2024-2025 / MSTG3018-5

Training in clinical practice including on-duty in accident and emergency, B5


11half-d Internship

Number of credits

 Advanced Master in Emergency Medicine (360 ECTS)40 crédits 


Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The learning of emergency medicine is partly done during clinical internships that are organized throughout the learning path (cursus) of the Master of Specialization in Emergency Medicine (SMU).

These internships are under the responsibility of a so-called "rotation" internship supervisor, for a period of 3 to 6 months, approved by the SPF and under the supervision of a coordinating internship supervisor who accompanies each student during their overall clinical learning. This must promote the quality of learning, its follow-up, well-being at work and the two works that will be required of each student: a work in the form of an article at the end of the 3rd year of internships and a TFE complete at the end of 6th grade.

Internships are structured according to legal obligations and recommendations (from the Internship Commission and ULiège):
- 6 emergency periods
- 2 periods of USI, within the 3 years of the upper part of the training
- 4 periods of optional internships
- 2 periods in a university hospital center
- 2 periods in a non-university hospital center
- 1 minimum period of optional internship in internal medicine (or related)
- 1 SMUR learning period (combinable with an emergency course)
- 1 period in the service of the coordinator internship supervisor and at least during the last year
- 4 periods (or minimum 2) in the institution of the coordinating internship supervisor

- internships in pediatrics, anesthesiology and traumatology lasting 3 to 6 months are recommended within the optional internships

These internships are subject to regular formative evaluation (minimum 3 months) then certification at the end of each period on the basis of an evaluation grid provided to each student at the start of the internship.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The learning objectives for each internship period (6 months) are defined by the rotation internship supervisor who is responsible for them. This internship supervisor has a functional link with ULiège and the learning objectives are guided by the general objectives defined by the jury of the SMU specialization master.

For each internship, students are informed at the beginning of it of the objectives which will be subject to formative and certifying evaluation by the rotation internship supervisor.

Generally speaking, each student must be able to (not exhaustive):

- Apply knowledge according to each clinical situation encountered
- Make a first approach to each patient, including introducing yourself and communicating with each patient/family according to the rules learned
- Evaluate the seriousness of each clinical situation according to a structured and reproductive approach
- Behave in a professional and respectful manner
- carry out simple, complicated, and complex technical gestures according to its evolution in the know-how, year after year of training, and also ultrasound emergency procedures
- develop assertive and reflective leadership within team management
- apply the dynamics of crisis management and exceptional situations
- apply the learning of extra and pre-hospital work
- develop an appropriate clinical sense, reflect on possible diagnoses and an appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic approach
- write computerized clinical reports and structured clinical summaries, including in codified language

- gradually become autonomous in the management of critical patients, including the management of non-invasive and invasive monitoring modalities

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Present and satisfy the competition for access to specialization

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Specific learning activities may vary for each clinical placement.

They are (non-exhaustively):

- companionship

- clinical supervision at the patient's bedside

- the discussion/debate of the files

- relational, procedural and team simulations

- exercise

- the creation (files) according to the recommendations

- individual support by the supervisor/training supervisor

- support in carrying out internship work

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Only face-to-face

All textbooks related to learning emergency medicine

All the theoretical courses given during the training

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions ) AND oral exam

Continuous assessment

Other : exam end of bloc 5

Additional information:

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

- The principle is a continuous evaluation which will be clarified during oral sessions of formative then certifying evaluation at the end of the 6-month period. These evaluations are made according to a pre-established evaluation grid available to each student.

- In case of insufficient formative evaluation (<10/20), the student will be assigned precise and written learning objectives which will be evaluated during the next formative evaluation. In the event of an unsatisfactory certification evaluation (<10/20) despite two formative evaluations carried out in accordance with the above and each time with objectives to be formalized but not achieved, a report will be drawn up for the attention of the coordinating internship supervisor who forward it to the Commission in charge of accreditation.

- At the end of block 5, a theoretical and practical evaluation will be organized according to the following modalities:

In order to comply with Article 20 of the AM of 23/04/2014 and specifying that in view of its accreditation, the candidate must at the end of his training pass a final evaluation organized on a joint basis by the professional associations of the specialty concerned and by the university establishments under the control of the minister who has public health in his attributions. To this end, an inter-university examination will take place at the end of Block 5 of the Specialized Master in Emergency Medicine. This examination is accessible to students completing their 5th year of the master's degree in emergency medicine in a French-speaking university and to students completing the second year of the university certificate with a view to obtaining accreditation as holder of the particular professional title of "competence" in emergency care (TPPSU, AR 14/02/2005)

Some doctors requesting diploma equivalence may also be required to take this exam.

The exam includes a theoretical part and a practical part, in the form of clinical workshops.

The juries, for the practical part of the exam, are made up of members appointed by each President of the specialization masters of the partner universities (UC Louvain, ULB and ULiège). A student must appear before at least two juries composed of representatives of each partner university (at least two).

To pass this exam, it is necessary to obtain an average overall rating of 10/20 (theoretical rating to which the practical rating is added then averaged) as well as a minimum rating of 10/20 for each part (theoretical and practical).

A rating of 8/20 or below in one of the parts (theoretical or practical) results in failure of the exam; a rating of 9/20 in one of the parts (theoretical or practical) requires a deliberation of the juries who are sovereign as to the decision of success.

A student who is not satisfied will be notified individually by a member of the jury of his university during an interview during which avenues for improvement will be considered.

In case of failure in the June session, a second session will be organized in September. This second session takes the form of a discussion of clinical cases before a jury composed of representatives of partner universities (at least two of them).

In the event of failure in the second session, consultation with the coordinating internship supervisor will be organized with a view to proposing that the student re-sit the exam at the end of the 6th year for the master's degree in medicine. emergency according to the same procedures as those specified above. For the TPPSU sector, the consultation with the internship supervisor will lead to a new session of the exam within six months, in the form of a discussion of clinical cases before a jury composed of at least two representatives of the partner universities.

For doctors requesting equivalence, failure in both sessions (June and September) leads to an obligation to resit the exam the following year.

- Finally, a work at the end of the internship will be evaluated at the end of the 3rd year (article/presentation) and a complete TFE at the end of the 6th year according to the methods explained.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Each internship is subject to the collective labor agreement (CCT). The internship supervisor is responsible for its application, working hours, rest, on-call and training or scientific work. The hospital institution signatory to the CCT and the internship supervisor must respect the CCT and its terms.

ULiège and in particular the jury of the SMU specialization master's cannot intervene administratively in an agreement signed between the employer (the hospital institution) and the student on the internship.


Ms. Esma Cam: esma.cam@chuliege.be (distribution secretary)

Dr Benoit Cardos: benoit.cardos@uliege.be 

Association of one or more MOOCs