2024-2025 / PHAR0005-1

Introduction to specialized focus in conception and develoment of medicine - bioanalysis

Visites industrielles

Introduction à la biologie clinique

Médicaments d'origine biosynthétique

Stratégies de découverte des médicaments

Chimie structurale des médicaments

Management pharmaceutique

Assurance de qualité

Technologie pharmaceutique industrielle

Analyses biopharmaceutiques

Affaires règlementaires

Etudes cliniques

Méthodologie de rédaction


Visites industrielles : 6h Vis. Ind. Pl.
Introduction à la biologie clinique : 6h SEM
Médicaments d'origine biosynthétique : 6h SEM
Stratégies de découverte des médicaments : 3h SEM
Chimie structurale des médicaments : 3h SEM
Management pharmaceutique : 3h SEM
Assurance de qualité : 3h SEM
Technologie pharmaceutique industrielle : 3h SEM
Analyses biopharmaceutiques : 6h SEM
Affaires règlementaires : 3h SEM
Etudes cliniques : 3h SEM
Méthodologie de rédaction : 3h SEM

Number of credits

 Master in pharmacy, professional focus in conception and development of medicine - bioanalysis10 crédits 


Visites industrielles : Brigitte Evrard, Marianne Fillet, Philippe Hubert
Introduction à la biologie clinique : Corinne Charlier, Marie-Pierre Hayette, Caroline Le Goff
Médicaments d'origine biosynthétique : Pierre Francotte
Stratégies de découverte des médicaments :
Chimie structurale des médicaments : Pascal De Tullio, Michel Frederich
Management pharmaceutique :
Assurance de qualité : Philippe Hubert, Roland Marini Djang'Eing'A
Technologie pharmaceutique industrielle : Brigitte Evrard
Analyses biopharmaceutiques : Marianne Fillet
Affaires règlementaires : Philippe Hubert
Etudes cliniques : Régis Radermecker
Méthodologie de rédaction : Geneviève Philippe

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Not available

Introduction à la biologie clinique

This course tends to present the clinical biology laboratory in his different aspects. 
Here are presented particularly the laboratories of toxicology, microbiology and genetics.
A core of teacher will present the course with the objective to describe the most recent advances in the field.
For example for the microbiology part, the table of content is as follows:
Table of contents (Microbiology, MP Hayette)
1-présentation of clinical biology laboratories
2-application of mass spectrometry in microbiology
3-application of molécular biology techniques: real-time PCR, quantitative and qualitative, sequençing and NGS. 
Table des matières (Genetics, F Boemer)
1- application of mass spectrometry in genetics
2- application of mass spectrometry in proteomics
3- application of mass spectrometry in imaging
4-application of high-throughput sequencing technologies for prenatal diagnosis of aneuploidies (ie. trisomy 21, 13,...)

Médicaments d'origine biosynthétique

The lectures will browse the different claasses of macromolecules, antibodies and vaccines available (or soon) on the market. For each class, structural features will be discussed, as well as development strategies, production and PD/PK properties.

Stratégies de découverte des médicaments

Strategies and tools used in drug design; notions of "drugability" and "drug likeness", importance of physicochemical properties in the selection of drug candidates, ADME-Tox concepts, use of the computational tool, contribution of molecular biology.

Chimie structurale des médicaments

General approach of the different methods (principally spectroscopic ones) used to determine the chemical structure of organic compounds.

Management pharmaceutique


Assurance de qualité


Technologie pharmaceutique industrielle

Industrial production of pharmaceutical dosage forms 

Analyses biopharmaceutiques

*Production (Synthesis, Purification and Formulation)
*Distinct attributes (Physicochemical and Physiological characteristics)
*Physical and chemical stability
*Quality control

Méthodologie de rédaction

This course aims to provide concrete methodological support to students in the context of the realization of their personal research work associated with their internship with option of master's degree, specialized ends. The general instructions concerning the work requested will be detailed during the course. In parallel, practical advice will be provided on each stage of the work: from the definition of the research topic to the oral defense, focusing primarily on the writing of the work (document structure, writing rules, bibliographic referencing, etc.) .

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Introduction à la biologie clinique

At the end of the course,n the students will be aware of the orgnaisation mode of the laboratories of clinical biology in Belgium but also the future developments which will be introduced in the next future.

Médicaments d'origine biosynthétique

The goal of these lectures is to give a general overview of the biopharmaceutics world with their advantages, the current trends and a comparison with the "small molecules" world.

Stratégies de découverte des médicaments

The main objective of the course is to give students information on strategic approaches currently used in the pharmaceutical industry in the drug discovery process.

Chimie structurale des médicaments

Practical approach of the different methods (principally spectroscopic ones) used to determine the chemical structure of organic compounds

Management pharmaceutique


Assurance de qualité


Technologie pharmaceutique industrielle

General learning outcomes
i. advanced learning of the aspects of formulation and industrial aspects of the production of drugs ;
ii . Knowledge of the excipients used in the manufacture of solids, liquids and pasty
specific learning outcomes
i . Getting to the industrial production environment
ii . Knowledge of industrial production stages of solid oral dosage forms.

