2024-2025 / MCER2048-1


Aspects technologiques particuliers pour les médicaments radiopharmaceutiques

Radiopharmacologie des médicaments radiopharmaceutiques

Aspects réglementaires particuliers des médicaments radiopharmaceutiques

Analyse et contrôle de qualité appliqués aux médicaments radiopharmaceutiques


Aspects technologiques particuliers pour les médicaments radiopharmaceutiques : 10h Th
Radiopharmacologie des médicaments radiopharmaceutiques : 15h Th
Aspects réglementaires particuliers des médicaments radiopharmaceutiques : 5h Th
Analyse et contrôle de qualité appliqués aux médicaments radiopharmaceutiques : 10h Th

Number of credits

 University certificate in radiopharmacy - long training8 crédits 
 University certificate in radiopharmacy - short training8 crédits 


Aspects technologiques particuliers pour les médicaments radiopharmaceutiques : Mallory Salvé
Radiopharmacologie des médicaments radiopharmaceutiques : Mallory Salvé
Aspects réglementaires particuliers des médicaments radiopharmaceutiques : Mallory Salvé
Analyse et contrôle de qualité appliqués aux médicaments radiopharmaceutiques : Mallory Salvé


Mallory Salvé

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Radiopharmacologie des médicaments radiopharmaceutiques

This course is an introduction to the use of ionizing radiation in the field of health, especially radiopharmaceuticals used for diagnosis and therapy.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Radiopharmacologie des médicaments radiopharmaceutiques

On successful completion of this course, the student will have a basic training in:

  • The different types of ionizing radiation used in medicine;
  • The applications related to the use of these radiations (diagnosis or therapy) and some laboratory applications;
  • The patterns of production and analysis of the different radiopharmaceuticals;
  • The risks related to the use of radioactivity.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Radiopharmacologie des médicaments radiopharmaceutiques

Nuclear medicine and radiopharmacy are areas involved at the interface between physics, chemistry and biology. Physical basic knowledge is needed to understand how scientists generate ionizing radiations that are useful in medicine and how these radiations interact with biological material. Inorganic and organic chemistry concepts are essential to understand the methods of manufacture, purification and analysis of radioactive molecules used as active ingredients of radiopharmaceuticals. To understand how will distribute the in-vivo administered tracers, pharmacology, physiology and cellular biochemical mechanisms are the necessary tools. This multidisciplinary approach is both the difficulty and the attractiveness of radiopharmaceuticals.
A good knowledge of basic concepts previously taught in physic,  biology and chemistry, is essential to understand this course.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Radiopharmacologie des médicaments radiopharmaceutiques

Presential lecture courses.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Radiopharmacologie des médicaments radiopharmaceutiques


Course materials and recommended or required readings

Radiopharmacologie des médicaments radiopharmaceutiques

CNRS France / Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et Physique des Particules

Radiopharmacologie des médicaments radiopharmaceutiques

Oral exam with written preparation.

Work placement(s)

Radiopharmacologie des médicaments radiopharmaceutiques


Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Radiopharmacologie des médicaments radiopharmaceutiques



Radiopharmacologie des médicaments radiopharmaceutiques

Aerts Joël

Association of one or more MOOCs