15h Th
Number of credits
Bachelor in physiotherapy and rehabilitation | 2 crédits |
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the second semester
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
As current guidelines advocate evidence-based practice (EBP) management, this course will address this approach to physiotherapy management.
This course will also develop critical thinking skills, learn about the qualities of a good scientific study and how to obtain quality information.
These elements are essential for all health professionals given the amount of information available today and the need to be able to find reliable sources of information and to analyse the information provided.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
At the end of the course, the student will:
-have improved his/her critical reasoning
- be aware of the EBP approach
- know the main qualities of a good scientific study
- be familiar with the different strategies for finding quality information
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
- Courses ex cathedra
- Discussions
- Questions and answers.
- Videos
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Face-to-face course
Additional information:
Face-to-face course
Additional information:
Course materials and recommended or required readings
"Evidence based practice en rééducation: Démarche pour une pratique raisonnée" by Adrien Pallot
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )
Additional information:
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
written exam
Additional information:
This course is subject to a written exam. The questions may cover the entire subject.
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
See timetable at the beginning of the semester.
Prof DEMOULIN C. - ISEPK - Bât. B21
Tél : 04/366.38.95 - email : Christophe.Demoulin@uliege.be
Secretary : Annette HANSSEN or Steve JASPAR (04/366.38.97) or Annie DEFAIFVE (04/366.38.90)
Pedagogic coordinator : sebastien.wolfs@uliege.be