2024-2025 / PESU0016-6

Framing and analysing teaching and evaluation practices

Part 1 Description and critical analysis of teaching and evaluation practice

Part 2 Exchange of reflexive practices

Part 3 Professional practice : accompanied analysis


Part 1 Description and critical analysis of teaching and evaluation practice : 70h Th
Part 2 Exchange of reflexive practices : 15h Pr
Part 3 Professional practice : accompanied analysis : 45h Pr

Number of credits

 Certificate of capacity for teaching in higher education18 crédits 
 Certificate of capacity for teaching in higher education18 crédits 
 Certificate of capacity for teaching in higher education18 crédits 
 Certificat d'aptitude pédagogique approprié à l'enseignement supérieur18 crédits 
 Certificate of capacity for teaching in higher education18 crédits 
 Certificate of capacity for teaching in higher education18 crédits 
 Certificate of capacity for teaching in higher education18 crédits 
 Certificate of capacity for teaching in higher education18 crédits 
 Certificate of capacity for teaching in higher education18 crédits 


Part 1 Description and critical analysis of teaching and evaluation practice : Catherine Delfosse, Pascal Detroz, Françoise Jérôme, Dominique Verpoorten
Part 2 Exchange of reflexive practices : Catherine Delfosse, Pascal Detroz, Françoise Jérôme, Dominique Verpoorten
Part 3 Professional practice : accompanied analysis : Catherine Delfosse, Pascal Detroz, Françoise Jérôme, Dominique Verpoorten


Dominique Verpoorten

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Whether it is followed within the framework of the CAPAES (http://www.capaes.ulg.ac.be) and/or Formasup (http://www.formasup.ulg.ac.be), course PESU 16 is designed to be a critical exercise on teaching practice in one of your courses. Presentations, activities, resources, discussions and accompaniment form the basis for this detached approach.
This attempt to "think through the practice" is used in different topics worked on during the sessions: objectives, methods, assessments, learning approaches, motivational levers, students' individual characteristics, stages of professional development, feedback, class atmosphere, techno-pedagogy, etc.
In practice, this multi-dimensional thinking process will result in the production or revision of the pedagogical commitment invested in your course (see section on Assessment procedures and criteria).
This work makes it possible to identify your strengths, weaknesses and limitations from a pedagogical viewpoint in the context of the chosen course.
The thinking effort required in PESU 16 enhances your work in the specialized didactic course and, for participants in Formasup. It opens the way to the pedagogical control which is the objective of the PESU17 course.

Part 1 Description and critical analysis of teaching and evaluation practice

Whether it is followed within the framework of the CAPAES (http://www.capaes.ulg.ac.be) and/or Formasup (http://www.formasup.ulg.ac.be), course PESU 16 is designed to be a critical exercise on teaching practice in one of your courses. Presentations, activities, resources, discussions and accompaniment form the basis for this detached approach.
This attempt to "think through the practice" is used in different topics worked on during the sessions: objectives, methods, assessments, learning approaches, motivational levers, students' individual characteristics, stages of professional development, feedback, class atmosphere, techno-pedagogy, etc.
In practice, this multi-dimensional thinking process will result in the production or revision of the pedagogical commitment invested in your course (see section on Assessment procedures and criteria).
This work makes it possible to identify your strengths, weaknesses and limitations from a pedagogical viewpoint in the context of the chosen course.
The thinking effort required in PESU 16 enhances your work in the specialized didactic course and, for participants in Formasup. It opens the way to the pedagogical control which is the objective of the PESU17 course.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Formasup aims: to foster the development of 5 pedagogical skills (CREER model), in association with the teaching context proper to the candidate :
To design coherent and adapted training devices which facilitate learning.
To allow imagined devices to become a reality by enabling them with the appropriate tools and resources.
To teach in such a way as to encourage motivation and commitment on the part of the students with regard to their learning.
To assess the students' learning and provide them with feedback;
Adjust the quality of his or her teaching by means of a well-researched reflective practice. The PESU16 course places particular emphasis on the development of those skills that involve "Designing" and "adjustment" skills. In-keeping with its integrative approach, it mobilizes other skills to different degrees.
At the end of the PESU16 course , you will be able to:
-grasp the teaching-based vocabulary and conceptual tools (knowledge);
-apply this theoretical knowledge to the description of your current teaching practice and the improvements it calls for (know-how);
-apply this practical/theoretical approach to a broader and more systematic and inherent reflective approach with regard to the teaching profession (attitude).

