6h Th, 10h Pr, 110h AUTR
Number of credits
Inter-university and high school certificate " Working with videogaming culture " (non organisé en 2024-2025) | 5 crédits |
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the second semester
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
To grasp the cultural stakes of a media, it is necessary to understand how it is produced: in what institutional frameworks? According to which organizational methods? With the help of which tools? This teaching unit aims precisely at bringing out in the learners a theoretical knowledge (knowing and understanding the different ecosystems of creation) and a practical know-how (being able to learn game design, level design and other technical skills) so as to enrich the field work in the socio-cultural field. The teaching unit will begin with an explanation of video game professions: what are the roles, tasks, and organizations usual in the professional world. This point will be deepened in the particular framework of the Belgian scene, through several round tables that will be the opportunity to survey experts in the field. Amateur practices will then be exposed and contextualized in their own institutional frameworks. Learners will see how the creation of video games is not only a professional practice, but also an important cultural practice, heterogeneous, driven by different motivations (political agenda, pleasure-seeking, etc.). The rest of the course, resolutely practical, will consist of introducing the learners to video game programming and design techniques, so that they will be able to deepen their learning at home, but also to carry out cultural animation projects using these technical tools. This last point will be the subject of a research-creation seminar, during which the learners will have to formulate a project using video game creation in the context of their profession (or that for which they are destined): education, teaching, socio-cultural animation, etc. This seminar will be finalized during a game jam, a one-off, face-to-face event of longer duration, during which each student will be asked to prototype his or her project.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
The following competencies will be verified during the assessments (each assessment may cover one or more competencies):
- Understanding the Belgian and international ecosystem of video game creation and production
- Apprehend video games as a cultural product integrated into a larger economy
- To master the technical side of video game creation in the socio-cultural context.
- Demonstrate a general knowledge of industrial design and a love of video games
- Plan, conduct and finalize a personal project
- Participate in discussions with peers and present his analyses to them.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Written and oral, active and passive mastery of French (learning language) as well as basic office computer functions (word processing, e-mail, slide show) is required of participants.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
1. The professions, professional practices and sectoral skills of the video game industry - Trainers: Julie Delbouille and Vinciane Zabban (guest) 2. Video games in Belgium: round tables and meeting with actors 3. Amateur and associative video games: creation as a cultural practice - Trainer: Pierre-Yves Hurel 4. Initiation and discovery of video game programming and engines - Trainer: HEL Session 5. Introduction to Graphic Design - Trainer: HEL Session 6. Research-Creation Seminar - Trainer: Group session 7. End of Year Game Jam - Trainer: Group Session
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
There will be three types of teaching modes: - Face-to-face instruction (which will include commented play time in the classroom) - subject to current regulations regarding the health crisis. - Hybrid classroom/online teaching (SPOC type, small online private course) - Project-based learning (dedicated sessions in class and at home).
Course materials and recommended or required readings
The slides, documents, devices and other repositories used by the trainers will be made available on the SPOC of the certificate, available at this address: https://online.jobsatskillscampus.be/courses/course-v1:ULiege+CS14+S1/course/
The evaluation will be based on participation in the following activities: - Attendance at course sessions ; - Follow-up of the OCCS and completion of the preparatory exercises detailed in the OCCS for each session ; - Writing the part of the logbook corresponding to this teaching unit (the instructions for writing the logbook will be presented during the first class session on January 8 and will be recalled on the SPOC).
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
The program of the sessions is available at this address: https://www.facphl.uliege.be/upload/docs/application/pdf/2020-09/certificatjv_horaire_en_ligne.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0IeDxXiJw-ThDyF7Cg_dCUY6yyLFfpc9p7RF-5cnNPyd613mzW2A-Vk9o.
Coordination and information
Academic Director
Björn-Olav Dozo, bo.dozo@uliege.be
Department of Media, Culture and Communication, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters - ULiege
Continuing Education Unit
+32 (0)4 366 91 07