2024-2025 / MSTG1005-1

Hospital internships in internal medicine

1st month of internship

2nd month of internship

3rd month of internship


1st month of internship : 1mois Internship
2nd month of internship : 1mois Internship
3rd month of internship : 1mois Internship

Number of credits

 Master in medicine (180 ECTS)9 crédits 


1st month of internship : Jo Caers, Frédéric Frippiat, Sophie Gillain, Guy Jerusalem, François Jouret , Patrizio Lancellotti, Renaud Louis, Edouard Louis, Pierre Maquet, Michel Moutschen, Nicolas Paquot, Patrick Pétrossians, Clio Ribbens
2nd month of internship : Jo Caers, Frédéric Frippiat, Sophie Gillain, Guy Jerusalem, François Jouret , Patrizio Lancellotti, Edouard Louis, Renaud Louis, Pierre Maquet, Michel Moutschen, Nicolas Paquot, Patrick Pétrossians, Clio Ribbens
3rd month of internship : Jo Caers, Frédéric Frippiat, Sophie Gillain, Guy Jerusalem, François Jouret , Patrizio Lancellotti, Edouard Louis, Renaud Louis, Pierre Maquet, Michel Moutschen, Nicolas Paquot, Patrick Pétrossians, Clio Ribbens

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

1st month of internship

Internships during which the student participates actively in the professional life of a hospital.
The training focuses on clinical (integration of reasoning and clinical approach) and patient approach in its entirety.
Respect for the patient, his family and the effective collaboration with other caregivers are in the foreground.
The professional secrecy is mandatory.

2nd month of internship

Internships during which the student participates actively in the professional life of a hospital.
The training focuses on clinical (integration of reasoning and clinical approach) and patient approach in its entirety.
Respect for the patient, his family and the effective collaboration with other caregivers are in the foreground.
The professional secrecy is mandatory.

3rd month of internship

Internships during which the student participates actively in the professional life of a hospital.
The training focuses on clinical (integration of reasoning and clinical approach) and patient approach in its entirety.
Respect for the patient, his family and the effective collaboration with other caregivers are in the foreground.
The professional secrecy is mandatory.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

1st month of internship

The objectives of the courses are determined from the physician's competency framework:

2nd month of internship

The objectives of the courses are determined from the physician's competency framework:

3rd month of internship

The objectives of the courses are determined from the physician's competency framework:

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

1st month of internship

This list is shown in the overall curriculum of the Master in Medicine.

2nd month of internship

This list is shown in the overall curriculum of the Master in Medicine.

3rd month of internship

This list is shown in the overall curriculum of the Master in Medicine.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

1st month of internship


2nd month of internship


3rd month of internship


Course materials and recommended or required readings

1st month of internship

Documents are available on MyUlg and/or ECampus.

2nd month of internship

Documents are available on MyUlg and/or ECampus.

3rd month of internship

Documents are available on MyUlg and/or ECampus.

1st month of internship

Assessment methods to evaluate the students and to deliberate are to be consulted on the website of the Faculty of Medicine : www.facmed.ulg.ac.be/examens

2nd month of internship

Assessment methods to evaluate the students and to deliberate are to be consulted on the website of the Faculty of Medicine : www.facmed.ulg.ac.be/examens

3rd month of internship

Assessment methods to evaluate the students and to deliberate are to be consulted on the website of the Faculty of Medicine : www.facmed.ulg.ac.be/examens

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

1st month of internship

Presence at 8am on the internship link

2nd month of internship

Presence at 8am on the internship link

3rd month of internship

Presence at 8am on the internship link


1st month of internship

Edouard Louis
Service de Gastroentérologie
CHU de Liège

2nd month of internship

Edouard Louis
Service de Gastroentérologie
CHU de Liège

3rd month of internship

Edouard Louis
Service de Gastroentérologie
CHU de Liège

Association of one or more MOOCs