Part 1 Description and critical analysis of teaching and evaluation practice

Formasup aims: to foster the development of 5 pedagogical skills (CREER model), in association with the teaching context proper to the candidate.
To design coherent and adapted training devices which facilitate learning.
To allow imagined devices to become a reality by enabling them with the appropriate tools and resources.
To teach in such a way as to encourage motivation and commitment on the part of the students with regard to their learning.
To assess the students' learning and provide them with feedback;
Adjust the quality of his or her teaching by means of a well-researched reflective practice.
The PESU16 course places particular emphasis on the development of those skills that involve "Designing" and "adjustment" skills. In-keeping with its integrative approach, it mobilizes other skills to different degrees.
At the end of the PESU16 course , you will be able to:
-grasp the teaching-based vocabulary and conceptual tools (knowledge);
-apply this theoretical knowledge to the description of your current teaching practice and the improvements it calls for (know-how);
-apply this practical/theoretical approach to a broader and more systematic and inherent reflective approach with regard to the teaching profession (attitude).

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Centred on the demonstration of your current teaching practices, PESU 16 logically requires you to be involved in teaching activity when you follow this course.
In addition, you must have access to a reliable and fast internet connection.

Part 1 Description and critical analysis of teaching and evaluation practice

Centred on the demonstration of your current teaching practices, PESU 16 logically requires you to be involved in teaching activity when you follow this course.
In addition, you must have access to a reliable and fast internet connection.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Over the course of the weeks, you will enrich your understanding of the essential parameters involved in the teaching process by means of the various activities described below.
1. By means of oral presentations, discussions, sharing of experience and application exercises, you will become familiar with the different theories suggested.
2. You will produce regular individual work for which you will receive feedback (in groups or individually) from the teachers. This feedback will enable you to improve your work where necessary. The individual work to be carried out is explained during the face-to-face sessions or their equivalent for distance learners. It is also available in the form of files in an online space reserved for the programme. Each file contains detailed instructions as well as supplementary resources which are useful for the completion of tasks.
3. You will post your thoughts on the proposed activities on an online blog and their effects on your teaching practices.
These activities are intended to be interconnected and convergent: they aim to stimulate a fertile dialogue and mutual clarity between theory and practice. They aim to outline the complexity of the teaching and learning process, to develop your perceptions of the profession and underline the interest that exists to equip you with conceptual tools for thinking and to develop your practice.
The suggested exercises are most often designed as intermediate productions that can be used again in the integration activity that the entire course plan represents to be delivered at the end of the course.
The course sessions are prepared with a view to achieving pedagogical isomorphism, that is to say they attempt to put in practice a certain number of practices that are recommended to the participants.
(If you follow this course as a pedagogical advisor, the suggested activities and reading   are somewhat different from those described in this pedagogical commitment. The professional practices that will be the object of critical analysis targeted by this course are to be discussed according to your personal context).

Part 1 Description and critical analysis of teaching and evaluation practice

Over the course of the weeks, you will enrich your understanding of the essential parameters involved in the teaching process by means of the various activities described below.
1. By means of oral presentations, discussions, sharing of experience and application exercises, you will become familiar with the different theories suggested.
2. You will produce regular individual work for which you will receive feedback (in groups or individually) from the teachers. This feedback will enable you to improve your work where necessary. The individual work to be carried out is explained during the face-to-face sessions or their equivalent for distance learners. It is also available in the form of files in an online space reserved for the programme. Each file contains detailed instructions as well as supplementary resources which are useful for the completion of tasks.
3. You will post your thoughts on the proposed activities on an online blog and their effects on your teaching practices.
These activities are intended to be interconnected and convergent: they aim to stimulate a fertile dialogue and mutual clarity between theory and practice. They aim to outline the complexity of the teaching and learning process, to develop your perceptions of the profession and underline the interest that exists to equip you with conceptual tools for thinking and to develop your practice.
The suggested exercises are most often designed as intermediate productions that can be used again in the integration activity that the entire course plan represents to be delivered at the end of the course.
The course sessions are prepared with a view to achieving pedagogical isomorphism, that is to say they attempt to put in practice a certain number of practices that are recommended to the participants.
(If you follow this course as a pedagogical advisor, the suggested activities and reading   are somewhat different from those described in this pedagogical commitment. The professional practices that will be the object of critical analysis targeted by this course are to be discussed according to your personal context).

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

If you follow the mixed training (face-to-face sessions and eLearning) :
. You will attend the sessions that take place every Tuesday from 13:30 to 17:00.
. You will be supplied with a learning area online which includes activity files, references, resources as well as communication tools.
. An active and regular commitment on your part is necessary: you will commit to complete the required work within the required deadlines set.
If you follow the training by distance learning only :
. You will have regular contact with your tutor by means of the adapted communication tools.
. You will be supplied with a learning area online which includes activity files, references, resources as well as communication tools.
. An active and regular commitment on your part is necessary: you commit to completing the suggested activities while respecting the instructions and deadlines given.

