2024-2025 / MCPH2017-3

Organization and hospital management elements

Organization and management

Accounting and financial management

General concepts of management and quality management


Organization and management : 9h Th
Accounting and financial management : 9h Th
General concepts of management and quality management : 18h Th

Number of credits

 Advanced Master in Hospital Pharmacy5 crédits 


Organization and management : Hugues Malonne
Accounting and financial management : Magali Pirson
General concepts of management and quality management : Viviane Lievin, Didier Van Caillie


Didier Van Caillie

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

General concepts of management and quality management

This course discusses the main management principles that are useful for managing a pharmaceutical business unit in an healthcare organization (HCO). Organized in 2 parts, it discusses successively :

  • The main management principles in an organization viewed as a portfolio of financial, human, technical and intangible resources, resources that have to be coordinated and motivated by each manager in an efficient perspective in order to allow that its global organization be able to reach regularly the many objectives that are awaited by its stakeholders.
  • The main quality and security management principles in an HCO, taking into account its diverse constraints.
This course integrates an application of the concepts and methods considered during the course to an organizational change management project in the hospital pharmacy in which the internship is realized and a presentation of this project to the other students.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

General concepts of management and quality management

The Intended Learning Outcomes for this course are :

  • Ability to read and understand texts, documents and concepts from the managerial and economic literature, in order to implement good management practices, total quality management practices and security management practices in a pharmaceutical business unit in an HCO.
  • Ability to understand a classical management problem in this type of business unit, ability to identify its determinants and constraints and to propose a coherent solution, based and argued on rigorous arguments.
  • Ability to express in a rigorous and clear way any management problem, its components and its constraints, either verbally or in a written form.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

General concepts of management and quality management


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

General concepts of management and quality management

  • Theoretical concepts (ex-caethedra) : 8 hours
  • Case studies : 8 hours

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

General concepts of management and quality management

Blended learning

Additional information:

A first class session is traditionally held on the first Monday of February and presents the theoretical concepts and tools used.

A second interactive session is traditionally held on the third Monday of April and allows for a presentation and discussion of practical cases carried out by the students in their hospital pharmacy.



General concepts of management and quality management

Required readings provided at the start of the first course in a PDF format

General concepts of management and quality management

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Additional information:

  • Individual report to prepare and to present during the second course session


Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

General concepts of management and quality management

Dates and rooms are updated regularly in the general planning of the year, depending on the Covid context


General concepts of management and quality management

For any contact :
Prof. D. Van Caillie : d.vancaillie@ulg.ac.be

Association of one or more MOOCs