2024-2025 / MMEM0001-1

Final thesis in physiotherapy and rehabilitation


Number of credits

 Master in physiotherapy and rehabilitation (60 ECTS)15 crédits 



Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The thesis requested during the last grade of the master in Physiotherapy consists in an original research work in one of the clinical domains related to Kinesitherapy or in one more fundamental doamain in relation to the biomedical modules.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

  • To develop one scientific spirit.
  • To develop student's autonomy, particularly by organization and follow up of experimentations (in close relationship with th epromotor), and the critiacl analysis of the scientific literature.
  • To promote initiative et to develop student's capabilities to evaluate and discuss the findings produced by his/her original research

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Information by Prof. Y. HENROTIN Semester 1 Master Physiotherapy.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Practical activity integrated into the data collecting.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Work is planned during the whole academic year. The writing part of the thesis must be finished at the end of the second semester.

The slide show prepared by Prof. Y. HENROTIN is available on the Website (MyULg).

The evaluation procedures are described in detail in a document entitled "Regulations and Guidelines for ISEPK Briefs", available on myULiège.
The thesis must propose one manuscrpt (almost 35, max. 50 pages), including introduction, review of literature, purposes of the study, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, references.
This thesis is defended in front of one jury determined by the Study Council. The defence is organized during the first session (June) or during the second session (September).

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Monsieur Sébastien WOLFS (Coordinateur pédagogique de la Filière Kinésithérapie et Réadaptation) Institut Supérieur d'Education Physique et de Kinésithérapie - Bât. B21, Quartier Blanc Gravier, Allée des Sports, 2, 4000 LIEGE Tél. : 04/366.35.77 E-mail : sebastien.wolfs@uliege.be
Prof. Didier MAQUET (Président du Conseil des études) Institut Supérieur d'Education Physique et de Kinésithérapie - Bât. B21, Quartier Blanc Gravier, Allée des Sports, 2, 4000 LIEGE Tél. : 04/366.39.27 Fax : 04/366.29.01 E-mail : D.Maquet@uliege.be 
Dr C. DEMOULIN (Jury permanent) (Christophe.Demoulin@uliege.be - Tél. : 04/366.38.97).
Secrétariat : A. DEPAIFVE (adepaifve@uliege.be - 04/366.38.90) et A. HANSSEN (ahanssen@uliege.be - 04/366.38.97).

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