2024-2025 / NERF0130-6

Multidisciplinary approach to the nervous system

Nervous system - Shared concepts

Nervous system - Specific concepts


Nervous system - Shared concepts : 24h Th
Nervous system - Specific concepts : 8h Th, 10h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in dentistry4 crédits 


Nervous system - Shared concepts : Gaëtan Garraux, Félix Scholtes
Nervous system - Specific concepts : Gaëtan Garraux, Félix Scholtes


Félix Scholtes

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Nervous system - Shared concepts

Anatomy - 6 courses: introduction to the anatomy of the nervous system (4 courses, with the exception of the peripheral nervous system, see locomotor module), vegetative nervous system (1 course) and cranial nerves (1 course).
Physiology - 4 courses and 4 chapters: sensory systems, motor systems, cognition and state systems
Implementation - 3 courses: vegetative and somatic sensorimotor systems, pain, emotions, and cranial sensorimotor systems
The objective of this first part of the neuroscientific module is to introduce medical and dentistry students to the fundamentals of morphology (and key embryological concepts) and physiology/biochemistry of the nervous system and special sense organs. This is a prerequisite to the upcoming courses more oriented to the specifics of MED and DENT sections.

Nervous system - Specific concepts

The objective of this specific unit for students in dentistry is to deepen the understanding of the key aspects of neurological function for the practice of dentistry: cranial nerve anatomy, somesthesia including pain, and vegetative nervous system

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Nervous system - Shared concepts

More particularly for the neuroanatomical objectives, please refer to the initial explanatory part of the course book ("syllabus").

This learning unit, common to medical and dentistery students, provides the necessary neuroanatomical and neurophysiological basis for the immediately following courses NERF0130-B-a et NERF0130-C-a, as well as the rest of the curriculum.

Nervous system - Specific concepts

At the end of this unit, students will be able to understand the key aspects of pain, emotion and visceral reactions of the nervous system which are relevant to their future practice. Precise objectives are provided separately.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Nervous system - Shared concepts

Introduction to neurophysiology - NEUR0431-1 
Co and pre-requisites are detailed in the general Baccalaureate Medical formation (global course program).

Nervous system - Specific concepts

Introduction to neurophysiology - NEUR0431-1 
NERF0130-A-e Approche multidisciplinaire du système nerveux, Système nerveux - Notions communes aux sciences médicales et dentaires
Co and pre-requisites are detailed in the general Baccalaureate Medical formation (global course program).

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Nervous system - Shared concepts

Lectures in the auditorium.

Nervous system - Specific concepts

Classic lectures in the auditorium.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Nervous system - Shared concepts

Face-to-face, auditorium.

Nervous system - Specific concepts

Blended learning

Additional information:

Face-to-face, but virtual classrooms possible depending on conditions.

Nervous system - Shared concepts

Supports and objectives are available on line on e-campus

Books can be purchased at the Ulg Press Shop  (complementary, not compulsory).

Neuroanatomy and embryology: please refer to the course book.

Physiology of the nervous system:

Learning objectives can be reached using these excellent english textbooks:Many learning objectives can also be reached by referring the following optional textbooks:

Mayo Clinic Medical Neurosciences: Organized by Neurologic Systems and Levels, (6 edn) 2017              Eduardo E. Benarroch, Jeremy K. Cutsforth-Gregory, Kelly D. Flemming. Edition Oxford academic

Neurosciences, 6ème édition, 2019 . D. Purves, G.J. Augustine, D. Fitzpatrick, W.C. Hall, A.-S LaMantia, J.O. McNamara, L.E. White. Editions de boeck.

Nervous system - Specific concepts

Supports and objectives are available on line on e-campus

Books can be purchased at the Ulg Press Shop  (complementary, not compulsory).

Neuroanatomy and embryology: please refer to the course book.

Physiology of the nervous system:

Many learning objectives can also be reached by referring the following optional textbooks:

Mayo Clinic Medical Neurosciences: Organized by Neurologic Systems and Levels, (6 edn) 2017              Eduardo E. Benarroch, Jeremy K. Cutsforth-Gregory, Kelly D. Flemming. Edition Oxford academic

Neurosciences, 6ème édition, 2019 (translated in french). D. Purves, G.J. Augustine, D. Fitzpatrick, W.C. Hall, A.-S LaMantia, J.O. McNamara, L.E. White. Editions de boeck.

Assessment methods and criteria

Any session :

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire ) AND oral exam

- Remote

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire ) AND oral exam

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred in-person

Nervous system - Shared concepts

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

Out-of-session test(s)

Additional information:

Evaluation of intramodular questionnaire which accounts for a part of the final points of the module.

10% of points for end-of-module neuroanatomy;

10% of points for end-of-module neurophysiology;

Points obtained through the "intramodular" evaluation cannot be taken into account when the final exam is taken a second time in the second exam session (so, in the second exam session, the final exam of NERF0130-B-a and NERF0130-C-a accounts for 100% of the points).

Nervous system - Specific concepts

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire ) AND oral exam

Additional information:

Written exam, MCQ (50% of the points, 10% of which are, in the first session, already determined by the intramodular test)

Oral examination (jury, 50% of the points).

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Nervous system - Shared concepts


Secrétariat :

  • F. SCHOLTES: Jessica THYS Tél. 04/366.51.91 Jessica.Thys@ulg.ac.be
  • G. GARRAUX: Larisia BOURDOUX Tél. 04 366 59 50 larisia.bourdoux@ulg.ac.be

Nervous system - Specific concepts


Secrétariat :

  • F. SCHOLTES: Jessica THYS Tél. 04/366.51.91 Jessica.Thys@ulg.ac.be
  • G. GARRAUX: Larisia BOURDOUX Tél. 04 366 59 50 larisia.bourdoux@ulg.ac.be

Association of one or more MOOCs