2024-2025 / MICR0712-2

Transmissible diseases and vaccines


20h Th

Number of credits


Marie-Pierre Hayette, Nathalie Jacobs


Marie-Pierre Hayette

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Two lecturers will give the course:
Prof. Marie-Pierre Hayette: Microbiology and infectious diseases: epidemiology, transmission mode, examples of transmissible diseases (Microbiology)
Prof. Nathalie Jacobs: Concepts of medical virology (Virology)
Infectious diseases control will be integrated in both parts.


This course will provide basic concepts of microbiology and the control of infectious diseases. As students are from different backgrounds, the first part of the course will provide a refreshment of basic knowledge on microorganisms and viruses. This upgrade will deal with the concepts that will be addressed in the second part and particularly affecting the transmission of infectious diseases and their control.

In the second part of the course a few infectious diseases will be discussed including epidemiology, clinical forms, diagnosis, prevention and treatment.
Examples of diseases covered: tuberculosis, infections sexually transmitted, AIDS

Microbiology table of contents
 I. Epidemiology of infectious diseases II. Mode of tranmission, control. III. Example of transmissible diseases: whooping cough, tuberculosis, sexually transmissible diseases.

Virology table of contents
I. Host defense against viral infections
II. Virus biology: structure, viral cycles, mode of transmission, viral infection detection
III. Viral infection prevention: vaccines
IV: Antiviral drugs

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

To know the main characteristics and their peculiarities of microorganisms and viruses, as well as the main modes of transmission.
To know and understand infectious disease control.
Be able to summarize, present and criticise scientific papers.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Recommended optional programme: general microbiology course (Bloc2)

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course will be given in two ways: general concepts will be presented in the lecture with support for slide show and videos (available on eCampus).

The second part of the course will be devoted to tutorials in the form of presentation and discussion of scientific papers related to the theme of the course. Students, in groups of 2 or individually, will present the theme they have chosen to their peers in an oral presentation with supporting slides. Each presentation will be evaluated and included in the final evaluation.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face, podcasts, visioconferences, interactions via Forum or group work

Medical microbiology-MIMS Collaborateurs-Mosy Europe ed. 4th edition, 2019.

Virology initiation: http://www.afd-ld.org/~fdp_viro



Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

Written work / report

Additional information:

The exam will be written examination with multiple-choice questions (MCQs, 60%) and two short-answer questions (20%). The evaluation of the presentation will account for 20% of the final result.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Prof. Marie-Pierre Hayette
Department of Clinical Microbiology
Tour de Pathologie (B23)
CHU Sart Tilman - 4000 LIEGE
Tél: 04-366.22.90
Fax: 04-366.24.40
Email: mphayette@uliege.be

Prof. Nathalie Jacobs
Cellular and Molecular Immunology-Virology
Avenue de l'Hôpital B23. B-4000 Liège
Tel. +32 4 3662420

Association of one or more MOOCs