2024-2025 / MSTG2038-3

Training in clinical practice including on-duty in Emergency Care and Digestive Endoscopy, B6


11half-d Internship

Number of credits

 Advanced Master in Gastroenterology15 crédits 



Edouard Louis

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Training in the management of all digestive diseases. This training includes basic knowledge about most frequent gastrointestinal disorders but also more specialized training in the field of gastrointestinal oncology, liver diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases, functional disorders of the gastro-inestinal tract and advanced therapeutic endoscopy. The training in general gastroenterology is performed during the 4th and 5th years of training while the 6th year is devoted to specialisation in a specific domain, mainly oncology, hepatology, inflammatory bowel disease, functional disorders or therapeutic endoscopy. The teaching includes epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis, tretament and follow up of gastro-inestinal disease as well as important notions of parasitology, bacteriology, virology, immunology, genetics, medical imaging, nuclear medicine. Patient-physician relatioship is also learned and developped.
Main techniques (4th and 5th years of training): diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract proctologic examination and treatments capsule endoscopy
Specific techniques learned in the 6th year of training: Oncology: no specific technique hepatology: liber bipsies, liver ultrsonography inflammatory bowel diseases: no specific technique Functional disorders: oesophageal and ano-rectal manometry, pH-impedancemetry, functional ano-rectal ultrasonography Advanced endoscopy: diagnostic and therapeutic ERCP, echo-endoscopy including fine needle aspiration, prothesis of the GI tract and biliary tract and pancreas, NOTES

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Genreal objectives:
-Epidemiology of digestive diseases -Semiology of digestive diseases -Prescription of optimal complementary explorations -Interpretation and integration of complementary explorations -Treatment, follow-up and monitroing of digestive diseases
Objective for techniques: -to perform and interpret gastro-inestinal explorations -to discuss best indications of gastro-intestinal explorations

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Genral medical and surgical pathology Internal medicine, including basic knowledge in infectious diseases, immunology, metabolic disorders, as well as in cardiology, pneumology, nephrology, endocrinology, neurology, hematology, general oncology....    
For technical aspects:
Basic knowledge of diegstive diseases
Regular update of knwoledge
Bedside and ambulatory management of patients with digestive diseases

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Working together with senior gastroenterologists is the basis of the teaching process. It concerns both hospitalized and ambulatory patients. Clinical unit meetings allow to discuss clinical cases management. Literature review meetings allow to update knwoledge and acquire a critical analysis of scientific works. Thematic meetings which candidate specialsit either attend or prepare also update knowledge in depth for a specific topic and allow to critically analyse the state of the art knowledge and to build up an evidence-based management strategy for specific disorders.
Learning of new techniques follows a standardized path. Successively: theory, observation, perform under guidance, perform under supervision of a senior gastroenterologist.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Mainly face to face, but attendance to symposium highlighting these techniques is encouraged.

A full text book of gastroenterology must be read and partly studied during the 3-year training. Most important gastroenterology journals, including Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Gut must be regularly read. Some articles must be read and analysed in depth.
Likewise key readings on technical aspects is mandatory.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

At least annual evaluation on involvement and comitment to learning tasks, work organisation, relationships with colleagues, acquired technical experience.


On the top of this, at th eend of the last year of traing a practical examination is performed based on a routine upper GI endoscopy and a colonoscopy.

Work placement(s)

Training is performed in the different gastroenterology units collaborating with Liège University (CHU Liège, CHR Citadelle, CHC, Grand Hôpital de Verviers). A sixth year in a foreigne country or othe Belgian University to aquire specific skills can be planned.

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Organisation is coordinated by Prof Edouard Louis in collaboration with different responsible teachers (Dr J Deflandre, Dr B Bastens, Dr E Wain) and in collaboration with senior gastroenterologists of these hospitals. It is also encouraged to perform a year of training in another university hospital, including abroad, particularly for the 6th year of specialized training.



Association of one or more MOOCs