30h Th
Number of credits
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
All year long, with partial in January
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
The course is designed as a seminar focusing on the question of sociolinguistic survey. It requires the active participation of students.
The first sessions are devoted to the discussion of the following topics :
- empiricism and inductive methods in linguistics
- data processing
- ethics
Work instructions are then identified and students are invited to submit a personal investigation topic. The topics are discussed and evaluated collectively.
After the validation of the topics, each student conducts its survey. The seminar sessions are then devoted to the presentation of work-in-progress reports.
The seminar ends with the submission of a written report (1 A4 page) and an individual oral presentation, which stands for the final examination.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
- define a sociolinguistic topic;
- establish a brief state of the art on that topic;
- use a relevant method of observation;
- conduct a fieldwork;- propose an analysis of the results (written and oral).
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
To attend this course, students must - have a good oral and written command of French.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The course is designed as a seminar. Most of the classes will take the form of a discussion between the students and the teacher about the inquiries.Each student will make short oral presentations about his chosen topic, his state of the art, his fieldwork, his interpretation of the results. Other students will be asked to respond to each presentation.
Students can consult the teacher at all stages of this work.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Face-to-face course
Additional information:
See section above.
Course materials and recommended or required readings
Platform(s) used for course materials:
- MyULiège
Further information:
No syllabus is proposed.
Mandatory readings:
Blanchet (Philippe), La linguistique de terrain, méthode et théorie. Une approche ethnosociolinguistique de la complexité, 2e édition, Rennes, PUR, 2012. [excerpts]
Hambye (Philippe), « L'ethnographie comme méthode d'enquête sociolinguistique : "faire preuve" à partir d'un cas singulier ? », Langage et société, 2015/4, 154, p. 83-97 [disponible en ligne].
Boitel (Quentin), « Les mots de la faim : rendre compte de la violence en sociolinguistique », Cahiers internationaux de sociolinguistique, 2023/1, 22, p. 79-88 [disponible en ligne].
Calvet (Louis-Jean) & Dumont (Pierre) (dir.), L'Enquête sociolinguistique, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1999. [excerpts]
Traverso (Véronique), L'analyse des conversations, Paris, Armand Colin, coll. « 128 », 2007. [excerpts]
Fracchiolla (Béatrice) & Moïse (Claudine), « Je suis émue et je te haine », dans La Haine en discours, sous la dir. de N. Lorenzi Bailly et Cl. Moïse, Lormont, Le Bord de l'eau, 2021, p. 15-44.
Quignard (Matthieu) et al., « Une méthode instrumentée pour l'analyse multidimensionnelle des tonalités émotionnelles dans l'interaction », Congrès Mondial de Linguistique française. SHS Web of Conferences, 27, 15004, 2016 [disponible en ligne].
Bertrand (Roxanne) et al., « L'observation et l'analyse des affects dans l'interaction », dans Les Émotions dans les interactions, sous la dir. de Chr. Plantin, M. Doury et V. Traverso, Lyon, Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2000, p. 169-181.
Bretegnier (Aude), « Le mépris en sociolinguistique : exploration qualitative », Lidil. Revue de linguistique et de didactique des langues, 61, 2020 [disponible en ligne].
Ukhova (Polina), « De l'expression du mépris au marquage d'une solidarité : l'emploi ontotypique de cassos, beauf, bolos, crevard, kéké et kikoo dans les discours spontanés entre jeunes », Lidil. Revue de linguistique et de didactique des langues, 61, 2020 [disponible en ligne].
Fracchiolla (Béatrice), « L'euphémisme, marcofigure discursive du discours haineux. L'exemple du débat entre Emmanuel Macron et Marine Le Pen et ses reprises dans la presse francophone », Repères DoRiF, 26 Les discours de haine dans les médias : des discours radicaux à l'extrémisation des discours publics, 2022 [disponible en ligne]
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
oral exam
Written work / report
Continuous assessment
Additional information:
Assessment will focus on:
- a written summary (1 page) of the inquiry;
- a discussion with the teacher;
- the participation in the seminar.
For the first two items, assessment will take into account:
- the originality and clarity in the choice and definition of the topic;
- the relevance of the methods;
- the quality of the interpretation of the results;
- the consistency of the speech;
- editorial and linguistic care.
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
The teacher will meet the students who are interested in this course, on Friday 4th of September 2024, at 13.30 AM, at A2/6/8.
If you are unavailable on this date, please contact the teacher by e-mail (Francois.Provenzano@uliege.be).
The schedule of sessions for Q1 is as follows:
- Friday 4/10 (welcome and general information)
- Friday 25/10
- Friday 08/11
- Friday 22/11
- Friday 13/12
The schedule of sessions for Q2 will be drawn up in consultation with the students concerned.
François PROVENZANO, Professor
Département de Langues et littératures françaises et romanes
Service de Sciences du langage et rhétorique
Place Cockerill, 3-5, bât. A2, 4000 Liège.
Tél. 04 366 56 45
Mail : Francois.Provenzano@ulg.ac.be
Surgery hours: Wednesdays, from 9.30 to 11, office A2/4/4
Ariane Nusgens : 04 366 56 50