2024-2025 / MSTG1004-1

Observation placements in general medicine


80h Internship

Number of credits

 Master in medicine (180 ECTS)1 crédit 


Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Activities and tasks

activity n°1 : accompaniment of the supervisor in his activities as a general practitioner
activity n°2 : meeting, in duo of students, twice, with patients at home

task n°1 : report, in an original way, the story of one or several patients which illustrates 1 concept, in groups of 3.
Assignment 2: post at least one photo on eCampus that illustrates MG for you and comment on it. One photo per group of 3.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of this course, each student will have acquired medical skills, will be able to understand the characteristics of the discipline of General Medicine, the functions of the General Practitioner, the role of the 1st line of care and the patient's journey from one line of care to another in the health system.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Possible prerequisites + possible remedial measures

6 hours of general medicine courses BAC 3

MEGE1162-1 General principles of general medicine

Before the training course

Students see a PPT commented on "communication": follow-up of the "communication" notions approached in the Bac3 course: non-verbal aspect of the consultation which creates a listening climate, having a coherence between non-verbal (kinetic) and verbal messages, beginning the collection of information: initial questions and facilitators, during the collection of information: questions-questions-statements, research of the patient's perspective...

Training course opening  for students:

1st day of the training period:2h

presentation of the course

Head to toe workshop: ergonomically structured clinical examination on a simulated patient

HTA workshop: blood pressure measurement and self-measurement

Diagnostic landscape

exchanges and questions and answers on the TAP and HTA workshops

Distribution of the WONCA concepts

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The activities, their precise instructions and the homework to be done are developed on ecampus Introductory course in General Medicine 80h St. (MeGe 1) MSTG1004-1

Planned activities (lectures, labs, exercises, visits...) Learning methods

Before the course
Students view...

PPT commented "communication": follow-up of the "communication" notions discussed during the Bac3 course: non-verbal aspect of the consultation which creates a listening climate, have coherence between non-verbal (kinaesthetic) and verbal messages, start the collecting information: initial questions and facilitators, during the collecting information: questions-cross-linking of questions-statements, search for the patient's perspective...

Opening of the internship for students
1st day of the training period : 2h

Presentation of the training course
diagnostic landscape
exchanges and Q&A on TAP and HTA workshop
Distribution of WONCA concepts
Training course


Activity 0 Self-assessment of the student, accompanied by his internship supervisor With your internship supervisor, assess your learning needs at the start of the internship and organize the learning activities together to achieve this, based on a proposed grid


Activity 1
- to support the Trainee Master in his activities as a General Practitioner.
- to carry out technical acts under the supervision of the company tutor.

Activity 2

Visits, in duo of students, on 2 occasions, of patients at home.
Answer questions about eCampus (reflective moment)

Work 1 (in trio)
Tell the story of one or more patients who illustrate a word, a concept... in an original way "astonish us".

Work 2 (in trio)
Take and post on ecampus a photo (the same for the trio) that represents General Medicine for the student.
Closing of the internship for students
Last day of the training period: 3h

Debriefing of the course
Presentation work 1
Presentation work 2
WONCA presentation: PPT commented

The activities, their precise instructions and the homework to be done are developed on ecampus Introductory course in General Medicine 80h St. (MeGe 1) MSTG1004-1

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face to face

The activities, their precise instructions and the homework to be done are developed depending on the pandemic context or not on ecampus Introductory course in General Medicine 80h St. (MeGe 1) MSTG1004-1

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Written work / report

Additional information:

Evaluation of each student by the company tutor, based on a grid*

- evaluation of work n° 1 by the tutor, on the basis of a grid*

- evaluation of work n° 2 by the facilitator, based on a grid*

- validation of activities 0, 1 and 2 on eCampus by validators General practitioners

- student's opinion on the internship location (confidential)

* all grids are posted on ecampus and communicated to students

! Any unjustified absence at the opening and closing will prevent the validation of the course.

Work placement(s)


Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Contact Secretariat of General Medicine : Stéphanie Jérôme sjerome@uliege.be

2 mailings are sent to students:

1) the first one in November (with the internship announcement letter)

2) the second one in February (with the letter, the schedule, the form).

This form is to be returned to the MG Secretariat at the end of May.


Course calendar (times and dates, deadlines to be respected) : on eCampus

-2 days and 1/2 : support for the practice of the Trainee Master-General Practitioner (and the team, possibly)
- 1/2 day: preparation of work in groups of students
- 2X1/2 day: interview with a patient


Any unjustified absence at the opening and closing will prevent the validation of the course.

!The whole course is based around the eCampus space: all the resources, tools, documents... are there. Students should be attentive to any information posted on eCampus and any mail sent by the GM Department.

The student is expected to carry out an internship effectively and to write his or her own homework activities on ecampus. Collaboration between students is welcome.


The secretariat of the Department of General Medicine is accessible by email at sjerome@uliege.be Ms Stéphanie Jérôme

Association of one or more MOOCs