Analyses biopharmaceutiques

The students should apprehend the differences between medicines resulting from the chemcal synthesis and biotechnology in terms of production, stability and quality control.

Méthodologie de rédaction

This course will guide the student in writing his own research work, both in terms of the general research method (the disciplinary specificities are, of course, under the responsibility of the promoters and addressed during the course) that in the form what should the manuscript take. He will be aware of the responsibilities incumbent on him when writing a scientific writing (absence of plagiarism, correct referencing, quality of scientific results, etc.).

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Introduction à la biologie clinique

Knowledge acquired during the studies.

Médicaments d'origine biosynthétique

Organic & medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, physio(patho)logy and principles of immunology.

Stratégies de découverte des médicaments

Medicinal chemistry, pharmacology.

Chimie structurale des médicaments

Organic chemistry, Physics, Analytical Chemistry.

Technologie pharmaceutique industrielle

Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy

Analyses biopharmaceutiques

- analytical chemistry
- drug analysis

Méthodologie de rédaction

Practice of French required

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Introduction à la biologie clinique

Diaporama and video's. Conversations with the students.

Médicaments d'origine biosynthétique

Lectures in face to face mode; syllabus, slides and textbook will be available on eCampus.

Stratégies de découverte des médicaments

Theoretical course via a ppt presentation, the content of which is made available to students.

Chimie structurale des médicaments

No practicals

Management pharmaceutique


Technologie pharmaceutique industrielle


Méthodologie de rédaction

Sessions in classroom. Attendance at the course is not obligatory.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:

not available

Introduction à la biologie clinique

Face to face teaching method or online or podcasts

Médicaments d'origine biosynthétique

Face-to-face course

Chimie structurale des médicaments


Management pharmaceutique

Blended learning

Assurance de qualité


Technologie pharmaceutique industrielle

A 3 hours lesson is organised

Analyses biopharmaceutiques

face-to-face and flipped classroom

Méthodologie de rédaction

Face-to-face course - Presence is not mandatory. However, information disseminated in the course will not be repeated individually.  

Introduction à la biologie clinique

Slides available online.

Médicaments d'origine biosynthétique

Textbooks will be proposed and shared.

Chimie structurale des médicaments

The slides projected during the course will be distributed to students (eCampus).

Management pharmaceutique


Analyses biopharmaceutiques

slides on e-campus
monographies on e-campus

Méthodologie de rédaction

Consultation of previous work for illustrative purposes

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

- Remote

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

Additional information:

Written exam ("true-false")

Introduction à la biologie clinique

Any session :

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

- Remote

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred in-person

Additional information:


Médicaments d'origine biosynthétique

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

Chimie structurale des médicaments

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

Additional information:

Written exam

Management pharmaceutique

Exam(s) in session

January exam session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

- Remote

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

August-September exam session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

- Remote

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

Additional information:


Assurance de qualité


Technologie pharmaceutique industrielle


Analyses biopharmaceutiques

20 questions on this partim (Y/N)

Méthodologie de rédaction


Work placement(s)

Management pharmaceutique


Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Chimie structurale des médicaments

coming soon

Assurance de qualité


Méthodologie de rédaction

Interventions are made by Mrs Anne-France Lanotte and Mrs Marjorie Bardiau


Coordination : Prof. PIROTTE Bernard (b.pirotte@uliege.be )

Introduction à la biologie clinique

Pedagogic coordinator: Geneviève Colinet
Core of teachers: François Boemer, Marie-Pierre Hayette, Corinne Charlier

Médicaments d'origine biosynthétique

Pierre.Francotte@uliege.be - +32 4366 4369

Stratégies de découverte des médicaments

Professeur Bernard PIROTTE Laboratoire de Chimie Pharmaceutique Quartier Hôpital, 15, Avenue Hippocrate, B-4000 Liège C.H.U. - tour 4 - niveau + 5 (Bât. B36) tel : 04 366 43 65 - fax : 04 366 43 62 e-mail: B.Pirotte@uliege.be  Secrétariat : Mme Annabelle HAMANDE (tel : 04 366 43 61)

Chimie structurale des médicaments

Prof Dr Michel Frédérich, Laboratoire de Pharmacognosie Avenue de l'hôpital 1, B-4000 Liège CHU Tour 4, niveau +3 (B36) Tél. 04/366 43 38 Fax. 04/366 43 32 E-mail: M.Frederich@ulg .ac.be
Pascal De Tullio, FNRS Research Director Laboratoire de Chimie Pharmaceutique Avenue de l'hôpital 1, B-4000 Liège CHU Tour 4, niveau +5 (B36) Tél. 04/366 43 69 E-mail : P. deTullio@ulg.ac.be

Assurance de qualité


Technologie pharmaceutique industrielle

Brigitte Evrard, Professeur ordinaire

Analyses biopharmaceutiques

Marianne Fillet
Laboratoire d'Analyse de Médicaments

Méthodologie de rédaction

Geneviève Philippe

Association of one or more MOOCs

Management pharmaceutique

There is no MOOC associated with this course.

Additional information:


Items online

Introduction à la biologie clinique

PODCAST "Du bon usage du laboratoire"
PODCAST "Du bon usage du laboratoire"