2024-2025 / MSTG1009-1

Hospital internship in psychiatry


1mois Internship

Number of credits

 Master in medicine (180 ECTS)3 crédits 


Elisabeth Ouss, Gabrielle Scantamburlo, Jean-Marc Triffaux



Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Placements during which students actively participate in the professional life of a hospital department. The training focuses on the clinical aspect (medical history, semiology, integration of clinical reasoning and procedure) and the overall approach to the patient.
See learning outcomes below.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

These activities prepare students, at the end of training, in relation to the following medical skills:

  • Clinical knowledge
  • Organised and relevant medical history
  • Mastery of the physical examination
  • Assessment and formulation of clinical problems
  • Elaboration of appropriate diagnostic hypotheses (clinical reasoning)
  • Formulation and justification of an intervention and follow-up plan
  • Practice of technical acts and procedures
  • Communication skills: patients, families, health professionals
  • Collaboration with the medical team
  • Coordination of the organisational aspects of your work
  • Effective use of human and material resources
Health promotion
  • Integration of the concepts of health prevention, protection and promotion
  • Motivation to learn
  • Critical mind and reflexivity
  • Application of and respect for ethical principles
  • Respectful and rigorous professional attitude
  • Sense of responsibility
  • Ability to self-reflect
  Specific objectives of the psychiatry placement:
  • Knowledge of the psychiatric decision-making algorithms
  • Understanding the relationships with other medical disciplines
  • Applying reflexive reasoning by analysing, questioning, seeking answers, arguing, positioning oneself
  • Synthesising reflexive practice in 10 minutes
  • Assessing what has and hasn't been learnt
  • Making patients aware of healthy lifestyle habits and propose preventive interventions
  • Communicating quality information to patients
  • Collaborating with multidisciplinary teams
Specific objectives of the child and adolescent psychiatry placement:
  • Integrating the notion of continuum between normal and pathological, and understanding children from a contextual, family and school point of view in particular
  • Understanding the relationships with other medical disciplines, such as paediatrics
  • Applying reflexive reasoning by analysing, questioning, seeking answers, arguing, positioning oneself in relation to disorders that are complex and constantly changing owing to age
  • Synthesising reflexive practice
  • Assessing what has and hasn't been learnt
  • Make children and especially adolescents aware of healthy lifestyle habits and propose preventive interventions, that involve family and friends
  • Communicate quality information to the child and their family
  • Collaborate with multidisciplinary teams
For further details, please consult the placement objectives folder

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

This list is indicated in the overall course programme for the Master in Medicine.
At this stage of training (5th and 6th years), students have already participated in the following activities:
- learning in a healthy person and the general principles of disease, training in diagnosis, diseases and treatments
- observation in a hospital environment (80 h during the summer between Block 2 and Block 3 of the BAC, students first contact with a hospital environment)
- observation in general medicine (80 h, organised during the summer of the third year, illustrates the trajectory of patients whose symptoms began at home and require frontline care)
- observation I to IV (from Block 3 of the BAC and Block 2 of the master's)

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

At this stage in the training, placements constitute professional integration activities which students must devote themselves to on a full-time basis. The placements allow students to apply what they have learnt in a professional environment (classes, practical work and LCR).
An electronic placement logbook (eLogBook) is used as a learning and progressive support tool. In this journal, students are required to complete a clinical guide and list medical situations relating to Learning Clinical Reasoning (LCR) and Learning Clinical Communication (LCC), according to a reflexive framework. The objective of this eLogBook is to encourage working autonomously, with a critical and curious mind. The placement will close with a practical reflexive workshop.
Depending on the location of the placement, a video-recorded interview will be made and will be the subject of an interactive analysis with the placement supervisor.
An online course associated with the placement is available on eCampus. It integrates the learning process in association with the teaching of psychiatry and a toolbox (psychiatry medical observation guide, link to an illustrated application of psychiatric semiology).
The practical and specific conditions pertaining to the locations of every placement in psychiatry can also be found on eCampus.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face and distance learning

Course materials and recommended or required readings

Several proposed reference works made available to students.
The placement is centred around the theoretical aspects of psychiatry, medical psychology and child and adolescent psychiatry.
There is a toolbox on eCampus that includes the psychiatry system of reference, an illustrated semiology application (AESP), and a guide to medical observation in psychiatry

Read the assessment and deliberation conditions on the Faculty of Medicine's website: www.facmed.ulg.ac.be/examens
A piece of personal work will be requested, which is directly associated with clinical practice and the cases encountered: either bibliographical research into the particular disease of a patient, or a more overall synthesis of a problem encountered during the placement.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Placement lasting one full month per student, according to personal schedule details provided by Mme. I. Guisset (faculty's student affairs office). Every student must obtain a placement assessment sheet/placement book.                                                                                  
Concerning attendance during the placements, students are required to justify any absences to the placement coordinator and inform the latter as soon as possible.
Code of good practice:

  • before the start of your first placement, you must pay a EUR 10 deposit and acquire your ID badge as well as a set of work clothes from the linen department (at the university hospital, level -4, taking the central escalator down to that level); the department is open between 06:00 and 10:00.
  • it is essential you present yourself a bit before the beginning of the placement;
  • please ensure you show respect towards the patients and the care team (code of conduct, electronic health records, etc.);
  • please ensure you are dressed in a manner that will not offend patients and in compliance with the hospital's rules;
  • every student must have a white lab coat, their ID badge, and their stethoscope with them during their placements:
  • Specificities of the technical departments: Imaging, Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Therapy Department: Please present yourself beforehand at the places mentioned in the detailed schedule, with your ID card to receive a dosimeter.


The details of the clinical departments concerned are indicated in the documents sent to the students by Mrs. I. Guisset (faculty's student affairs office).

You can access the details of the university hospital's clinical departments by clicking on the following link: http://www.chu.ulg.ac.be/jcms/c_61986/annuaire-des-medecins/

Prof. G. Scantamburlo, Service de Psychiatrie et de Psychologie médicale, CHU de Liège, ULg

Gabrielle.Scantamburlo@uliege.be or psychiatrie@ulg.ac.be (04/366 79 60)

Pr J-M Triffaux, Hôpital de jour universitaire La Clé, 153 Boulevard de la Constitution, 4020 Liège

jmtriffaux@uliege.be (04/3426596)

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