2024-2025 / PEAV0043-1

Journalism 1 (print media, broadcast media and digital press)

Digital technologies and journalism

Television information in practice

Radio information in practice


Digital technologies and journalism : 15h Th
Television information in practice : 30h Th
Radio information in practice : 30h Th

Number of credits

 Master in journalism, professional focus in investigation multimedia10 crédits 


Digital technologies and journalism : Alain Jennotte
Television information in practice : Justine Pons, Caroline Prévinaire
Radio information in practice : François Louis


François Louis

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Digital technologies and journalism

The course deals with digital techniques that every journalist must progressively master. Beyond the discussed topics, it will present some tools related to technological watch for the media, that will help to assess future evolutions.

  • Structure and inner workings of the internet.
  • Search techniques.
  • Technological watch for the media.
  • Online editing (including publishing on social networks).
  • Image manipulation.
  • How to tame file formats: focus on the pdf.
  • Security basics for journalists.

Television information in practice

Television news practice.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Digital technologies and journalism

Learning outcomes at the end of the course:

  • Mastering the different online search techniques.
  • Set up a technology watch for the medias.
  • Using a media content management system and manipulate different file formats.
  • Learn how to protect yourself and your sources in a digital environment.

Television information in practice

The objective of the class is to initiate each student to television news practice. There is a theorical part and a pratical part. 
At the end of this class, each student will be able to create a story using the general codes of television news information. 

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Television information in practice

Having taken the Audiovisual techniques class (CINE0039) is an asset but it isn't a mandatory prerequisite.
Students with no audiovisual experience will be offered a remedial workshop. 

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Digital technologies and journalism

The course will be, most of the time, a workshop. After the presentation of each new technique, the students will perform exercises and debate the topics. I'll be available to answer questions and give technical support if necessary.

Television information in practice

The theorical part is based on stories analysis and stand-up interviews observations. 
The practical part is divided in two parts : 
First : the production (shooting, editing, sound mixing) and the evaluation of a first short story. This is a group exercise in groups of 3 students. Alternatively, the students will experience their first stand-up interview experiences. 
Second : the students (still by groups of 3) will create and present a sequence counting two stories. After a first evaluation, the students will bring improvements to the sequence based on the feedback notes. This last version is presented at the exam, along with a final stand-up interview exercise. 

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Digital technologies and journalism

Face to face

Television information in practice

Unless a major change occurs regarding the sanitary situation, the class will be held face-to-face, on Friday from 9 to 11am. 

Television information in practice


Digital technologies and journalism

The exam will be a written exam, consisting primarily of exercises. Some of these exercices may have been carried out during the year.

Television information in practice

The evaluation is divided in two phases: 

  • 20% for the first exercises: the short story and the first stand-up interview; 
  • 80% for the long sequence and the last stand-up interview.
The stories must be sent by WeTransfer to the teacher (Charles Neuforge) and the person in charge of the audiovisual lab LICAM (Fanny Pluymers).

Work placement(s)

Television information in practice


Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Television information in practice

The audiovisual material and the editing equipment are available at the LICAM, where the teacher will assist the students, mainly during postproduction phases (editing, color correction, mixing and export).

LICAM's rules

  • It is mandatory to read the manuals provided by the LICAM before borrowing video equipment.
  • It is mandatory to make a reservation at least 1 school day before withdrawal. Thank you for respecting the scheduled times for withdrawals and returns.
  • The students are entirely responsible for their data, images and sounds. Backups must be completed before returning the equipment. A double backup on two different supports is strongly recommended.


Digital technologies and journalism

Email: alain.jennotte@uliege.be

Television information in practice

Charles Neuforge : 
Fanny Pluymers (LICAM) : 

Association of one or more MOOCs