Médicaments chez la personne âgée


Méthodologie de rédaction

This course will guide the student in writing his own research work, both in terms of the general research method (the disciplinary specificities are, of course, under the responsibility of the promoters and addressed during the course) that in the form what should the manuscript take. He will be aware of the responsibilities incumbent on him when writing a scientific writing (absence of plagiarism, correct referencing, quality of scientific results, etc.).

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Complément de phytothérapie

Pharmacognosy- pharmacology- pathology-nutrition


Basic knowledge on skin biology and physiology is required. The course "Technologie pharmaceutique et biopharmacie" (PHAR0343-3) and practical courses of "Technologie Pharmaceutique et Biopharmacie" (PHAR0347-2)
Know the major classes of drugs, including antibiotics, retinoids, NSAIDs, antivirals, antimycotics, antimetabolites, immunomodulators, immunosuppressants, etc.

Approche critique de l'homéopathie

This course aims to develop the student's pharmaceutical expertise and to inculcate in the students a critical spirit with regard to homeopathy.

Soins lourds à domicile


Médicaments à usage vétérinaire

  • Human pharmacology et physiology
  • Veterinary drug substances

Approche critique des compléments alimentaires

Basic concept in nutrition (B3 course)

Médicaments, grossesse et allaitement

Toxicological chemistry, general pharmacology and special pharmacology courses. 

Méthodologie de rédaction

Practice of French required

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Complément de phytothérapie



No practical sessions are organized

Approche critique de l'homéopathie

Theoretical lesson and cases analysis.

Soins lourds à domicile


Approche critique des compléments alimentaires


Méthodologie de rédaction

Sessions in classroom. Attendance at the course is not obligatory.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:

not available

Gestion des médicaments anti-infectieux

Face-to-face learning


Blended learning

Additional information:

Teaching in classroom


Remote course

Additional information:


Soins lourds à domicile

Teoretical teaching : monday during the first semester.

Médicaments à usage vétérinaire

theoretical courses

Approche critique des compléments alimentaires

Face to face or distance-learning if necessary

Médicaments, grossesse et allaitement

1 session, 3 hours

Méthodologie de rédaction

Face-to-face course - Presence is not mandatory. However, information disseminated in the course will not be repeated individually.  

Complément de phytothérapie

Lecture notes and power-point data will be distributed to students


The powerpoint presentation is available on line
  The "livre de soins de plaies au CHU" book is recommended: Contact the direction of nursing.  

Soins lourds à domicile

Full notes available.

Médicaments à usage vétérinaire


Approche critique des compléments alimentaires


Médicaments, grossesse et allaitement

Powerpoint slides

Méthodologie de rédaction

Consultation of previous work for illustrative purposes

Assessment methods and criteria

Any session :

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

- Remote

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred in-person

Additional information:

Written exam ("true-false")

Gestion des médicaments anti-infectieux

Written test with open questions, short questions, exercises, ...

Complément de phytothérapie

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

Additional information:

Written examination


The examinations are organized following the modalities prescribed by the medical faculty and evaluate the entire course.

Written examination

Approche critique de l'homéopathie

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam

Additional information:

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

Additional information:

Written examination

Soins lourds à domicile

Written test

Médicaments à usage vétérinaire

written examination

Approche critique des compléments alimentaires

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

Additional information:

Integrated written examination

Médicaments, grossesse et allaitement

Written evaluation (see module information)

Médicaments chez la personne âgée


Méthodologie de rédaction


Work placement(s)

Médicaments, grossesse et allaitement

Not applicable

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Complément de phytothérapie

Half-year 9

Soins lourds à domicile


Approche critique des compléments alimentaires


Méthodologie de rédaction

Interventions are made by Mrs Anne-France Lanotte and Mrs Marjorie Bardiau


Coordination : G. Philippe g.philippe@uliege.be

Gestion des médicaments anti-infectieux

Prof. Thierry Van Hees : tvanhees@ulg.ac.be

Complément de phytothérapie

Professeur Michel Frédérich


The secretarial staff can be contacted during office hours on 04/3667232 Ms M. Vaccarella E-mail; dermatologie@chu.ulg.ac.be
For the Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology, Géraldine PIEL, CC Tél : 04/3664308 geraldine.piel@uliege.be

Approche critique de l'homéopathie



Soins lourds à domicile

Yvan HUON Pharmacien chef CHU de Liège B35 4000 Liège Phone: 04 366 71 39 Fax 04 366 71 42 Email: yhuon@chu.ulg.ac.be 

Médicaments à usage vétérinaire

Brigitte EVRARD, Professeur, coordonateur
Tél 04/3664300
email: b.evrard@ulg.ac.be
Secrétariat: 04/366.43.01
Fax: 04/366.43.02

Approche critique des compléments alimentaires

e-mail: nicolas.paquo@uliege.be
Secrétariat: V. Draps (04/3667238)
Michel Frédérich

Médicaments, grossesse et allaitement

see French version 

Médicaments chez la personne âgée


Méthodologie de rédaction

Geneviève Philippe

Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online

Médicaments, grossesse et allaitement

Médicaments, grossesse et allaitement
Médicaments, grossesse et allaitement