2024-2025 / MSTG1011-1

General medicine placements


1mois Internship

Number of credits

 Master in medicine (180 ECTS)3 crédits 


Jean Luc Belche, Laetitia Buret, Philippe Burette, Didier Giet, Anne-Laure Lenoir, Christian Montrieux



Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Student is actively involved into professional life of general practice. Learning are focused on clinical aspects and on a patient-centered approach.

The activities required of students, on eCampus, allow students to be active during their internship (clinical practice, contact with patients, etc.) but also allow a reflective activity necessary for learning.

See complete instructions and activities on eCampus: only the ecampus space must be taken into account to carry out the internship.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Clerckship promotes the developement of medical competence :

Professionalism (20 points) Punctuality and attendance Sense of responsibility Empathy with the patient Application and respect of ethical principles Capacity for self-criticism Respectful and rigorous professional attitude

Expertise (30 points) Clinical knowledge Organized and relevant history Proficiency in physical examination Evaluation and formulation of clinical problems Development of appropriate diagnostic hypotheses (clinical reasoning) Formulation and justification of an intervention and monitoring plan

Communication (15 points) Communication skills: patients, families, health professionals Writing medical information

Management / Collaboration (15 points) Collaboration with the medical team Organization of student work and clinical activity Judicious use of human and material resources

Health promotion (10 points) Integration of the concepts of prevention, protection, promotion. health

Scholarship (10 points) Motivation to learn Critical thinking and reflexivity

Specific objectives (10 points) Consideration of the concept and consequences of multimorbidity in the management of complex patients Adaptation of the analysis and management of the patient to his life context, his experience and his preferences Ability to adapt probabilistic clinical reasoning (doubt management) which characterizes General Medicine Contribution to supporting patients in care pathways and channels (from 1st to 2nd line and vice versa) Establishment of links with the structures and actors constituting the 1st line of care

For more details, please consult the internship objectives and activities on eCampus

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

At this stage of training (5th and 6th years), students have already participated in the following activities:

- Learning about normal humans and the general principles of pathologies, training in diagnosis, pathologies and treatments.

The hospital observation internship, (80 hours during the summer between block 2 and block 3 of the BAC, first contact of students with the hospital environment).

The observation internship in General Medicine (80 hours, organized during the summer of the third year, illustrates the journey of patients whose symptoms are born at home and require first-line care)

Observation courses I to IV (from block 3 of the BAC to block 2 of the Master).

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Pedagogical objectives (learning objectives, skills and knowledge to be mastered by the end of the course)

Students are expected to
- self-assess, with the help of the GP, his/her learning needs and the means to achieve them.
-acquire clinical skills by carrying out, in an increasingly AUTONOMOUS manner during the internship, under the supervision of the internship supervisor, consultations involving clinical examinations, technical procedures and therapeutic procedures (listed),
-report on the diversity characteristic of the practice of the GP during the consultations and visits carried out during your internship, by classifying the various reasons in a table provided
-Understand and report on the management of doubt during the consultations observed and conducted
-describe the organizational modalities of the GP's medical practice
-describe the GP's organization to ensure continuity of care
-identify a patient whose therapeutic adherence is not optimal, establish a plan of action to improve the patient's therapeutic adherence, describe the action taken, and report the findings after the intervention.
-observe the living environment of patients during home visits and describe what concrete actions you think it would be possible to take as a general practitioner with these patients to improve their health.
-meet with first line health professionals that your supervisor will have contacted beforehand in his own network (at least 2 providers during ½ day): physiotherapist, nurse, pharmacist, nursing home... and describe their observations
-observe and describe the communication between 1st and 2-3rd lines and describe a sumher

The course at a glance: https://www.ecampus.uliege.be/ultra/courses/_21078_1/cl/outline

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face teaching.

An internship notebook, including all assessment activities and methods, is integrated into eCampus.

The student must review all information on eCampus prior to the internship.

The internship supervisor receives training, information and the student's internship notebook.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Additional information:

Clerckship promotes the developement of medical competence :

Professionalism (20 points) Punctuality and attendance Sense of responsibility Empathy with the patient Application and respect of ethical principles Capacity for self-criticism Respectful and rigorous professional attitude

Expertise (30 points) Clinical knowledge Organized and relevant history Proficiency in physical examination Evaluation and formulation of clinical problems Development of appropriate diagnostic hypotheses (clinical reasoning) Formulation and justification of an intervention and monitoring plan

Communication (15 points) Communication skills: patients, families, health professionals Writing medical information

Management / Collaboration (15 points) Collaboration with the medical team Organization of student work and clinical activity Judicious use of human and material resources

Health promotion (10 points) Integration of the concepts of prevention, protection, promotion. health

Scholarship (10 points) Motivation to learn Critical thinking and reflexivity

Specific objectives (10 points) Consideration of the concept and consequences of multimorbidity in the management of complex patients Adaptation of the analysis and management of the patient to his life context, his experience and his preferences Ability to adapt probabilistic clinical reasoning (doubt management) which characterizes General Medicine Contribution to supporting patients in care pathways and channels (from 1st to 2nd line and vice versa) Establishment of links with the structures and actors constituting the 1st line of care


- Internship evaluation form completed jointly by the MOH and the student. The MOH gives a grade based on the criteria assessed.

- In addition, all assignments posted on ecampus are validated (but not graded) by a validating MOH. Formative feedback is given to the student for each activity. If the student has not met the expectations of an activity, the validator sends back feedback and the student is expected to rework the activity until the objectives are met.
The complete internship is validated if:
- The MoS internship grade is above 10/20
- The assignments are validated.
-The notice form on the internship site must be completed and mailed by the student (anonymous)

For more details, please consult the internship objectives, activities on eCampus

Work placement(s)

MEGE 2 internship: compulsory 1-month internship in General Medicine

Instructions, activities and assessment systems on eCampus


Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Contact Secretariat of General Medicine Stéphanie Jérôme sjerome@uliege.be

For the MEGE2, the secretariat of General Medicine sends to the students concerned by an internship, 2-3 months before the internship, the letter and the internship form.

This form must be returned to the secretariat 15 days before the beginning of the internship.

You can find this form on eCampus...



Informations are available at Miss I. Guisset's office.


Complete contact information for the teacher and the resource persons


Jean Luc Belche jlbelche@uliege.be
Laetitia Buret laetitia.buret@uliege.be
Philippe Burette philippe.burette@uliege.be 
Didier Giet d.giet@uliege.be
Anne-Laure Lenoir allenoir@uliege.be
Christian Montrieux christian.montrieux@uliege


Availability and preferred meeting methods

The teachers can be reached by email at any time by the students

The secretariat of the Department of General Medicine is accessible by email at sjerome@uliege.be Mrs Stéphanie Jérôme, secretary for the Master.



Contatc details of clinical services are available at the following website: http://www.chu.ulg.ac.be/jcms/c_61986/annuaire-des-medecins/

Association of one or more MOOCs