2024-2025 / MMEM9012-1



Number of credits

 Master in biomedicine, research focus28 crédits 
 Master in biomedicine, professional focus in biomedical data management28 crédits 
 Master in biomedicine, professional focus in quality assurance28 crédits 
 Master in biomedicine, professional focus in clinical research management28 crédits 




Rachelle Franzen

Language(s) of instruction

English language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Laboratory or industry work, as part of the preparation of the Master thesis in biomedical sciences

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of his Master thesis, the student will be able:

- to carry out certain laboratory techniques independently

- to understand the techniques used

- to analyze results and present them in the form of scientific figures

- to interpret the results and compare them to the literature

- to write a dissertation (introduction, strategy, material and methods, results, discussion conclusion, perspectives, ...)

- to present his work in front of a jury

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The student must have obtenaid his/her 180  BACHELOR credits.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Full time work within host laboratory/industry

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

A Vade-Mecum will be made available to students to guide them in the preparation of the manuscript and the oral defense.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Additional information:

Evaluation declines in diffrents parts:

- JANUARY Session: Oral examination, based on poster presentation in front of a
jury composed of 3 membres. Poster will present the research topic and objectives, the experimental strategy, as well as the techniques and methods used. 

- JUNE session: 

  • manuscript deposit date: June , 2024
  • oral defenses: July  2024
  • Deadline for postponing the thesis to the 2nd session: April 12, 2024. Any request to postpone the submission of the thesis and its defense to the 2nd session must be justified, documented and argued. Beyond this date, any late request for postponement will be taken into account in the final grade (see compliance with instructions).


- Poster presentation (January) : 15% of the global note

 - Promoter evaluation: 25% of the global note
This evaluation takes into account various criteria:
Punctuality, organization of work, integration into the host laboratory, motivation, initiative, sense of responsibility, mobilization of knowledge, scientific curiosity, technical skill, respect for protocols and tools, ability to interpret the results, degree of independence for writing the

- Evaluation  of the manuscript by the jury members: 20% of the global note

- Evaluation of the oral defense: 40% of the global note (15% for the quality of the presentation and 25% for the quality of the answers to the jury's questions).


PLEASE NOTE: If the student obtains a grade of less than 10/20 for the "quality of answers to questions" part during the oral session in June, the student will have to represent his/her work orally at the next session. If at the end of the second session this minimum mark of 10/20 is not reached, the student will not be credited for his/her thesis.

Moreover, penalty will be applicable for NON COMPLIANCE with the instructions (for example, failure to respect the submission date of the manuscript, post-pone to the second session announced after the deadline or for an unjustified reason).

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

For the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): www.facmed.uliege.be/rgpd


Dr Rachelle FRANZEN

Association of one or more MOOCs