Part 1 Description and critical analysis of teaching and evaluation practice

If you follow the mixed training (face-to-face sessions and eLearning) :
. You will attend the sessions that take place every Tuesday from 13:30 to 17:00.
. You will be supplied with a learning area online which includes activity files, references, resources as well as communication tools.
. An active and regular commitment on your part is necessary: you will commit to complete the required work within the required deadlines set.
If you follow the training by distance learning only :
. You will have regular contact with your tutor by means of the adapted communication tools.
. You will be supplied with a learning area online which includes activity files, references, resources as well as communication tools.
. An active and regular commitment on your part is necessary: you commit to completing the suggested activities while respecting the instructions and deadlines given.

Recommended or required readings

The online learning space for PESU16 is updated regularly and contains the documents used during lectures (notes, PowerPoint presentations, articles,...) as well as referenced reading.
The teachers also supply specific reading material on demand.

Part 1 Description and critical analysis of teaching and evaluation practice

The online learning space for PESU 16 is updated regularly and contains the documents used during lectures (notes, PowerPoint presentations, articles) as well as referenced reading.
The teachers also supply specific reading material on demand.

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment test consists of writing/justifying the pedagogical commitment to a course you are in charge of and upon which you have decided to concentrate your efforts and analysis. In order to do this, you will use an imposed standard format and you will demonstrate that you have benefitted from the theoretical references and learning activities which deal with a) the identification and formulation of learning objectives, b) the choice of learning-teaching methods, c) the development of assessment strategies and d) the pedagogical alignment of these three components within your course.
. If you follow Formasup, the essay on your pedagogical commitment is worth 25 marks (out of 100) for the final result for the entire programme. The minimum mark required to pass this test is 10/20.
. If you follow CAPAES, you will receive a written acknowledgement of passing the exam and not a numbers-based result.
. The assessment test for this course is organized for the January session. You must submit your pedagogical commitment on the date allotted to you. An educational assessment is offered by the teachers.

Part 1 Description and critical analysis of teaching and evaluation practice

The assessment test consists of writing/justifying the pedagogical commitment to a course you are in charge of and upon which you have decided to concentrate your efforts and analysis. In order to do this, you will use an imposed standard format and you will demonstrate that you have benefitted from the theoretical references and learning activities which deal with a) the identification and formulation of learning objectives, b) the choice of learning-teaching methods, c) the development of assessment strategies and d) the pedagogical alignment of these three components within your course.
. If you follow Formasup, the essay on your pedagogical commitment is worth 25 marks (out of 100) for the final result for the entire programme. The minimum mark required to pass this test is 10/20.
. If you follow CAPAES, you will receive a written acknowledgement of passing the exam and not a numbers-based result.
. The assessment test for this course is organized for the January session. You must submit your pedagogical commitment on the date allotted to you. An educational assessment is offered by the teachers.

Work placement(s)

The programme is not a course as such. However, regular exercises for transferring acquired educational knowledge as represented in your actual teaching practice (limited here to a course you are in charge of) can be considered as a particular form of course in your class in the presence of your students.

Part 1 Description and critical analysis of teaching and evaluation practice

The programme is not a course as such. However, regular exercises for transferring acquired educational knowledge as represented in your actual teaching practice (limited here to a course you are in charge of) can be considered as a particular form of course in your class in the presence of your students.

Organizational remarks

See the organizational guidelines in the section entitled "mode of teaching" and concerning the two possible versions of the programme (mixed  -sessions version face-to-face/distance eLearning).

Part 1 Description and critical analysis of teaching and evaluation practice

See the organizational guidelines in the section entitled "mode of teaching" and concerning the two possible versions of the programme (mixed  -sessions version face-to-face/distance eLearning). It is to be noted that this course is only provided in English in the context of the two mentionned curriculums and if a sufficient number of students are enrolled. 


Pascal Detroz
Dominique Verpoorten
Catherine Delfosse
Françoise Jérôme
Eliane Nivart (secrétariat IFRES)

Part 1 Description and critical analysis of teaching and evaluation practice

Pascal Detroz
Dominique Verpoorten
Catherine Delfosse
Françoise Jérôme
Eliane Nivart (secrétariat IFRES)

Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online

Online space
The online space associated with the PESU16 course is hosted on the eCampus platform to wich you have access with your ULg login details.